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Why have we experienced technology advances that we have? One Author's hypothetical answer |
GOD'S REALM Looking down through the trees at the trail below, We saw the small caravan approaching. I was the year 1770 of My birth and Surrey County had broke away from Rowan County, North Carolina. It was less then twenty years since the area had legally been settled. The caravan consisted of a young man leading the group, two cows pulling a two wheel cart, with two cows being lead behind the cart. Inside the cart were three small pigs in a cage. In another cage were six hens and a rooster. Laying on one side of the cart were all the tools needed to build log structures and till gardens. Alongside the cart was a young man with a switch to keep the cows moving. Coming behind was another man keeping a bull trailing behind. The three men's outward appearances was physically uniquely different from one another. The lead man, Jonathan Rush was six feet tall and pleasant to look at. He was a young man confident in himself with the arrogance of youth that had never faced a disappointment or failure. A son from an old established farm family in Virginia, the severest physical discipline he ever experienced was getting his knuckles rapped from his taskmaster, who taught him his letters. The young man that kept the cart moving was of normal stature for the time. Five foot nine inches tall, his philosophy also reflected the time and place. James York had been taught that one was as good as what you did or didn't do. His father, William, had been the second son in his family and had also been disowned because William had gone against his father's wishes and married a commoner. William had indentured himself, when James was ten, to pay for safe passage to Virginia from England for him and his family. He had worked as a clerk in a shipping firm since arriving in Virginia. Having a hard time keeping the family fed he had indentured his son, James, to a farmer and friend. The farmer had been neighbors to Jonathan's family. James was taking this trip seriously since the cattle, cart and everything in the cart belonged to him. Meanwhile Jonathan was taking the trip as a vacation and a lark. The man pushing the bull was a couple years older then the other two men. Will Shnelly had been a child with his family growing up in the infamous debtors prison in London England, because his Dad owed money. At fourteen a sea captain bought him to be used as a cabin boy. Will was then indentured to the highest bidder at Portsmouth, Virginia. After seven years of indenture-ship he was told he couldn't leave because he had broke too many tools while he worked there. At twenty three years of age he finally was able to run away. Standing at five foot four inches the man was partially stunted from not enough food with no lack of hard work. His life experience shaped in him a hatred for England and the people that lorded it over others. Will Shnelly had a lot of resentments and Jonathan's arrogant ways and size only fed his low self esteem. Oh yes, I didn't say what We are. I Am but a part of the God of the Universe. Yes, We have no form unless We so desire. With that said, those three men have no inkling We are aware of them and their trip. And yes, I Am Was and Ever Shell Be. We are in sink, for Our own Glory, to turn this world into the cradle of Our Glory and a thing of beauty. For His will and My will are One. In the beginning of this world it was a hot rock. Ice from the universe was directed here by Us and pored out on this rock. Water vapors rose, cooled, fell, and rose again. After a time clouds formed, with a mist under and through the clouds, shutting out the sun and creating a greenhouse. The heat from deep in the earth kept the air between the two poles moderate with the equator and needed no help from the sun. I created grass, trees and reptiles. Trees evolved to two hundred feet tall with some reptiles reaching a hundred feet tall. Some reptiles were vegetation eaters while others were carnivorous. Other reptiles had wings and flew. Since earth was only a third the size of what it someday would be, gravitation was only a third as well. With help from Us, evolving species was no problem. The earths core was slowly cooling down, so We in our knowledge knew what was to take place next. We in our complete knowledge brought in a rock half the size of earth to clash with earth and move said world. As well as inducing the spinning of earth into twenty five hour days while it moved around the sun, annihilating most everything on earth. The earth was in an upheaval with craters sinking most everything above ground into underground chasms. With the heat that was underground, bacteria fermented everything into fossil bile. This crude crud would someday propel man out of this world they live in and beyond. Moses was born 1500 years before Me. The dictation I gave to Moses in the first five books of the Bible, known as the Pentateuch was, 'This creation was made in six short periods.' A thousand years before my birth the surface of the writing had to be replaced and recopied by a scribe. The scribe reasoned that if We could create, We could create however fast We wanted to. But what the scribe not understand is, We did everything in our own time and pleasure. He changed the short time to read days and added day and night,trying to make his understanding irrefutable. I refuted the change by teaching the disciplines that in God's sight one day was like a thousand years! 