Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/blog/pickmarvilla/month/7-1-2021
Rated: E · Book · Inspirational · #2243707
Welcome to my blog: I intend to share heartfelt writing about anything that comes to mind.
picture for forum

As of 2/9/2021

Blog City image small

As of 3/16/2021

This image was created by the talented by Sharmelle's Expressions!

As of 3/18/2021

Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs
Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum  (E)
This is the forum where blog prompts will be posted for the Blogging Circle of Friends.
#1901904 by Lyn's a Witchy Woman

As of 3/25/2021

Eagle image for review

As of 3/29/2021

The Original Logo.
May, July, September, and November 2021

June, September, and October 2021

A signature for those who judge Quills for the 2020 edition

"I am a Rising Star!" glass image.
July - September 2021
Rising Star Summer Camp
Picture to use in feasting on the word of God

As of 3/1/2021

Open Door to Grace Forum  (E)
This goes with the group and prayer survey. Place for comments and discussion.
#2248869 by Marvelous Friend

Open Door To Grace ♥  (E)
Christians who will pray with YOU!
#1372872 by Marvelous Friend

Open Door To Grace Prayer Hot Line  (E)
Do you want prayer? Ask for it here! All requests are confidential.
#1372909 by Marvelous Friend

"The WDC Birthday Bash Blog Relay September 2021
An image for the Golden Apple Writers team for the 21 WDC Birthday Bash Blog Relay


Poetry Topic of the Month Contest  (13+)
Win Exclusive MBs. It ends at midnight at the end of each month. Suggest the topic.
#2216416 by Shar ~ Happy 24th Birthday WdC

Guest judge: March, April, May, July, August, and September 2021
June blogging questions for Welcome to My Reality "June blogging questions
September’s "September 2021 questions my reality forum
October’s "October welcome to my reality questions
June2022: "Reality June 2022

