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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #2232901
Psalm 90:10, "The length of our days is seventy years—or eighty if we are strong....
Three Score and Ten the Introduction,

Well here we go, After 50 years I am going to take another attempt at writing. The first time was the Palmer writers correspondence school in 1969. The writing will be not a book that will be written with the idea of being published, But will be a writing of thoughts unencumbered by possible publishing and monetary gain. This writing will be a hybrid of Journal and Reminisce. It is important to me that the writings are my true thoughts at the time, not influenced by any factor. The writing will try to explain how a 70 year old white, male USA citizen now relates to today's world. Is every oldest generation lost in their own world, that they aged into? What do I see, and feel as I age farther. I know I am not normal as in what this world today would consider normal. But I hope I am in the ball park writing the thoughts of a 70 year old. I hope for you to learn to know who I am, As I search for Who I am at 70+ This work will carry on until I am no longer able to think or write. This will be done on a nearly daily writing interwoven with a life's reminiscing. This writing has been in the planning for 10 plus years. and I have now made it to this starting point. This writing is dedicated to My Wife The Kitten, My family, My grand children, Lukas, Levi, Luis, Lydia and Sonora Pearl. I thank you God that you have allowed me to have your Three Score and Ten Time.
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October 13, 2020 at 10:31pm
October 13, 2020 at 10:31pm
I am now close to putting to bed day 57. It is always a bit sad then I have to say good bye to a day. I know it will never return and I can not change anything about Three Score and Ten + 57. It is a done deal. Maybe that is why I hate to go to bed, I do not want to say the last farewell to the day. The wife just went up to bed so it is easier to write. My thought train gets broken easily when she is in the library as I write.

Today I did get the garlic planted for next year. From start to finish it is about a 5 hour job. I most likely make the job longer then it needs to be. I have the idea that a garden needs to produce, But it also needs to look Planed and Executed, and Looking Good. The weather started out damp but came around with some sun. The weather has been worse for planting Garlic.

Tomorrow I will concentrate on porch painting. I think the painter has deserted me for now. I was hoping to fish one more time in the boat, but my Work ethic tells me to paint. Good painting days will now be few in number. I will need to break away and mow the grass one more time. There is a down side to mowing the grass the last time. It means I will need to get the snow blower out soon. Thank You for reading, and God Bless You.
October 12, 2020 at 9:38pm
October 12, 2020 at 9:38pm
Three Score and Ten + Day 56
We had a nice afternoon on Sunday Day 55, we went to the Milwaukee area and had dinner with my daughter and Son in Law. It was nice. My Son in Law likes to grill so he did and we ate outside. I am not big on grilling. We received a grill as a gift 24 years ago and have used little more the one tank of gas in that time, and that was used when the son in Laws visited. I put grilling right up their with camping or lying on a beach. I eat to live not live to eat.

Today early was a cool rainy day. We did not get a lot of rain but enough to stop the painting. So we made a run to the grocery, The Little dog needed dog food and Luna the cat needed cat food. We did manage a few items for the humans. I unpacked when I returned and then went and picked up Wheat Straw to cover the Strawberries and Garlic. Planting the garlic is on the top of the To Do List for tomorrow. It needs to get in now so it can root and establish itself before real cold weather. We normally cover with straw just before Thanksgiving. Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to also do some painting. The days are getting few for painting weather. I think I am a good detail painter for about 3-4 hours then I start loosing my patience and I have to walk away from it.

How are you coping with this China virus? Being retired and a stay at home type I think it is easier for us to cope. We are not party animals here, Well maybe Biscuit and Luna can be party animals, but not us humans. So we have been keeping our normal routine, which helps keep a sanity about the whole chaotic condition. I am one of those people that tries to plan for all possible contingencies. But this virus hit me out of the blue, not something that I would have thought to plan for. But their will be better days ahead as God is in control, Count on it. May the Holy Spirit be strong within You.......... Fathertymme
October 10, 2020 at 8:49pm
October 10, 2020 at 8:49pm
The fishing trip spoken of on Day 52, Let me say I have had better trips. My years must be showing. I drove one plus hour, when only then did I remember I did not have my fishing poles with me. Yikes, What to do Drive back an hour to get the poles OR As I remembered there is a Big Box store Close by. So I went there and bought another fish pole. I only have about 20 poles the wife most likely knows the exact count. So I decided that I will make the best of a bad situation and try to fish with an open face reel, It was cheap also helped with the decision. I never learned the art of an open face reel. I grew up using closed face reels and have used closed face my entire life. At any rate It was another bad choice. I fought with that reel all day. You reel-ey can not teach an old dog a new trick, Or how to use an open face reel. On the positive it was a very nice weather day, little wind with sun. I did manage between curses and laughs too get two small Walleyes and two small perch. I did not get skunked and I hope I learned a thing or two. I put the Kayak away for the season today.

