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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/blog/neilfury/day/7-9-2024
Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #2258138
This is my blog & my hope, writing daily will help me see my progress and log supporters.
Quill 2024 Nominee
July 9, 2024 at 1:26am
July 9, 2024 at 1:26am
I've tried everything to get rid of these entities. Admittedly, they are quiet, they don't have parties and don't cause me much grief. But it would be good to have the headspace back again.

Treating them with meds causes more problems than it solves. Going down this route only relieves the symptoms of psychosis, but is far from a cure. Just trying to figure out exactly what I am dealing with is sketchy at best.

I've researched the topic of demonic possession and I don't fit the criteria. I have no urge to swear at Catholic priests and haven't levitated or regurgitated any foul-smelling fluids.

From what I can gather, Incubus and Succubus talk to their partners before (consent), during (engaging) and after sex. I'm not sure if smoking after the act is as dangerous to a being who is already technically dead, as it is to humans, but a little post-coital conversation to see if the performance was satisfactory is not only ego-boosting for both parties (if it was) but polite as well. Also, Incubus and their female cohorts have form (I'm talking about their physicality and not their style...although the latter is likely to be true in most cases), whereas my particular entities are see-through at best and afterwards, never ask how it was for me.

Another YouTube favourite is parasitic entities. These creatures use up most of the host's energy field, which leaves their humans without energy for their day-to-day tasks. This description doesn't fit my case because I'm training hard almost every day and don't feel drained (except at the end of each day when I literally fall into bed).

There are other types of spirit invaders mentioned on my YT feed, but none fit exactly with my particular group of people, who it appears, are quite comfortable living in my head and not paying any rent (although I have asked, but my request was met with a firm, NO). If they weren't so rude and didn't hate me so much (all bar Angel) I wouldn't have an issue with them hanging around. During quiet times (about 90% of my day) they can be fun. I just need to have the right attitude to deal with them appropriately.

I'm currently trying a different method of tackling these overstaying guests. I admit that initially, I did invite them into my life. Boredom and drugs can cause a person to make rash and regretable decisions. I wish I'd done some background checks first. In my defence, however, I wasn't to know that funtime hallucinations could turn out to be so damn real.

Last night I was talking to Cranky Pants and asked him if he would like to have a puppy. I'm getting desperate (obviously) and am clutching at straws to find a way to get my spare room back (which I have grand plans to convert into a mancave). The idea of getting a pet dog was an instant hit with my grumpy 'friend' and I haven't seen more affirmative and agreeable answers since I interviewed the entities before allowing them to 'temporarily' move in.

Of course, I had to do all the work and CP simply sat back and said yes or no to my suggestions. The name I came up with for the puppy was an instant hit...Buster is small and cute, with white fur and brown spots. He's a bit naughty (like his owner) and on his first walk, CP managed to lose Buster in the park. I stood my ground and made CP take responsibility and go back to find his dog. Eventually, they returned and it was then I sprang my master plan into action. I quite inadvertently suggested that perhaps they might like to get their own place...which I was very pleased to see went down well. It didn't hurt my pitch that there would be a VW Bettle convertable in canary yellow parked in the driveway...a pool and the house comes fully furnished with lots of friends to come visit.

I went to bed so happy and thought I had got away with it until this morning when I woke up and saw those familiar sad eyes lying beside me. Turns out Cranky Pants has reconsidered and changed his mind on my plans for him to move out. Apparently, having the responsibilities of a pet, a house to keep clean, a car that needs fuel and a pool that requires maintenance...and my plans for the spare room are on hold indefinitely.

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