7/15/2021 "Life influences
7/14/2021 "My Hope is found in Christ Alone. (7/14/21)
7/13/2021 "July 13th "Being loved.
7/12/2021 "July 12th "Inappropriately dressed
7/11/2021 "Dreaming Up Great News Headlines
7/10/2021"Is Church attendance optional?
7/9/2021 "Are You Blinded By Sin?
7/8/2021 "Everyone should Spend Time With God Daily.
7/7/2021 "Finding Inspiration
7/6/2021 "I can feel God's presence everywhere.
7/5/2021 "God Reveals That He Is Real!
7/4/2021 "Happy Independence Day!🗽🇺🇸 🎆
7/3/2021 "Everyone Has A Purpose With God
7/2/2021 "When We Get To Heaven, We Will Know!
7/1/2021 "I Feel God's Presence In Difficult Times
6/30/2021 "God Chose Me!
6/29/2021 "My Hope is Found in Jesus Christ
6/28/2021 "I feel So Alive With Christ.
6/26/2021 "I Experience God
6/25/2021 "Casting Our Burdens On The Lord
6/24/2021 "Jesus Blood Was For My Guilt
6/23/2021 "Don't complain against God
6/22/2021 "Taking Care of The Holy Spirit's Temple
6/21/2021 "Glorify God With Good Works
6/19/2021 "Friendships With Other Believers.
6/18/2021 "Forgiveness
6/17/2021 "Listening For God's Voice
6/16/2021 "I Enjoy Spending Time With God.
6/15/2021 "God Is My Everything
6/14/2021 "Sin Seperates Us From God
6/12/2021 "Angels Exist
6/11/2021 "God's Laws Lead to Success!
6/10/2021 "Perfect Love Results in Boldness in Christ
6/9/2021 "I Run On God's Strength (God can outlast the Energizer!)
6/8/2021 "I Praise God With or without Healing.
6/7/2021 "By His Stripes We Are Healed
6/5/2021 "May Our Souls Prosper
6/4/2021 "God Loves Our Soul
6/3/2021 "Put On Praise Like A Garment
6/2/2021 "God Is The God That Heals
6/1/2021 "Regular Bible study is important.
5/31/2021 "Have a Safe Memorial Day!
5/30/2021 "Learning from a challenge
5/29/2021 "God pursues peace.
5/28/2021 "Give it if you have it
5/27/2021 "Keeping God's commandments in my heart
5/26/2021 "God protects the righteous.
5/25/2021 "Wisdom Helps Us Sleep
5/24/2021 "Wisdom and Understanding Are Very Valuable
5/23/2021 "Nicknames???
5/22/2021 "God Disciplines Like A Father
5/21/2021 "Put God First In All You Gain
5/20/2021 "Always Ask God First
5/19/2021 "Keep Mercy and Truth Around Your Neck
5/18/2021 "Keeping God's commandments in my heart
5/17/2021 "Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness
5/16/2021 "Making The World A Better Place
5/15/2021 "Bound By Our Own Sin
5/14/2021 "Pigs Gone Crazy
5/13/2021 "Wisdom Knows How To Give A Soft Answer
5/12/2021 "Happiness Glows
5/11/2021 "Don't fall asleep in church.
5/10/2021 "Jesus did not disrespect his mother.
5/9/2021 "May 9th - Language/ Happy Mother's Day!
5/8/2021 "Hell, You Don't Want To Go There!
5/7/2021 "God Is My Everything
5/6/2021 "Speak the Truth Humbly
5/5/2021 "Heaven Is A Beautiful Place
5/4/2021 "What Would Jesus do?
5/3/2021 "May 3rd, 2021 - Favorite Bible Character
5/2/2021 "Jesus Destroys the Devil’s Work
5/1/2021 "God Wants Us To Love Ourselves
4/30/2021 "Self-righteousness Is Sin
4/29/2021 "Ask God First
4/28/2021 "Jesus Writes Mercy and Truth On My Heart ❤️
4/27/2021 "My life Reflects Christ.
4/26/2021 "I Love Praising God.
4/24/2021 "In Christ Alone My Hope Is Found.
4/23/2021 "Reading the Bible Gives Me Peace
4/22/2021 "I’ll Live For Him Who Died For Me.
4/21/2021 "Be ready to share the Gospel
4/20/2021 "The Lord Delights in Me
4/19/2021 "Jesus Christ Heals
4/17/2021 "Share The Gospel With Others
4/16/2021 "God Is Most Humble
4/15/2021 "God Sets My Path Straight
4/14/2021 "God Gives Me My Desires
4/13/2021 "God Orders My Steps
4/12/2021 "God Rescues His Children
4/11/2021 "Remembering Christ's Benefits
4/10/2021 "God's blessings are True Blessings.
4/9/2021 "The Just Are Very Blessed.
4/8/2021 "I Am Very Blessed When God is First
4/7/2021 "Fear the Lord above all others.
4/6/2021 "God Is My Refuge. I Trust In Him.
4/5/2021 "Keeping Righteousness and Judgement
4/3/2021 "God's Correction Is God's Love
4/2/2021 "Faithful and Wise Servant
4/1/2021 "Luke, Like the Beatitudes
3/31/2021 "The Joyful Sound
3/30/2021 "Dwelling in God's House
3/29/2021 "Has God Chosen You?
3/27/2021 "Blessed To Help The Poor
3/26/2021 "Pride Comes Before The Fall
3/25/2021 "Keeping God’s Word
3/24/2021 "Taste And See That The Lord Is Good
3/23/2021 "One Nation Under God
3/22/2021 "Having no Guile
3/20/2021 "Salvation Is A Blessing
3/19/2021 "Blessed For Trusting In The Lord
3/18/2021 "Offended In Christ?
3/17/2021 "Law Of Liberty
3/16/2021 "Believing Without Seeing
3/15/2021 "1st Resurrection/2nd Death
3/14/2021 "Scripture writing - Galations 5:13-15
3/13/2021 "Watching And Waiting For Christ To Return
3/12/2021 "Seeking God With Our Whole Heart
3/11/2021 "Long-suffering God
3/10/2021 "Isaiah 56:1-2
3/9/2021 "Blessed Are They Who Do His Commandments!
3/8/2021 "Psalm 1:1-3
3/7/2021 "Scripture writing - Ephesians 4:22-28
3/6/2021 "Enduring Temptation
3/5/2021 "The Salt of the Earth
3/4/2021 "Blessed Are The Persecuted
3/3/2021 "Beatitudes 5, 6, and 7
3/2/2021 "Beatitudes 3 and 4
3/1/2021 "Beatitudes 1 and 2
2/27/2021 "Love Others As Yourself
2/26/2021 "Best place for a Christian at All Times
2/25/2021 "Say “No” To Fear
2/24/2021 "Benefits of God’s Child
2/23/2021 "Walking In His Will
2/22/2021 "The Lord Is My Shepherd
2/19/2021 "Adults Being Child-like?
2/18/2021 "How To Resist Sin
2/17/2021 "Failure Is Not an Option
2/16/2021 "Why does God Allow Suffering?
2/15/2021 "Jeremiah 2:31 Explained
2/14/2021 "Thoughts On Prayer
2/13/2021 "Proverbs 14:14 thoughts
2/11/2021 "Touching the Garment
2/10/2021 "Should I Study the Bible?
2/9/2021 "God Holds My Hand

Jesus is my permanent anchor!
A signature for me to use
Previous ... -1- 2 3 4 ... Next
July 31, 2021 at 10:45pm
July 31, 2021 at 10:45pm
picture for forum

James 4:6-10 KJV

But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded. Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.

How do you draw high to the Lord?

