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Rated: E · Book · Entertainment · #2268464
Entries to Express It In Eight from September 2020 to the present .
The number of poems enforces the use of blog format with ten poems per page.
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March 4, 2022 at 11:58am
March 4, 2022 at 11:58am
The Man Behind the Curtain

And I, silent and gloomy as I am,
would have an even darker side,
to be aired abroad, I don’t think so,
the pivotal word in Mark Twain’s quote
being that single “never.”

Darkness is dispelled by light,
secrets the stuff of gossip.
Who’d make a liar of Sam Clemens?

Line count: 8
Free verse
For Express It In Eight, 11.09.21
March 4, 2022 at 11:57am
March 4, 2022 at 11:57am

And I thought they liked coffee,
I thought it was caffeine kicked them into gear,
I thought it was hot, steaming, evil, black coffee
they liked, but how wrong I was,
they waxed lyrical telling of coffee,
praising its virtues, its morning boost,
I thought they meant coffee, but now it appears
they all drink cappuccino, whatever that is.

Line count: 8
Free verse
For Express It In Eight, 11.08.21
Prompt: National Cappuccino Day.
Note: I have never been in a Starbucks. The reason is that they have a huge range of concoctions with strange names, none of which means a thing to me. It has always been apparent that, if you need a coffee, an honest, unadulterated, black coffee, Starbucks is not the place to go. If you wanted a shave, you wouldn’t visit a hairdresser, would you?
March 4, 2022 at 11:56am
March 4, 2022 at 11:56am

I searched the stores
without avail,
bazaar, department, every door,
in the stalls and even sales,
upstairs, downstairs,
all I could remember,
but, in all those varied wares,
it seemed there was no vember.

Line count: 8
Rhymed abab
For Express It In Eight, 11.06.21
Prompt: November.
March 4, 2022 at 11:54am
March 4, 2022 at 11:54am

Drifting I know,
letting the wind take me
wherever it goes,
a way to be free.

The wind it knows
about being free,
and where to go,
or so it told me.

Line count: 8
Rhymed abab abab
For Express It In Eight, 11.05.21
Prompt: Drifter.
March 4, 2022 at 11:53am
March 4, 2022 at 11:53am

A short break and I returned,
to the world where anything could happen,
the land of hopes and dreams,
the place of triumph and elation,
only to find it gone, mysteriously vanished,
leaving only a void of despair.

My world ended, I cry aloud,
“Oh no, Writing dot Com is down!”

Line count: 8
Free verse
For Express It In Eight, 11.04.21
Prompt: The day you thought the world ended.
March 4, 2022 at 11:52am
March 4, 2022 at 11:52am
A Moral Tale

Cheap knives are chamfered
along one side of the blade only,
this leading to misdirection
of the cut, slipping away from
the intent. Real knives
are chamfered on both sides
and are straight and true
in the slice. Don’t be cheap.

Line count: 8
Free verse
For Express It In Eight, 11.03.21
Prompt: Knife.
March 4, 2022 at 11:50am
March 4, 2022 at 11:50am

Mole hunter she was, our Staffie*
brindled, broad and beautiful,
digging at the molehill,
nose down, forelegs scrabbling.
She never caught a thing,
but one day a man came up,
mole in hand, charcoal dark,
we stroked its silken fur.

Line count: 8
Free verse
For Express It In Eight, 11.02.21
Prompt: Write a poem about your childhood, either a single event or a general observation.
* Staffie - Abbreviation for Staffordshire Bull Terrier.
March 4, 2022 at 11:49am
March 4, 2022 at 11:49am

Late last night I woke,
hearing the wind hissing in the trees,
tugging at the house,
sending a garbage bin banging
down the street.
For a moment I feared for the power,
savaged by the gale, but then
I snuggled down and slept.

Line count: 8
Free verse
For Express It In Eight, 11.01.21
Prompt: Lying in bed at night, listening to the wind or the rain outside.
March 4, 2022 at 11:28am
March 4, 2022 at 11:28am

Are you sure, are you sure
you navigated aright?
I know you planned the tour
and were up half the night,
but this doesn’t look like Spain
(I saw some penguins twice),
that was snow last night, not rain,
and those are cliffs of ice.

Line count: 8
Rhymed abab
For Express It In Eight, 10.31.21
Prompt: Photo of red-sailed yacht in front of glacier with red moon rising.
March 4, 2022 at 11:27am
March 4, 2022 at 11:27am
Astronomy Domine

Eyes on the sky,
counting stars,
wondering why
no life on Mars.
Errant asteroids,
vivid nebulae
filling the void,
the discs will see.

Line count: 8
Rhymed abab
For express It In Eight, 10.30.21
Prompt: Illustration of astronomical discs.

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