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Rated: 18+ · Book · Arts · #2248488
My life as real as it gets. Imagined into reality.
While I won't be putting anything here too persional or risque I do have the rating set in case. Primarily I ask people who are easily offended by child like things to move on. You don't have to read this if these things upset you. I hope to make this a Blog that expresses my life inside of an imagined one. I find the pure imagination characterized as childs play to be very helpful in expressing things that are or would be otherwise impossible if not for exploring it in the safety of a youthful spirited character.

His name is LP^2 Lily or Little Lily for short. He is a small wingless fur covered dragon whoes age really is not important or hold any significance. Although some may think age ten or five. I like to think his character is ageless. When you are free and safe at the same time real life seems livable and no obstacle can become a lock down. The only hinderence to artistic expression is the jail cell we put ourselves into that exists in the mind. If we could only allow ourselves to be imperfect then perhaps we could better ourselves in true human beings with a heart that is faithful, agope love, and a spiritual heart that is teachable. May God bless those who enter. Amen
October 28, 2021 at 5:43pm
October 28, 2021 at 5:43pm
Back and doing Careful Considerations
I had a lot of life changes. I moved to a new house. My Grandmother moved in with me for her last years. She is rather old, but if I can pull this off I will treasure these last years with her forever. Family comes by every so often to help with her medical stuff. Working out our pet peeve has been a very rewarding challenge. While the changes were difficult I managed. Making this possible really is what matters most.

I have my man cave because that is what she shed. We share the upstairs for the most part. As a dragon covered in fur I am very much a book worm. Thankfully my grandmother is to. Sometimes her imagination gets on my nerves. Very interesting when the hair along my back is standing up and its everything I do to get it all to go flat along my flank again. I go to my cave when I need it. Things go sparky and synthetic sound is shockingly beautiful.

I love my art room and kitchen down there as well. Had to give up my pastels in the shared kitchen and this little dragon as you may have noticed needs is pastel colors. Its all still a work in progress, but thankfully my grandmother finds the Living room library interesting. If I move too much stuff she gets sad. So, I generally mixed the two color pallets and themes just about right to make things work.

Physical World Budget
I did get a job and I am looking into purchasing a years subscription for this writing website. I have to look at the cost of my website on WIX and the cost of my therapist. "Really wish I could get one in person!" SIGH!!! Sick of having my family pay for my mental health. I love them so much though. Generally my plan is to try and look at the aspects of getting critique on my writing and work my way to getting an editor, literary agent, and book printing. Yea, I hate the idea of getting a publisher. I want good constructive criticism, but I really don't want a book contract divided with a publisher. Spoiler alert? I hope to create my own publishing business in due time. First things first is plans for the year 2022

Plans for now
I want to try and write when ever I can. I have a few other places I write as well. I even got a sort of commission going for some one. I will be trying to contact him in the physical world to make this a sort of art gift. I won't be doing any further commissions unless its half art request. Meaning the art and custom stuff is a free addition to what ever item they have purchased. In the physical world I am trying to make my career in art and writing happen. Good news is I have a job at a grocery store in the physical world.

My biggest goal is to try and set weekly meetings with my therapist to try and find reasonable therapeutic imaginative play times. Then a reasonable social interaction in the "Physical World." I know in my heart that I calm down with my pacifier and stuffed animals. Yet, there needs to be appropriate methods of doing this. I find my house to be a place with reasonable expectation to do this. Outside I might do one or the other, but not both. Ya know "Exclusive or".... HA! This dragon went digital!!! Oh wait thats what this network is all about isnt it? Digital connections!

Back to seriousness in the wonderland. I think my art and writing is very important to these goals. Perhaps critical. I am also trying to keep my projects going. I am still working on the Cello and synth thing as well. My biggest problem to overcome is making realistic budgets for projects. Once the book is drafted further these bill of material sheets need to be within the affordability of the average Joe. Lab equipment list needs to start on a reasonable budget and then go up in price as the reader decides to become more committed to this craft.

Private diary
I am looking into writing in a private diary daily. I know what I write here may make people uncomfortable. I may be a small dragon covered in fur. I may even go sparky or become covered from head to tail tip with paints when I lose it in wonderland. However, physical world I do understand the more personal details need an appropriate place. My prayer life for one is rather personal already. I will start there. My tulpas personal lives need to be respected as well.

I make my own bound diaries and note books. I really don't like the A-typical stuff you get at the store. My notes in math can be rather personal as well. I don't exclude anything from my lab notes. Still trying to get the hang of polynomial factoring. Not easy when you have no teacher to help ya with it. Sometimes you have to put the book down and take a deep breadth without releasing flames out the maw.

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/2248488-My-World-in-Imagination/month/10-1-2021