I draw high to him by spending time with him. I spend time reading and studying the Bible. I spend time in prayer. I spend time with church. I spend time with him on this website. I spend time praising him.
July 30, 2021 at 11:01pm
July 30, 2021 at 11:01pm
PROMPT July 30th

The Original Logo.

Well, we've made it to the end of the month! Thank you for putting up with the prompts I've chosen. This is my first month doing this, it can be fun, and frustrating. *Smile*

Now the actual prompt. Everyone is injured in one way or another at some time in their life. Tonight, write about a memory of a physical injury.

If you like, please include in your post 2-3 subjects you would like to see used as prompts in September. Thank you!

Thank God, I made it to today and through today! 🤪 It has been one of those days. For one thing, I somehow got my text on a huge font here on WDC and can not seem to figure out how to get it back where I had it. 😢

Anyway, one of the worse injuries I have had was when I tore a ligament in my ankle on my second karate lesson. I have not had another lesson since then.🤷‍♀️ This injury took me out a few months. By the time I was healed, I no longer had the resources to continue the classes. I had to miss a lot of work.

I did not need surgery but my ankle remained swollen and I was unable to tolerate much weight on it for awhile. I ended up in a walking boot and having to take physical therapy to regain my strength in it. It was so painful. I think it might have been less painful if I had broken it. Ouch!

I can't think of any suggestions right now. I am overly tired. Hmm! Maybe you can do prompts about dreams come to think of it. That is what I am ready to go do now.
July 29, 2021 at 9:42am
July 29, 2021 at 9:42am
For my blog

Take UP Your Cross

Tell about a prayer God hasn’t answered yet. What Scripture can you use when praying that will help you?

Well the main long-term prayer request I have right now is to get my driver's license. Something keeps coming up every time I try to do it that prevents it. I keep reminding myself of God's sovereignty and that all things work together for my good. When and if the time is right, God will allow it.

The other thing I pray for is for certain people’s salvation. I pray that God will heal their spiritual blindness. I went blank at the moment about the scriptures I like to pray for this. I will try to remember and write about them later. I am sure I have them written down somewhere.

An image for my blog group


The Original Logo.

PROMPT July 29th

Your significant other wants to watch a sporting event this weekend. You aren’t a sports fan; in fact you had other plans for the two of you. You love him though, and agree to sit with him to watch the event. Two hours before it starts, he casually remarks, “Ron, George, and Rick are coming over to watch the game with us. Can you make us some snacks and get drinks set up?” Tell us how you react to this casual statement.

I say as long as I am the one sitting next to you and snuggling with you. Lol Either that, you go ahead and spend time with your friends but we need to plan a night for my turn. Technically, I am assuming plans were not discussed with each other, so how can I get angry if he didn't know? I can either join him with his friends or request some time alone with him later to keep the peace. Communication is the key here. I could react upset, but what good would that do? You don't want yourself or him to lose face with his friends and you don't want to not be hospitable to his friends because you are mad at him. That wouldn’t be fare to them. I might tell him what I had planned to do, and see if he would be willing to do it another weekend.

Picture to use in feasting on the word of God

Feasting On The Word of God   (E)
This is for a Bible study group.
#2245217 by Marvelous Friend


Are you in the need for prayer? Let us know here and we will pray for you.
Open Door To Grace Prayer Hot Line  (E)
Do you want prayer? Ask for it here! All requests are confidential.
#1372909 by Marvelous Friend


Poetry Topic of the Month Contest  (13+)
Win Exclusive MBs. It ends at midnight at the end of each month. Suggest the topic.
#2216416 by Shar ~ Happy 24th Birthday WdC

Gratitude List

1. Gratitude
2. Christ-like character evident in my life (God gets all the credit for this)
3. Strength for today
4. Hope for tomorrow
5. Healing
6. Restoration
7. Love
8. Provision
9. Help
10. Study


Blog City image small

Prompt: July is almost over, How was your month? Write about in your Blog entry today.

It was busy.
This image was created by the talented by Sharmelle's Expressions!

Sorry I'm a little behind.
Locomotive Days  (13+)
A day in the life of a steam locomotive fireman.  Rhyme.
#1518738 by Bruce.

is about trains. Tell us about trains.

I used to love them as a kid. When I was a little girl visiting my Grandma in Fairfax, Oklahoma (She actually live in Grey Horse, an Indian community not far from there.) The town had an old train engine set up in their playground for the kids to play in and explore. I loved going inside of it and looking around.
Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs

If you could change lives with anyone for a month, who would it be? Why? If the exchange went well would you be tempted to ask for longer or would you be content with original time frame? ( Like they say, the grass is always greener on the other side but is it really?.)

I am happy being me.

Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum  (E)
This is the forum where blog prompts will be posted for the Blogging Circle of Friends.
#1901904 by Lyn's a Witchy Woman
July 28, 2021 at 6:30pm
July 28, 2021 at 6:30pm
For my blog

Take UP Your Cross

Tell about a tough time in your life God ended up using for good.

