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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/blog/rig0rm0rtis/month/10-1-2021
Rated: E · Book · Writing · #2232903
My blog, where I store those thoughts rattling around my brain
Welcome to the insanity of my mind! Please excuse the cobwebs and clutter, I've been meaning to clean the place up a bit...

Stop in and read some of my nonsense whenever the mood strikes you :)
October 27, 2021 at 6:26pm
October 27, 2021 at 6:26pm
I finally did it. After four days and endless amounts of research/brainstorming, my latest creation is complete.

IT'S ALIIIIIVE! *thunderclap*

This is a tribute to the classic tales of old, with references here and there to the great Gothic writers of the 19th century. I took some creative liberties (as I always do) and I feel like this might be one of my best works yet.

Pride and Preternature  (18+)
A Victorian tale of dread
#2260529 by Ray Scrivener
October 20, 2021 at 8:13pm
October 20, 2021 at 8:13pm
I just finished editing an older story of mine.

Back when I wrote it for SCREAMS, I was running out of time and wasn't able to finish the ending I had envisioned, choosing to awkwardly wrap it up in a few sentences. Well now it's back and better than ever! (You'll be the judge of that.)

This new and revised conclusion ended up extending the story to be nearly three times as long. Do the new scenes add anything or detract from the overall experience? I honestly can't even tell you. What I can say is that it was loads of fun to write and that I will certainly be tweaking it and polishing the parts that need it.

Here it is! Hope you enjoy it, dear readers!

Chateau Du Macabre  (13+)
Two brothers enter a house of horrors and discover the unspeakable...
#2186992 by Ray Scrivener
October 6, 2021 at 12:42pm
October 6, 2021 at 12:42pm
*Music2* Finally someone let me out of my cage
Now time for me is nothin' 'cos I'm counting no age
Now I couldn't be there now you shouldn't be scared
I'm good at repairs and I'm under each snare *Music1*
October 6, 2021 at 11:49am
October 6, 2021 at 11:49am
Brain fog.

What can you do to cut through the haze? To energize an exhausted body that just wants to become an apathetic lump of flesh? Right now, it's a struggle to even put a few words together when the couch calls me with soft cushions and warm blankets. Can I just pause time and sleep for a short eternity?

But write I must.

After imbibing an unhealthy amount of caffeine, I guess it's time to vomit out some nonsense so I can pave way for introspective thought and flowery prose. Gods, my head is killing me. There's a ridiculous amount of editing involved before I can even consider putting my next book online. I've half a mind to just put my unpolished works up and call it a day. But that wouldn't end well... People can be awfully harsh critics. Especially when they know I could do better. Of course, I can.

But do I have the stamina to make it happen?

If you are reading this, send some coffee and encouraging vibes to this weary dude. Otherwise I just might end up being swallowed up by the towering sin of sloth that's cradling my tender skull.
October 4, 2021 at 12:23pm
October 4, 2021 at 12:23pm
She knows not why the wilderness calls
with groaning limb and rustled husk
voices murmur on wafting gusts
luring feet through trees at dusk

No beastly growls or distant howls
strike her heart with fearful doubt
even the grasping branches fail
to slow the girl upon her route.

Pajamas, her silken armor,
sight keener than a blade.
Boldly, she treads into the dark
and treacherous forest glade.

Something within her whispers
leaves tumble in spiral whirs
air grows thick with strange magic
Arcane blood bubbles and stirs

She clutches a squirming bundle
sibling of flesh and bone
swiftly the girl lifts that babe
and dashes brains against a stone.

You've done so well, dear child
turning innocents into paste
Spread it over your nubile form
and leave no scrap to waste.

Feel the power inside your veins,
savor each new spasm and twitch
at last you inherit my ancient curse
birthing a great and terrible witch.

October 3, 2021 at 12:33pm
October 3, 2021 at 12:33pm
I'm planning to drop another bundle of spooky stories this month on Amazon!

Right now the struggle is trying to select which ones fit the bill and determining the best way to edit/re-write the ones that were a bit lackluster. I'm thinking the Sea of Trees will occupy a nice chunk, being a novella and all. Just need to tweak that last third... *cringes*

It's tricky to rework something you've written in the past. I think it's a result of being in a particular headspace during the creation, you look back and wonder at the influences present when you first wrapped threads around that nucleus of an idea. Of course, time and experience help you spot mistakes... But it's the tone and passion that are lacking.

Do other creative people suffer from this problem? I wonder if I'm not alone in my struggles.

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/blog/rig0rm0rtis/month/10-1-2021