2 Peter 3:8. Since I had it wrote down twice the refute should have been sufficient. Plus the Book of Genesis was 1,500 years old when I refuted the days. The writing had gone through several scribes since then. However, Jews and hardliner conservative Christians believe the Bible is infallible, which would be true if it had no human err. Faith is built upon the word of God, infallible or not. I am the last word of God, so my word should hold sway and be unchallenged. After the passage of time, We created a New World in six periods, sending earth on its path to evolve into something glorious. Mammals were introduced. Reptiles had survived, but nothing big. In the sixth period We created Man, who is our crowning glory. In Genesis 2:20, the Bible says, Adam gave names to every animal; but for Adam a suitable helper was not found. We could have identified Man as New Man, but We did not because their was no comparison. Man had a voice box in which to speak, a large brain for reasoning and planing, more then for thinking in the present needs of survival and a comprehension for discerning right from wrong, which We called in the Bible, Soul. We also used Homo Erectus (Fancy name used by paleontologists.) in the creation of Man because of their hand structure. Cain fell out of favor when he murdered his brother Able. Cain also blended with Homo Erectus and his descendants blended with Adam's son, Seth's descendants. The survivors of Mankind depended his adaption to his environment. The Ecological systems as well as mammals would change as time marched on. A million years would pass during this creation but to Us time was irrelevant. Thousands of years ago, We brought to this world another disaster that Mankind remembers because I had Moses write it down. The Flood! Mankind were fighting, killing, stealing and pillaging the world over. Aggressive behavior had become normal the world over. I gave Noah his great commission because of his faith, intelligence and passive nature. Build a boat and save the world. He saved his region. More people were saved then eight. On the other side of the world some people survived that lived and fled to the mountains. While the middle east was under eight thousand feet of water, on the other side of the world the water level was only three thousand feet deep. We once again had brought more water from outer space. The earth's axes moved once again while the oceans depth in places reached as deep as ten miles. The bigger earth created more gravity and life on this world went though more changes. This created more adaptations to fit the new reality. The added stress of stronger gravity made the aging process speed up, shortening animal life. Inbreeding once again became the normal occurrence. As the world became inhabited with Mankind one tribe did not desists in the once needed practice. They carried a recessive gene for dwarfism. When another tribe expanded into the area the dwarfed people were annihilated with vary few females surviving. A happening as old as this creation. Did Noah save all the species of this world? While animals needed saving, not all animals needed saving. For example, I was not going to put some large cats into the Ark. Too much meat to take from other animals to keep the cats happy and content. Plus they were also on the other side of the world. Lack of food after the flood doomed the Saber Tooth to extinction. The Mammoth was fine. Although his numbers had been diminished they never bouncing back to a decent level. The Mammoth survived on this continent till about seven hundred years ago. In these times, examples of species not being able to change fast enough because of a new challenge, would be the Passenger Pigeon and the Dodo Bird. While some species die out We create more. During this time We blended creatures in what is now know as Australia. We have been compared to a mad scientist with our creations from around Our world. There is one big difference. A scientist doesn't always know what he is doing. When Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible, I stressed all people from one parenting which was true. Man, Adam, is the father of all Mankind. Moses didn't know how far back and I didn't tell him. That brings us back to this point and time and what religion does and doesn't do for the human race. The human race is a composite of mammals, mutations and genetic infusions that We created for their benefit. They were made to seek, want and look to Us. Without Us and Our precepts they become rapt up in their own man made miseries. They want what they don't have and daydreaming about what they should not have. They lie, cheat, steal, connive and even kill to obtain what they desire. What they can't run away from, is their own consciences. They dwell on the sins of their past. This all takes them away from what they could be. Struggling to appease their conscience they cultivate a love to listen to shaw men, witch doctors, and soothsayers, who lead them to believe in the ability to appease themselves with man made gods, karmas, portions, fortune tellers and rulers. These contrivers, make man made religions for their own gratifications and egos. This all causes mistrust and strife among Mankind. Truth is our religion. If human beings truly believe in Us and truly become right with their consciences, then they can forgive themselves and be honest with them selves. They become totally new and different people. They can live and achieve a happy and productive life. Unfortunately believing and trusting has never been enough for caretakers of Our religion. The charlatans tell the people, 'Believing is not enough!' Good works is not a showing of appreciation but a mandatory proof of your loyalty to Them. Our religion then becomes a religion of works and abuse. If someone is worried that a loved one has died in a sin, go to your fortune teller and he will help you open your purse stings. He will say, 'Give us your money and we will pray for your loved one that died. Your loved one is not in hell yet so we will pray him into heaven for you. Oh, but they have made a mockery of Our good intentions. They will be judged harshly because they lead others astray. We shell smite them. We did not have Me spending thirty three years on this earth, in human