When I lost the twins I was pregnant with, I was not in a good position to care for them. As much as loosing them hurt, it was for the better. I honestly don't think it would had turned out very well if they had survived. I won’t go into detail here, but I have my personal reasons I feel that way.

I was working 2 jobs while pregnant and not able to pay the bills. I was under an extreme amount of stress. Ultimately, that is why I lost them. I had tried so hard, but I felt so alone trying to provide for myself and them. Their father at the time wasn't completely absent, but wasn't completely present either. Our relationship was rocky at best at the time. This is only part of the reason I feel the way I feel about it.

An image for my blog group


The Original Logo.

PROMPT July 28th

No one is correct every time. Tell us about a time you realised you were mistaken.

You want me to admit that I was wrong? Lol Well, if you must know, I guess I can tell you.

One day it was raining very hard where I live. The dog had a bad habit of peeing in the living room floor that I was trying to break her of. I didn't realize we had a leak. So when I saw the water on the floor, I thought it was the dog that did it. I punished her for the leak. I felt so bad about it. I got to where I just scold and put in time out instead of spank.


Picture to use in feasting on the word of God

Feasting On The Word of God   (E)
This is for a Bible study group.
#2245217 by Marvelous Friend


Are you in the need for prayer? Let us know here and we will pray for you.
Open Door To Grace Prayer Hot Line  (E)
Do you want prayer? Ask for it here! All requests are confidential.
#1372909 by Marvelous Friend


Poetry Topic of the Month Contest  (13+)
Win Exclusive MBs. It ends at midnight at the end of each month. Suggest the topic.
#2216416 by Shar ~ Happy 24th Birthday WdC

Gratitude List

1. Highways
2. Stop lights
3. Laws
4. Hospitals
5. Breathing
6. taste
7. Smell
8. Air conditioning
9. Locking doors
10.cleaning supplies

July 27, 2021 at 8:43am
July 27, 2021 at 8:43am
For my blog

Take UP Your Cross

Tell about a prayer that God answered.

God answered so many prayers. It is hard to just pin-point one. This is an opportunity to give God praise. He is such a good and awesome God. He is such a loving father. He provides my every need. He even gives me my desires. I am a child of the King. I love him so much and he loves me more. 😃 He is misunderstood by many. So when I am misunderstood, I am in great company.

One of the recent prayers he has answered is that I have had a poem turned into a song. I want to learn it and record my voice singing it before I share it publically. It is just beautiful.

An image for my blog group


The Original Logo.

PROMPT July 27th

It's been a long day. Work was tougher than normal, you feel run down and dragged out. Now it's time to relax. Tell us how you relax after a day like this, or after any long day.

I love to kick off my shoes, get myself something soothing to drink, maybe listen to some music, and take a nice long warm bath. It is relaxing to just soak in that warm water. This is a great way to decompress too. I am alone in the tub and can clear my head. I can pray, cry, or do whatever I need to do.

I also find it relaxing to watch the flame on a candle burning. Watching the smoke drifting slowly away from the fire and then disappearing has a soothing affect.

Have you ever just watched tall grass or trees blowing in the wind? The grass almost mimic waves of water. Certain types of weeds or grass glisten in the sunlight. The trees sway back and forth in a rhythm of there own. Then listen to the birds as though they are making music. It is a different kind of praise to God. Sometimes just watching nature and feeling the soft breeze and the warmth of the sunshine on my face is so refreshing.

I am getting relaxed writing about it because I am so going there in my mind right now. Lol


Picture to use in feasting on the word of God

Feasting On The Word of God   (E)
This is for a Bible study group.
#2245217 by Marvelous Friend

This week's study: "Fruits of the Spirit - Longsuffering

Are you in the need for prayer? Let us know here and we will pray for you.
Open Door To Grace Prayer Hot Line  (E)
Do you want prayer? Ask for it here! All requests are confidential.
#1372909 by Marvelous Friend


Poetry Topic of the Month Contest  (13+)
Win Exclusive MBs. It ends at midnight at the end of each month. Suggest the topic.
#2216416 by Shar ~ Happy 24th Birthday WdC

You only have a short time left to come write a poem about Independence Day, National Grilling Month, and Wild about Wildlife Month. We don't have any poems about grilling. Don't you smell those grills cooking something delicious in your neighborhood or maybe you like to cook something tasty for yourself? https://nationaldaycalendar.com/national-grilling-month-july/ I am getting hungry just thinking about it.

Gratitude List

1. Answered prayers
2. Rest
3. Pain relievers
4. Food supply
5. Toilet paper
6. Microwave
7. Prayer journal
8. Bible study
9. Notebooks
10. Pens


Blog City image small

Prompt: Recall (or imagine) an unusual object you have noticed on the side of the road. What is it? How did it get there? Why does it affect you?

