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Rated: ASR · Book · Contest · #2268413
A place to keep my entries for various contests and challenges
This book is not only a place to create, keep, and store contest entries, it's also a log of items that may one day become something more.
December 31, 2023 at 4:36pm
December 31, 2023 at 4:36pm
For "Andre's Old2New Years Party"  

What is your favorite thing to do at parties: Eat, drink, dance, chat, get wild, watch TV/movies, ... Why yes, that's it! Well, if the foods good I enjoy it and depending on the type of party, drinking (in moderation) is also enjoyable. It's been quite some time since I've been out dancing, but I don't remember (not saying I did or didn't) dancing at a party. Talking and socializing are a must or I won't be long at the party. TV/movies is a bust, I can do that at home and I don't really get wild at parties either.

What stories do people tell about you when you went to a party or that you like to tell about yourself at a party? I really can't think of anything, people are usually talking about other people who were dancing on tables or getting wild. I would guess some people may talk about how I tend to be quiet and off to myself more than in the midst of things.

At midnight between Dec 31 and Jan 1, how do you normally follow the tradition to "ring out the old and ring in the new" (bells, drums, barking like a dog, firecrackers, fireworks, just quietly watching TV, . . . ? How do your neighbors make noise to celebrate and what's your thoughts on that? I really don't ring in the New Year with lots of noise or anything, although howling like a wolf may be entertaining. As a kid we usually had some kind of noise maker we would blow at midnight. Our tradition for the switch between years is to listen to the countdown and sing in the New Year with Auld Lang Syne; we also have a toast at midnight. No, not a piece of toast, a drink in honor of the end and the beginning of the next. Since we live in the country, there's no one to bother or be bothered by.

Have you ever written or read a story about a New Years party? Tell us about it or tell us a story about a fictional New Years Party. Include genre and main characters and summarize what it was about. No, I have never written or read anything about a New Years party. As for telling you a story based on this, I would need time and it would likely ensure I don't finish this entry until next year. I will share an idea, however.

I would do a romance story or something pretty hot and steamy with some good humor tossed in. Most likely it would need to be rated 18+. But that's all I'm going to say for now, you'll just have to wait for the book/story...


A proud member of "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

"Reading soothes the soul, writing sets it free." T.J.
December 30, 2023 at 6:03pm
December 30, 2023 at 6:03pm
For "Andre's Old2New Years Party"  

Andre's throwing a costume party? I wonder what his costume will be? Me, I'd thought about going as Mrs. Doubtfire, a costume idea I did many years back. I had a borrowed dress that surprisingly fit me that looked like the one in the movie. A friend had a wig, and she also assisted with my make-up. The most difficult part was body hair, and I have plenty (not as much as Andre, but that's neither here nor there). My friends idea was to use Nair Hair Removal Creme, but after two attempts, I still ended up shaving my legs and my chest. We won't talk a out the misery I went through when the hair began to return. There were a few different options for boobs, but I ended up using water balloons to give the needed bounce.

For Andre's party, however, I decided to save myself the itch and problems associated with this costume. I want something comfortable to wear, easy to assemble, and something that won't take nearly as long, since I'm late getting ready and don't have a fairy godmother to assist. For this shindig, I'll simply put on a pair of old pair of worn jeans, my cowboy boots, a western style shirt I seldom wear, and my poncho. I'll top it off with my sweat-stained, well worn stetson and my pair of .44 back powder revolvers (unloaded of course). Think of Clint Eastwood in "Lone Plains Drifter", and another plus, I won't have to shave!

I'll be drinking bourbon with water and ice; it's my preferred drink and it ties in well with the drifter costume. If this was a pot luck, I'd bring a couple of banana cream pies. I make mine with homemade vanilla pudding; I start with a graham cracker crust lined with sliced bananas, pour the pudding in while it's still hot, and then after it's cooled, garnish the top with another layer of sliced bananas and cover with real whipped cream. Other than desert, I'm not picky, us drifters will eat damned near anything.

I could bring my own tin plate if Andre is serving beans, that also would go well with the costume! I like using canned beans, they're just easier. Any kind of white beans, some thick cut bacon, chopped onions, a dash of red pepper flakes, and Ole West Barbecue sauce make an easy but delightful pot of beans.