And so on to day 53-54, The painter still has not showed. So I am painting. I have gotten one porch finished with one to go. It is the larger porch so I hope she shows up a day or two before the cold weather sets in. I am hoping to get the boat in the water once more Up North. We shall see. It is only about 3+ hours north too the house, but the weather is two climate zones different from here, and not too the warm side. We had a fire lite in the evening last time we were up there. Today we brought in the last of the peppers, tomatoes and egg Plant from the garden. I picked up all the walking planks. Next up roto till and plant Garlic, Hopefully planting Garlic on Monday. I hope all is well with You and Yours........... Fathertymme
October 8, 2020 at 10:32am
October 8, 2020 at 10:32am
Three Score and Ten + Day 52
The days of fall are getting short, so painting days are getting fewer in number and our painter has not showed up. Evidently she is busy with another bigger job. So I started painting yesterday and made some progress. I will paint again tomorrow and go till this years project is finished. The problem with a old house is that it is always an old house that needs attention. Our Queen Ann which we love was built in 1897 with character. I always wanted a Painted Lady on Main Street, you could say I have an Old Lady on Mainstreet that needs Make Up.

I just took the Little Dog up stairs for his Monthly bath. He has such short legs and long hair he gets dirty easily. But he does not fight the bath, but it is a job. I do the transporting and she does the washing. The Little Dog looks great after a bath and combing.

This weather today will be most likely the last opportunity this season for me to go Kayak fishing. So I am going to let the painting rest a day and drive 1.5 hours and hopefully catch some fish. the fishing from a Kayak has become very popular in our area. I like to think I was one of the first 20+ years ago. There is something special being alone in the Kayak with a fish pole and good weather,[little or No wind]. I have outfitted the Kayaks with a portable fish locator. I need to load up and gets ready to leave so this will be shorter. I will give you a report when I return. Till then Have a Great Day
October 6, 2020 at 10:37am
October 6, 2020 at 10:37am
It is a great looking day, Sun and 73 degrees. The painter is supposed to get back here today, let us hope. I was going to write last night but for some reason felt down. No good reason, Sometimes that happens. Maybe I was tired or it was line auction results for the evening. It is hard for me to under stand the money that is spent on some things. I maybe too frugal, But I want to pay the bills.

I was talking to the Little Dog Biscuit and asked him how his tax filing was coming. He said he was good to go. Him being a picturesque Cairn Terrier he has is image plastered all over items for sale, mostly dog related but not all. I figured he has just raking it in with all the royalties and cameo appearances. But he like others said No, He was spending it as fast as he was making it. He said brain surgery school is expensive. He said the idea of being a brain surgeon, he thought would give him a tail up on the ladder of success. So he enrolled in the Universal College of Brain Surgery. He said he thought their could be a problem when no other students had fur or a tail. but he started and promptly flunked out. He started crying and barking, It was so hard to understand, I could not read the words. It was all Greek to me. I had trouble holding the scalpel, My tail got in the way. They did not return any of his tuition. He is a poorer Cairn Terrier for his efforts.

He is poorer but I am richer. For the Little dog caused me to understand something important. We as one of God's creatures are like a Little Dog trying to learn Brain surgery. We understand about as much as a Little Dog understanding Brain Surgery. Our understanding of God and God's ways must center around faith and trust. We do not need not know God's secrets of the Universe and never will.