One day, while traveling with my best friend, a cousin, and my aunt, we noticed a lot of road kill. My cousin, possibly a true blond, says, “How come you don't see dead birds on the side of the road?” My aunt answers seriously, “Because birds aren't stupid.” she was implying they fly out of the way before they get hit. Then she continued her conversation without missing a beat. Lol It was the way in which it was said and the tone of the conversation that made it funny.
This image was created by the talented by Sharmelle's Expressions!

Today we were fighting the Cardassians in the Delta quadrant with the crew of the U.S.S. Voyager at our sides. The Cardassians tried to board us but we repelled them in a hand-to-hand encounter. We aren't sure how they got through the shields, but we're investigating it.

While we were duking it out, a star appeared. It was Lilli ☕ (1382) ! She writes
52 Weeks of Torture  (ASR)
Because the road to insanity is paved with form poetry.
#2190165 by Lilli 🧿 ☕

, which discusses her struggles. Write about a struggle, real or imagined.

The struggle is real! Lol we all have them. My struggle right now is my health and trying to keep up with everything.

Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs

Day 3178: July 27, 2021

Prompt: Write about a July rains storm or any type of July weather in your part of the world.

Right now, the weather is finally starting to catch up with the time of year. Temperatures have been a bit milder in Oklahoma this year and we have gotten a lot of rain. Considering what is going on to the west of us, I believe that is a good thing. I am praying for those affected by the wildfires and mudslides.

Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum  (E)
This is the forum where blog prompts will be posted for the Blogging Circle of Friends.
#1901904 by Lyn's a Witchy Woman
July 26, 2021 at 11:46pm
July 26, 2021 at 11:46pm
The Original Logo.

PROMPT July 26th

We've all faced them at one time or another, and will in the future. Tonight, write about a challenge you faced, and how you overcame it.

Lol It is funny you should ask this now. I am trying to finish writing a Bible study on the subject of patience as a fruit of the Holy Spirit. I have gotten behind on my blogs, housework, and everything it seems. I feel exhausted. I am doing my rising stars assignments, I need to do some more reviews before the month is out. I am behind answering emails. I just can't seem to catch up.

How am I overcoming it? I am overcoming this through prayer and perseverance and determination.
July 26, 2021 at 9:38am
July 26, 2021 at 9:38am
The Original Logo.

PROMPT July 25th

We were all children at one time. Some much longer ago than others. Tonight, write about the things you loved doing when you were a child.

Playing and getting new toys were 2 of my favorite things when I was a kid of course.

I also loved swinging in the tree swing my dad made me. We had a large tree in the back yard. Dad took a rope and tied the ends securely on one of the large tree limbs. Then he took a board (2x4), cut a piece off to make a seat for the swing, and cut a couple of notches on both sides so the board would sit right across the bottom of the rope. I swang in that swing until I was a teenager and the rope rotted.

I would sometimes sit on the floor at the back door in the kitchen so I could watch the birds. I have always like watching the birds. Mom would crumble up bread crumbs outside to help draw them to the yard so I could watch them.

I was very good at drawing pictures too. Sometimes I would just sit and draw for hours. Mom and dad got me an old school desk they were able to buy at some kind of second-hand sale. They thought it would be a good thing to have in my room for doing homework and my drawing. I actually liked having it in my room. It was convenient.
July 24, 2021 at 10:56am
July 24, 2021 at 10:56am

Has the people of the Church offended you?

Matthew 27:3-8
3 Then Judas, which had betrayed him, when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself, and brought again the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders,
4 Saying, I have sinned in that I have betrayed the innocent blood. And they said, What is that to us? see thou to that.
5 And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed, and went and hanged himself.
6 And the chief priests took the silver pieces, and said, It is not lawful for to put them into the treasury, because it is the price of blood.
7 And they took counsel, and bought with them the potter's field, to bury strangers in.
8 Wherefore that field was called, The field of blood, unto this day.

The church leaders got Jesus put to death and were careless when Judas repented of what he had done, resulting in Judas committing suicide. People will fail you. Yes, the church is full of hypocrites. Don't reject Jesus because of what has been done to you by other people. Jesus loves you so much, he let them put him to death so you do not have to die in your sins and you can have a relationship with God the father.

For my blog

Take UP Your Cross

What is one crazy big, God-sized dream you have for your time here on earth, or more than one if you have them?

Well, I am just starting to live it out. I have a few of these kind of dreams. I obviously want to be a published writer. I would love to go on a gospel music your as a singer. I would love to have and run my own successful business. I wouldn't mind trying a career in graphic design. I would also love to get paid to do photography. I have multi-interests. Lol

An image for my blog group


The Original Logo.

Write about your parents and the learnt behaviours you’ve inherited from them

When I read “write about your parents”, I got a little worried. After I read the rest of the sentence, that's not so bad. It's kind of a long story why I was a bit worried about that.