form, being an example to follow, suffering pain and agony, sacrificing and risking My piece of God to become a religion of works. Belief in me is personal. You and Me will know. Mankind truly does not know how great We are. Not only have We created this universe many times over, but We also have many dimensions over which We reign. Is there a Heaven or a Hell? Oh but there is. Two hundred years from now Mankind will say, 'We've been to the sky's, we've been to outer space. We see no heaven. So now we know there is no hell!' Ha, be not so quick to conclude. Remember why God made this earth? For His own Glory! We have dimensions for both Heaven and Hell. If Man truly believes and strives to do his will, he will be on God's right hand. But if a man is living a life contrary to his conscience, if God's will is superseded by mans will, then he will be in danger of God's left hand. From all religions of the world, Hell has been debated above all else. The Scandinavian pagan believes Hell is 'COLD' like nothing here on earth. On the equator, Hell is considered to be 'HOTTER' then anything you could imagine. Yes, every individuals worst nightmares can be their Hell. Christians believe, because I told the parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man, Hell was a lake bed of fire. That wasn't the point. This setting was the Rich Man's Hell. His fear was 'HOT' because he was from the Middle East and he would be starving for water. Plus he thought his rightful place was in the bosom of Abraham, not Lazarus. Seeing Lazarus there was but a part of his hell. As far as the Rich Man was concerned Lazarus was the lowest of the low and not fit to be in the Rich Mans company. This parable covered most any and all of the rich Jewish men of that time. They put their faith in their Hebrew religion which had evolved into a works based on social obligation and no longer based on my precepts. So far to the left they have gone. By the Holy Spirit infused truth, people will keep writing 'My Way' down for greater understanding. But, back to these three men, the future and their descendants. They are coming into this country to settle and raise families. Humans in the 'NOW' only use a small part of their brains. It will take a century of centuries to fully utilize that mind. But with a society of people were each person becomes a driving force, each in his own small part of the whole, they can overcome the time element that otherwise would be needed. With people becoming great in their own ways like Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, Tesla and Einstein to name a few, this new order will change the world. The people that were here are being displaced. Some are going west, but a lot if not most of them are dying without making the next generation. People from other continents have been coming here for centuries. This in itself should have changed the mindset of social tribal enmity against another tribes, but didn't. With tribal warfare constantly stealing young girls and women from one another, venereal diseases was with all the tribes. The Great Spirit (Holy Spirit) spoke to them, through their elders, but young people couldn't or wouldn't stay faithful in a monogamous relationship for a life time, which would have stopped the disease. With the underlining health problem and no natural resistance to European diseases, all but a few died. They also face the weakness of alcoholism. But complete annihilation will not happen. In fact, with the original peoples mindset, having the intelligence of a predator stalking pray, blended with a people that plan into the future with planting and harvesting, We will create a new way of thinking, a new way of living and a new way of life. This new way of thinking has already begun. The blend of people from around the world will create a focused mind for a specific task that the new society will need. We will create a society were all will have a equal chance for a good life. No drones. 'If you don't find a place of employment, good things in life don't come your way.' Every person should be good at something. The collective effort will make this society great, advancing in technology faster then this world has ever seen. Armageddon is coming and if We are to preserve a remnant for Our GLORY, Mankind must be able to transport people out of this world and be sufficient somewhere else. At least until earth can heal it's self. In the next four hundred years society will change because of new technology, but wars and rumors of wars will continue. There will be a civil war in this country and three world wars before Our asteroid will annihilate the surviving people, with earth quakes, that will living underground. When this happens the whole world will burn. After the burn the world will freeze because ash will be in the air blotting out the sun. My remnant will need to be out of this world for a hundred years or more. The Holy Spirit will infuse the thought into Man that the Moon and Mars need to be prospected for minerals and rare medals. Mining will happen deep underground with the add of robots ran by computers. The mining will create huge caverns underground. The caverns will be sealed up to retain oxygen. With the ability of solar heat and electricity Mankind will be able to create an ecological system that will sustain life for the needed period of time that the earth will need to refurbish itself. We will give capitalists the idea to turn such a cavern into a holiday resort fifty years before Armageddon. By the time Armageddon arrives there will be ten such resorts. By the time earth is once again inhabitable, only three resort populations will make it back to earth with animals and embryos. Why look to Mankind to perpetuate his existence into the far future? Because We breathed in the breath of life, and for Our Own Glory! To I AM, be the GLORY. |
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