Then I sat down to ponder, Does that Little Dog know just how smart he is, and the lessons he teaches. You can learn a lot from a Little Dog. May the Holy Spirit be strong within You......... Fathertymme
October 4, 2020 at 11:54am
October 4, 2020 at 11:54am
I am back at our primary residence in south central Wisconsin. News Alert; The to do list sitting on the counter in the north is all checked off. I actually sat down a half day and read some of a Bertrand Russell Historical Philosophy book I have been working on all summer. What a analyzer and thinker. The next item up their to do is cut a tree for the neighbor and clean up the chain saw put it away. We will not be there until the October 13th now. It is unusual but we had not had a killing frost up their yet, I suspect we have now though. The leave turn is past it prime down. The duck gun and deer bow season is now open. So the year marches on, and what a year it has been. It makes you want to go home.

The problem with home is you can never go back. Home is a place in your mind. The physical home may still be there, But home is more then a physical place. It is where you grew up, But also a culture of that time. It is a time of comfortable events, Simplicity, A understanding of your limited world when you are 12. It is seeing things as they really are, with no ulterior motives on your part.
I am still a boy of 12 searching for home. I realize it is gone, But yet I search. Hoping to find remnants of it. I miss home so I live in a world today surrounded by yesterday. I try to hold off todays world. I try to build the walls bigger and stronger. I will not succumb to todays world. It is not that I am depressed or angry. I think I am happy and balanced. But I as all people need to create there own world that they live in. The world I have built is different then most. I will continue to look for home. Have a Blessed Day
September 30, 2020 at 12:38pm
September 30, 2020 at 12:38pm
Three Score and Ten + Day 44
Today we are leaving for the north woods after a good busy day yesterday. It is good when God and I are on the same page. I got the tulips planted, Tulips Dug and replanted, Then the front flower bed cleaned up and weeded. The painter is not going to paint this week so we are going north. Hopeful she will paint next week so we will stay here. The weather for painting next week looks good, Not so good this week, it's Cool and rainy.

Right now I am at a loss for what to write, My mind is else where, Not sure where. I have on my mind Just how dysfunctional the world is. That bothers me. It was not always this way as I remember. It seems Events, Days Activities, Technology, and People are over complicated. Most people want to be a victim of something. Thinking of yourself as a victim is the surest way to defeat. Many people are defeated before they start. Where did being Positive with Self Reliance and Responsibility for ones results go to. When did common sense go out the window. It seems the world can not put 2+2 together and come up with 4. God has provided a creation for all mankind and all life a great place to be. But mankind has not learned to live in harmony with that creation. What mankind has learned to live in harmony with is violence. Thank You for reading my ranting. May the Holy Spirit be Strong Within You.
September 28, 2020 at 10:47pm
September 28, 2020 at 10:47pm
Three Score and Ten + Day 42
I after taking my pills in the morning I thank God for see another day. Every day is a precious gift that I would not have to have been given. I am grateful for that gift. But today was one of those days which did not work out as I was hoping. I was hoping to plant tulips today, But it was cold and rainy. As a typical farmer the weather seldom is just right. We do need rain and it was a light slow rain without a storm. But I wanted to plant Tulips. I heard from our young lady painter that she will not be here this week, as she needs to work else where. Why is it so difficult to get a person doing home repairs that will stay with the job until it is finished. So we will go north on Wednesday this week and stay here next week and hopefully she will do the painting. I will paint next week if need be. Maybe For some reason, I do not know, God wants me here next week Or up there this week. God provides you days that allows you Free Choice, BUT he may lean on you a bit to make things work out as he wants them too.
I did work in the office library today putting Old kitchen Tool listings on the internet. That does eat up a lot of time. And then I organized some flea Market items for next year. I then hug a new light in the basement. These were all tasks that needed doing but were not top tier ' at this time on the "To Do List"
The days God grants me are full of unknowns. The days seldom turn out as I plan for them, But I give thanks for each one of them. I trust God has a "To Do List" for me that comes first, and he wants it done today. When a day turns out as I plan for it, what does it mean? It means that God and I are on the same page, and that feels good.
The little dog is whimpering and crying It is time for this visit with mom upstairs. So have a Blessed Evening
September 27, 2020 at 9:19pm
September 27, 2020 at 9:19pm
Three Score and Ten + Day 41
We have had our dinner this day, The library is empty, The begging dog has left. The Luna cat is some where in dream land. The wife is in the kitchen doing clean up. I have an auction going off in a few hours so I sit here thinking of what I should write.
I will try to answer the question "Why do I Journal Blog". It is an important factor as a lot of precious time and effort is dedicated to the Journal Blog. I have always been a people watcher, People fascinate me. I wonder what makes them tick, How do they think, What is their day like, What is it like to walk in their shoes. What are they like when the personality mask comes off. They say no two people have ever been exactly the same and I believe it. The combinations are endless. Kudo's to the creator for making it so. What a boring world this would be if everyone thought and did the same.
Now understand I am a very private person, A not a in your face, back slapping good Joe. I watch from a distance, analyzing what I see, trying to put together a story. In my auction dealings I have in the past purchased older family photo albums. [another story for another time] As I view them I try to put together the families story by viewing the photos. Most never have information written on them. But You can tell a lot by following the photo album. That is sort of what I do watching people at an airport or restaurant or grocery or any where.
We are staying to home more now so there is less chance to people watch. Then there is the face coverings. If you are like me you need to see a face to read the total body language. It is very agitating for me not to see a face. It is like opening a book and finding no type only pages.
In my dealing with people I am no social butterfly. I have never learned the art of small social talk. [another future discussion] I am polite but to the point. I would never be part of a water cooler or party crowd. In a crowd I get anxious and uncomfortable, and just want to leave. I love one on one intelligent conversation of concepts and the Big picture ideas. I want to learn from others. I will drive to and talk directly to a person I need to rather then use a telephone. I need that body language to speak to me.
Which brings me to the idea of this journal entry. Why do I write this blog? Because if I write I have the opportunity to read YOUR blogs and have communication. I do have a interest in your daily routines. As I put more information together you become more interesting. I learn from your experiences. What makes the writer write? It is a type of therapy for me, as I think it for you. It looks to me like there is a lot of collective wisdom on this site. Some real thinkers and doers. I hope to gain from that wisdom. I do enjoy being here.
The internet auction just closed for me, I won just two bids, A set of Platt and Munk publishing children's books, I sell children's books on the net. And a lot of Ice Fishing gear that I will sort through. Their sure does not seem to be a shortage of auction money out there. I hope you have a Blessed Evening
September 26, 2020 at 9:18pm
September 26, 2020 at 9:18pm
I got back from the Northwoods yesterday afternoon. I had planned to write so I checked in but was too tired and agitated to write. Today I still feel agitated. I have no good reason to be agitated. but I do need down time alone to put my mind in order, To sort things out. Today is Sabbath and I feel short changed. We cannot attend church without a nose and mouth face cover, Governor and County orders. I cannot tolerate having my nose covered that long. So I say home and listen to the last service on "You Tube". I do not always agree with all that spoken at church , but I am missing the attendance. Having communion with Christ is always a High event for me, I miss it.