Anyway, this question is bad enough. Lol I can see where I got some negative qualities and behaviors from them. My dad’s sharp sarcasm when angry was passed to me. My mother’s moodiness and some other health related things were handed down to me.

I learned to turn to food for comfort. It was definitely a taught trait. When the family got into an argument, it was common practice to go get a McDonald's ice cream cone to make up. If you wanted my Dad's attention, talk about food or the Bible. There are a lot of memories, good ones, associated with food. Food could calm nerves, relieve boredom, and act as a distraction. Food made people happy for the most part.

My financial habits came from my parents. I have to be careful not to hoard things. Hoarding is a habit learned from my parents too. There have been things I have had to work to change such as reactions to anger and grief.

Blaming myself for bad things that happened to me is a habit I have had to work to change. I had to learn that I could say “No”. I had to learn that I don't owe everyone an explanation. I don't have to convince anyone of anything. I learned that sometimes you have to separate yourself from family in order to save yourself and the relationship especially if it is a toxic one.

I had to learn how to set and enforce healthy boundaries with my parents. Mother smothered me. I was an only child and she was a perfectionist. Oh yeah, did I mention I got that too? (perfectionism) My Daddy was a Southern Baptist Minister. Don't breathe wrong because you will either go to Hell or make the preacher look bad. Yeah, fun times. Not!

I have had to have therapy to recover from my childhood. Don't get me wrong, I loved my parents dearly. I knew my mother and understood her like the back of my hand, but we did not always agree. I am not convinced she didn't have something mentally wrong with her. She could be delusional at times and had some strange ideas and beliefs about things.

My dad was more standoffish with me. He could be sweet at times, and others he was hard and unapproachable. There were tabo subjects with him. You didn't discuss them because they would set him off. When he got done discussing an issue, he would be present physically but mentally go elsewhere on purpose. I think I may have picked that up as a coping mechanism from him too. I just realized that as I was typing.

They did teach me how to survive though. Dad did provide for mom and me. I have to give them credit there. When asked who my most difficult relationships in my life were with? My answer was my parents and my best friends brother, all who possessed abusive characteristics. I hate that I don't have more good things to say about my parents. I hate that our relationship was so strained and wasn't any better than it was. Well, now you know why I didn't want to talk much about my parents anyway. You got me started, and it isn't a subject I like to discuss because of these negative emotions it brings up.

Picture to use in feasting on the word of God

Feasting On The Word of God   (E)
This is for a Bible study group.
#2245217 by Marvelous Friend


Are you in the need for prayer? Let us know here and we will pray for you.
Open Door To Grace Prayer Hot Line  (E)
Do you want prayer? Ask for it here! All requests are confidential.
#1372909 by Marvelous Friend


Poetry Topic of the Month Contest  (13+)
Win Exclusive MBs. It ends at midnight at the end of each month. Suggest the topic.
#2216416 by Shar ~ Happy 24th Birthday WdC


Blog City image small

Use these words in your blog entry today: turquoise, sunset, sand, icicles, corpse and silence.

Reflecting in the sun during the sunset, there was a body lying in the sand on the beach with something looking like turquoise icicles on the hands.
This image was created by the talented by Sharmelle's Expressions!

Prompt: I was ctuising the galaxy with the Pink Panther and found this planet: 🎼 RRodgersWrites 🎶 (247)
Read this cute item:
What Does Jack Frost Do in Summer?  (E)
A quarantined mom's challenges & renewing discovery--DailyFlashFict/2nd Time Around wc=297
#2219669 by 🎼 RRodgersWrites 🎶

Write about Jack Frost.

I say he vacations like everyone else in the summer. Why not?
Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs

How do you feel about the Olympics being held with Covid still an issue? Should they have postponed them again? Should they have made vaccinations mandatory before competing ? Is the risk really worth the possible loss of life?

I have mixed feelings about this. I think percautions should be taken. I am definitely for people being vaccinated. How did getting vaccinated against a virus become a topic of religious controversy anyway? Just say. Really people? Although, that is besides the point. I think spectators at least should wear face coverings too.

On the other hand, we can not constantly live our lives in fear. That can kill us too.
Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum  (E)
This is the forum where blog prompts will be posted for the Blogging Circle of Friends.
#1901904 by Lyn's a Witchy Woman
July 23, 2021 at 11:09pm
July 23, 2021 at 11:09pm
For my blog

Take UP Your Cross

If you could start any ministry, what would it be and who would it serve?

Besides, what I am currently doing, I would like to help the homeless. Well, I would also like to have a singing ministry too. Of course, helping others in general is a ministry.

I guess for the homeless, I am not sure what kind of ministry would be best. I would definitely want to help them with every day needs most people take for granted. Maybe the ministry can supply tents and blankets and other basic items.

