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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/2268413-Alotta-Monkey-Business/day/1-19-2023
Rated: ASR · Book · Contest · #2268413
A place to keep my entries for various contests and challenges
This book is not only a place to create, keep, and store contest entries, it's also a log of items that may one day become something more.
January 19, 2023 at 7:01pm
January 19, 2023 at 7:01pm
Should criminals be locked up, housed, fed, and clothed at the public's expense, or something else?

Let’s break this down a bit, okay? Should criminals be locked up? This is silly, criminals have shown they don’t abide by the rules, so if you don’t lock them up they’re not going to stay in jail. The next part asked if they should be housed. Yes, they need to be housed, it would be cruel to lock them up outside. And, the same goes for the rest of these questions, What kind of society would lock these people to a huge rock or cliff, buck-naked, exposed to the weather, and not feed them or provide water?

Should this be at the public’s expense? Oh, hell no! Do you know how much it costs to incarcerate one person for one year? Meanwhile, in our towns and cities, people live in the streets; veterans who’ve served our country live in the streets. Do these people need to commit a crime to get some help?

Do I have the answers? I wish I did, but then I wouldn’t be here writing this, I’d be sitting in the capital fixing these problems. Sorry Joe, but there’s a new kid in town, and you’re fired! Not just fired but take the whole lot of ‘em and put them in the streets begging for people’s mercy just to survive.

We can’t leave criminals on the streets, yet what to do with them is a problem that has haunted civilization throughout history. Many can be reached and helped, but who’s going to pay for this? Others are beyond reach and putting them back into the public is just going to inflict harm and/or death on innocent people. But where do we put them, and at whose expense? Can we make them work to pay for their own care? How? Many of these people are criminals because they didn’t want to work for their own gain in the first place.

So, what’s the solution? Outlawing criminals, finding another planet to ship them, and letting them work it out, maybe some kind of implant that prevents them from breaking any laws. or maybe even Soylent Green…

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/2268413-Alotta-Monkey-Business/day/1-19-2023