Added content: I missed the most unusual food and drink, so I'm editing it in now. That means the word count is a bit higher than listed... So sue me! Anyway, while I think on the food, I can say the most unusual beverage I had was a Bloody Brain. I'm not sure what's in it, I do know it's has Jägermeister, cream, and I think grenadine. I do know the cream is in first, then the booze, so the cream curdles. The grenadine is drizzled into the snot like shot to give the "blood" to the brains (the Jägermeister and cream curdle looks a lot like a miniature brain in the glass. It goes down like one big snotty glob, it doesn't taste very good, and it looks horrid. The strangest food was a snack served at the same New Years Eve party. One of the guests brought a barbecued dish that actually didn't taste that bad, but toasted or roasted grasshoppers in barbecue sauce isn't something that should be served to people who are drinking "Bloody Brains" if you know what I mean.

The Banana Bar is in a small town (real small) near where I live called Ottertail. Yes, that's spelled correctly, Ottertail is in Otter Tail County right next to Otter Tail Lake. Why is it Ottertail for the town? A misspelling when the town was chartered, or so the story goes. Anyway, there's a bar and restaurant called the Wood Shed that serves terrific food, a large selection of beers including some micro-brewery beers, and it has lots of room. It's a quaint, older building that has wonderful atmosphere, and since it's located less than a quarter mile from the Otter Tail County Sheriff, there's seldom any trouble.

How does one get there? It depends on where you're coming from! Seriously, punch it in Google Maps; I don't have time to write up a bunch of directions for people driving from other locations, I'll end up missing all the fun at the bar!

If anyone needs lodging, there is a nice place in Ottertail not far from the bar. It's by the golf course, so it's pretty fancy and comfortable, but in my opinion, the food wasn't anything worth writing home about and the service was pretty slow. I haven't dined there in over a year, so it may have gotten better. Perhaps it was just something that night, but for what I spent, I didn't feel it was worth a return trip to see if changed; not when The Wood Shed "Invalid Item is just a hop, skip, and a jump up the road. Speaking of which, is Andre providing a shuttle bus?

What? The most interesting place I've ever went to a party? I probably shouldn't say! But, since you asked, I once went to a part while I was in the Air Force that was held, discreetly, at the end of the runway at Ellsworth AFB. A group of us covertly set up a couple of picnic tables and carried in some coolers with snacks and beer after dark. We used a service entrance to gain entry inside the fence, and enjoyed a few hours of drinking before all hell broke lose.

The night we picked to party was, unfortunately, the start of a major, joint military operation; we soon had thundering B-52s taking off and landing right over us (I'm talking about ten feet over). Between aircraft landing lights and strobing runway lights, it didn't take long for us to be spotted. Things did not go well after the SPs (Security Police)arrived.

A proud member of "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

"Reading soothes the soul, writing sets it free." T.J.
December 17, 2023 at 7:06pm
December 17, 2023 at 7:06pm
It's been a while since I wrote in here, and to be honest, I wasn't thinking about writing anything until after I stopped by "Invalid Item. I thought I'd see how the holiday decorating was coming along, have a Brass Monkey or two, order a basket of deep-fried banana-chips, and chat for a bit.

I had just sat down at the bar when Andre lumbered over and jumped up on the stool next to me. "Hey Chimp, what's up?" I asked in a friendly tone.

"Been busy decorating and making a batch of banana rum for the holidays while you've been slacking." Andre snapped back, indicating he was behind on his drinking and in a not to pleasant mood.

"You know how it is, with all the holiday stuff going on, shopping, and taking Max, my Husky, to the vet. I've just been kind of busy myself."

"Too busy to write any blog entries? How long does it take to write a few paragraphs? If you're as busy as you say, you should have plenty to write about. Besides, wasn't it you that asked me about a December challenge?"

I just looked down in shame and nodded. Andre watched me, but didn't say anymore, so after a minute, maybe two, I looked at him and admitted my guilt in not writing. "You're right, I should have made time to write a bit here and there. I'll get something written after I have Brass Monkey."

He shook his head. "No drinks until you have another blog entry done!" He was pointing at the door.

"Just a quick drink and then I'll go write."

Andre started to sing, and it went like this... (Baby It's Cold Outside was playing on the Jukebox)

Andre- "You really can't stay."
Me- "Monkey, it's cold outside."
Andre- "You've got to go away."
Me- "Monkey, it's cold outside."
Andre- "But your blog has been..."
Me- "Just thought that I'd drop in."
Andre- "Blank each night."
Andre- "I'll kick your ass if you don't write!"

He laughed, I laughed, he jumped down and looked quite serious at me and pointed again toward the door. I saw the ape-like determination in his eyes and nodded, "Yes, I'll go write an entry."

As I walked out the door, I heard him say, "I 'spect I'll see you later; I'll by you a drink if I like your entry."

Note to self: Don't call Andre Chimp, not even in good humor.