As far as a singing ministry, I would love to travel around, share testimonies, teach God's Word, and sing at various churches or different places. I don't necessarily want to be famous. I just want to touch people’s lives for Jesus any way I can. Honestly, I wonder if I am getting to old to do something like this. Maybe I can still do something on Youtube or Facebook. Hey, I can at least dream. Lol

An image for my blog group


The Original Logo.

PROMPT July 23rd

A couple of weeks ago, I asked you about the Best Boss you've ever had. Tonight, write about the worst boss you’ve ever had.

You don't want to know. Lol You are digging deep with some of these questions. Well, you asked for it. 😡

The one boss that found my buttons, well maybe there have been a couple, was a manager I had in fast food. Both of the ones I am thinking of were at fast food.

Most people know I am very easy to get along with, but one thing that will push my button quicker than anything is disrespect. You might be my manager, but you do not have the right to talk down to me. Do not insult me, make me feel like you think I am stupid, or talk to me like I am two. I am an adult. I hope they are too especially if they are a lot younger than me.

Having said this, there was a female who thought she could bully me because she was my manager. One day she physically pushed me. I lost it. We got into a verbal heated “discussion” right there in the drive thru. I was so angry I was in tears. Thankfully, there was another manager there who told me to clock out and go home and that we could talk about it later. I ended up taking a leave of absence until I calmed down enough to confront her. It took me about 3 weeks to calm down enough too. I knew if she said anything to me or anything, it would not be pretty. I wanted to harm her at that point.

For the record, crying is not a sign of weakness. It is a sign it is taking everything in me to hold back. I either cry at this point or my voice and everything will become very solemn and monotone. The look in my eyes will also tell you something if you pay attention.

The other one was a man who always liked talking down to me. I could get along with him as a person, but as a manager, he and I were always arguing. The store manager had to step in and referee at one point. She was kind of laughing, but said I needed to try to get along with him. She could see my point of view. I just wasn't going to let him take advantage of me and run over me because I was a female.

I ended up eventually leaving both jobs. I guess I have always been a bit mouthy at times. I just have an issue when I feel like I or someone else is being treated unfairly. It is hard for me to just stand by and keep my mouth shut in those situations. I do have a temper, but I try to keep it under control.


Picture to use in feasting on the word of God

Feasting On The Word of God   (E)
This is for a Bible study group.
#2245217 by Marvelous Friend


Are you in the need for prayer? Let us know here and we will pray for you.
Open Door To Grace Prayer Hot Line  (E)
Do you want prayer? Ask for it here! All requests are confidential.
#1372909 by Marvelous Friend


Blog City image small

Tell us about your writing space. Where do you write your blog posts?

Honestly, I usually relax across my bed to write. Sometimes, I will write at the dining room table too.

This image was created by the talented by Sharmelle's Expressions!

Prompt: I was cruising the galaxy with Batman and found this planet: Tarasankar Banerjee (13)
Read this item:
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2254821 by Not Available.

Write about this item in your Blog entry today.
Downton Abbey Mansion Image [#2213135]
Downton Abbey Mansion

This sounds like someone just being friendly to random strangers. We should all look for opportunities to help other people. If you have nothing else to give, give them your smile.

Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs

Describe your favorite sunrise or sunset location. What appeals to you the most when you're there?

I love to see it across a lake. It is so pretty as it is reflected across the water.

Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum  (E)
This is the forum where blog prompts will be posted for the Blogging Circle of Friends.
#1901904 by Lyn's a Witchy Woman
July 22, 2021 at 9:41am
July 22, 2021 at 9:41am
For my blog

Take UP Your Cross

Is belonging to a church necessary to be a “true follower” of Jesus?

Last time I checked, my Bible does not say, “Belong to a church and thou shalt be saved.” It does say to not forsake the assembling of yourselves together. I believe we should fellowship with one another. We should assemble, but sometimes I think too much emphasis is put on being a member of a church. That is just my opinion.

An image for my blog group


Image #2066112 over display limit. -?-

PROMPT July 22nd

We all have that favorite book or movie. Tonight, write about a film or book that has stayed with you, even if it isn't one you'd consider a favorite.

There was an old Christian film. I don't even know if it is still in existence. I watched it when I was a child. The movie was called, “I Will Serve There Because I Love There.” There is a song by the same title that was played throughout the movie. My mother taught me the song and we sang it in church one Sunday. I vaguely remember the movie itself. It was something to do with a guy standing up to gang members. He is killed in the end of the movie. That's all I remember now, but I would love to see it again someday. It's message has stuck with me for life. It is about being so passionate about your relationship with Christ that you would even risk your life for what you believe in. It is a good and emotional movie.

I also really like, The House of The Winslow series of books by Gilbert Morris. They are Christian Historical Fiction. It is about the descendants of one family throughout several historical events in history. I love these books and can read them again and again. I also like his Lion of Judah series as it is fiction based on biblical stories. He is very good writer.