Luna is on my lap and is insisting on attention. He will have to leave as we are getting ready to eat dinner. No cats allowed at dinner time, Only a begging dog. We eat one major meal a day. We shoot for 3-4 o'clock. With all of our eating ideally between 10-4. It does not always work out that way but that is where we aim to be. Sometimes I need a little something in the evening. We seem to feel better doing a intermittent Fast. It works for us.

We made some real progress at the North Woods compound this last visit. We got the front deck repainted, Wood Cut, Wood split and stacked. I got the garden plowed this year before it got to wet, which is normal. And It rained a day while we were there. My brother stopped on his way going fishing while I was plowing. I was hoping to go fishing when I finished, But it was pouring rain by then. My brother must have gotten soaked, I'll find out when we go back up.

Earlier today I wrote within comments what I especially like about fall. In this writing I want to discuss what I do not like about fall. In the fall before it gets too wet I have to turn the compost pile for the next year. It reminds me of a job as a youngster we had to do once or twice a year. We always had a place behind the chicken and hog house where garbage was thrown out, all kinds of garbage from a family of ten. Once or twice a year it had to be picked up, Or dug up and loaded on a trailer. It was then hauled across the field to our private little land fill. Turning the vegetative compost pile reminds me of that job. Now don't misunderstand me, turning the compote pile is a very important job. It mixes and aerates the compost letting it become gold for the garden soil. We have a passive compote pile. Just put green and dried vegetation on a pile, add too it through the year, turn it once in the fall, In the second season you have life giving compost. The process of composting is God's original system of recycling and sustainability. The vegetative compost system is vital for life on earth. Just think what the results could be if nothing rotted or decayed. But I still put off turning the pile, But I do it.

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