A proud member of "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

"Reading soothes the soul, writing sets it free." T.J.
December 4, 2023 at 5:49pm
December 4, 2023 at 5:49pm
The other day I stopped in at "Invalid Item and had an interesting chat with Andre. I had inquired if he planned (or had the staff plan) an event for December. He wasn't sure but said to watch for something in the Newsfeed if something did pan out.

Later, I received a message that reads: If anyone wants to apply for the job of administering a blog fest, applications are available in the bar. There's a slight filing fee that Andre usually waves (not waives). Also, you all should be blogging anyway.

I thought about doing just this, but seeing as how often I'm unable to log in and have been challenged for time, I decided it wouldn't work out very well. I know everyone, or many of you are also challenged for time, and hosting a blog challenge takes a lot of work. That's why I decided to stop by the bar and give a big thank you to the staff for hosting the challenges. They're fun and I enjoy them, but how often do we forget to thank everyone who makes the challenges possible? So, in the spirit of Christmas, I think everyone should stop by the bar and post a nice thank you for the challenges we've enjoyed through the year.

I also talked to Andre about an idea that came to me the other day after I left. Something to bring in a bigger crowd on Friday or Saturday night, maybe even both. I mentioned my idea to Andre, "Have you ever thought about installing a pole and having some erotic dancers come in?"

Andre perked right up and exclaimed, with a mouth full of peanuts that were only half chewed, "That's a terrific idea!" I brushed the wet, half chewed peanut residue from my shirt and cleaned the specks from my glasses while he ran around the bar studying it from different directions.

"I think a stage and pole would be great over here." He was jumping up and down in excitement. "I'll set it up for two nights a week, one for female dancers and one for male dancers." He scratched his butt and then wiped his fingers on a curtain. "Maybe even have both one night."

He jumped back onto his stool and pounded the bar. "What if, instead of a pole, we put in a full jungle-gym for the dancers?"

Before I could answer he jumped down and disappeared, but was soon back on his stool with a photo album in his hand. "I know some performers who may be willing to come dance." He opened the album and began showing, and naming some of them. "Hank is very talented, and Lucinda is a good dancer, and look at her legs, so long and graceful." He slammed the book shut and hopped down, "I have a lot of thinking, planning, and calling to do. Thanks for the idea."

I finished my banana-ginger beer and shook my head. I hadn't thought about Andre hiring a bunch of erotic dancing monkeys, but he's the boss! I wonder how this will pan out? Along with a Monkey who has a bar, we have Ninja monkeys, and now, possibly, stripper monkeys!

A proud member of "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

"Reading soothes the soul, writing sets it free." T.J.
December 2, 2023 at 7:31pm
December 2, 2023 at 7:31pm
I stopped by "Invalid Item for a banana margarita this afternoon to see how trashed out the place was after all the November blogging and Andre offered me a chunk (he didn't cut it, he just used his hand and broke a chunk off) of his homemade banana rum cake. I'll say this, it was interesting!

He used a cake mix, SpillsFurry Yellow Premium, but instead of water, he uses his banana rum. He also slices up bananas and lines the bottom of the pan. For frosting it's a mashed up mix of bananas, butter, and powdered sugar. It was a bit rich for me, but I appreciated his offering it.

He had cleaned the bar up pretty well and was well into decorating for Christmas; he had tinsel hanging from most of his body and a big pile of tangled Christmas lights on the bar that he was working through to find the bad bulb that stopped all the others from working.

I asked him, "Do you have any plans for a December or Christmas blogging challenge?"

He shook his head in that cute monkey way and said, "I'm not sure, it depends on what the staff comes up with for ideas." He picked at his nose and wiped his finger under the stool he was on, then added, "Do you know where a primate can find a string of yellow, banana shaped Christmas lights?"

I shook my head and choked down another bite of cake. "Maybe I should have a fund raiser so I can buy new lights to decorate the place."

"That sounds like a grand idea, Andre."

"Yeah, I could sell tickets or something and the winner gets a bottle of banana rum, or, if it's ready, a bottle of baquila (Andre's own creation of banana infused tequila)." He reached down and scratched his butt, sniffed his finger and then broke off another chunk of cake and offered it to me.

"No thanks, I've had enough." He shrugged and ate the handful of cake, wiped his hand on my pants, and went back to his string of lights. "I'll let you know if we do a challenge or a fundraiser, or if we are just going to have everyone stop in for a Christmas party here at the bar. Watch the Newsfeed and stop in to see what develops."

I thanked him again and told him, "I'd love to stick around and have a few more drinks but I have a road trip tomorrow so I better head home."

He nodded, but was either very intent on his light project or was already drunk, it's hard to tell. I let myself out. Nice chap that Andre.

A proud member of "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

"Reading soothes the soul, writing sets it free." T.J.

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