Another set of books I like really well are the books about prayer by Stormy Omartian. A more recent book and movie on prayer that is sticking with me is The War Room. I don't recall the author of that one right off the top of my head.


Image #2246070 over display limit. -?-

Feasting On The Word of God   (E)
This is for a Bible study group.
#2245217 by Marvelous Friend

Current study: "Fruits of the Spirit - Peace

Are you in the need for prayer? Let us know here and we will pray for you.
Open Door To Grace Prayer Hot Line  (E)
Do you want prayer? Ask for it here! All requests are confidential.
#1372909 by Marvelous Friend


Poetry Topic of the Month Contest  (13+)
Win Exclusive MBs. It ends at midnight at the end of each month. Suggest the topic.
#2216416 by Shar ~ Happy 24th Birthday WdC

This is the link to the group I do these Scripture writings with on Facebook if anyone else is interested in doing so also.

Scripture writing - Psalms 142

1 I cried unto the Lord with my voice; with my voice unto the Lord did I make my supplication.
2 I poured out my complaint before him; I shewed before him my trouble.
3 When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, then thou knewest my path. In the way wherein I walked have they privily laid a snare for me.
4 I looked on my right hand, and beheld, but there was no man that would know me: refuge failed me; no man cared for my soul.
5 I cried unto thee, O Lord: I said, Thou art my refuge and my portion in the land of the living.
6 Attend unto my cry; for I am brought very low: deliver me from my persecutors; for they are stronger than I.
7 Bring my soul out of prison, that I may praise thy name: the righteous shall compass me about; for thou shalt deal bountifully with me.

Verse 1- I said a prayer.
Verse 2- I unloaded everything on my heart to God.
Verse 3- God has everything under control even though I do not. He knows what is ahead.
Verse 4- I felt completely rejected by men.
Verse 5- I told God all about it and took refuge in him.
Verse 6- Asking God for deliverance.
Verse 7- Expressing faith that things will get better and that God has a better and bigger plan for me than what I can see right now.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart.

Dear God,
I trust in you. I know you have a good and perfect plan for my life. You are so good. You have my best interest at heart and know the bigger picture. What comfort it is to have a God like you watching over me.
In Jesus’s name,

Gratitude List

1. Rest
2. Accomplishment
3. Cool breezes on hot days
4. Exercise
5. Dishes
6. Laundry
7. Medicine
8. Insurance
9. Helpful programs
10. Smiles


Image #1971183 over display limit. -?-

Prompt: "A classic is a book that has never finished saying what it has to say." Write about this in your Blog entry today.

If that is the case, does any book ever finish what it needs to say. The book, classic or not, will speak to anyone who takes the time to listen. The book has said what it needed to say. It just means people are still listening to it when it becomes classic.

Image #2224458 over display limit. -?-

Prompt: I was traveling the galaxy with Johhny Depp and found this planet: Queen NormaJean Lightningrages (248)
Read this item:
 A Little Trip  (E)
Flash Fiction 5-19-20 W/C 299
#2222287 by QueenNormaJean gettinPomsready

Write about no where in your Blog entry today.

In case you didn't know, there really is a nowhere, Oklahoma.

I haven't been there, but I would love to go to Nowhere in particular. I could make a Facebook post, I am off to Nowhere today. Taking a little trip to Nowhere. If someone asks me where I am going. Again, I can tell them Nowhere. Where did you go? Nowhere really. I could have a lot of fun with that. I wonder if anyone lives in Nowhere. Lol

Image #1997652 over display limit. -?-

Write a letter to the personality trait you like least, convincing it to shape up or ship out. Be as threatening, theatrical, or thoroughly charming as is necessary to get the job done.

This is one of those days when I am not in the greatest mood to write something like this. I am still going to do it though. It is just easier to write about something when you are in the mood to do it. This has just been a busy day as I knew it would be. I am having one of my days that I feel tired and trembly on top of it. I don't have much energy and am shaking like a leaf as I write.

Dear anger,

I know you are a normal human emotion. I will have experiences with you from time to time. When used properly, you can be a good thing. You can let us know when something is not right. However, I don't want to spend a lot of time with you. I would rather you do your job and leave.

I can appreciate you for who you are, but it is not healthy or good for me to hang onto you. It would be pleasurable to a point to hang out with you for awhile with certain topics and experiences. However, you do not bring out the good in me or the will of God. Unfortunately, when you stick around, you bring about other negative emotions and actions. This is not good. Besides, I would rather be happy. I would rather laugh then cry.

So I am sorry I can not spend more time with you. I appreciate it when you let me know something is wrong, but we just can not spend a lot of time together.

Thanks for your understanding,

Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum  (E)
This is the forum where blog prompts will be posted for the Blogging Circle of Friends.
#1901904 by Lyn's a Witchy Woman

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