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Rated: E · Book · Scientific · #2221517
The beginning if an in depth look at alternative possibilities
What uncertain times we live. There is an uneasy feeling in the world that everyone senses yet no one can identify. Covid-19 has shut down the planet, even Mount Everest was swept clean from a human presence. And while I write this the world is under house arrest. Yet strangely,,, The virus is not the fear. Family members and friends alike all have their own theory of what the true threat may be. From the coming 5 G, to Nazi resurgence , or the illuminate perhaps, some say the Annunaki and Aliens, while others feel a much darker and more sinister plot is unfolding. Like all good comedy being rooted in the truth, I believe all good conspiracy's have a scent of truth as well. It's in this way that our minds except the otherwise unlikely, and at times, laughable postulations. This in the former case may be described as " No harm no foul "everyone has a laugh. But in the later, it becomes much more dangerous , adding credence to falsehoods and providing misdirection to uncertain souls. The internet has opened up the volumes of sacred knowledge that have been sealed until this appointed time. Normally reserved for the priestly class of self appointed kings who profess to be wise. Pick your poison. choose any of the fore mentioned scenarios and you will find the rabbit hole goes as deep as you care to travel.

I began writing this book circa 2009. I was ahead of the curve on the coming new religion calling themselves ancient astronaut theorists and the end of the world panic of the December 21st 2012 crowd. The reason is, I had just lost my best friend and Father, Ray. A diversely educated man he held a bachelors in Engineering , a masters in Theology and a PHD in Law. He hosted his own radio show, Pastured a church and taught me the meaning of honor, duty and family. When he passed I started asking myself some difficult questions. Would I truly see him again? Were all the hours and years I spent sitting in that old country church for naught? Or could I intellectually prove to myself that he was right. For centuries now humankind has searched for the answers to species old questions, regarding the origins of humanity. Are we the complete accident of a primordial chemical brew? Alternatively, is there an almighty benevolent intelligence that shaped and formed our existence? Other questions such as the nature of the universe, are we alone? Is there a predetermined procession? Or a chronology of events and an inescapable fate. Or perhaps every action is a random meaningless chemical synapse as we are flung through space on a piece of shrapnel from the Mother of all explosions? Is there life after death? I believe the search for these answers are being sought now more that ever. And as a generation finds themselves lost in an ocean of truth's and half truth's , lies and deception, a generation raised to believe they are all mistakes of natural selection acting on random mutation and told that man has scientifically proven God does not exist, we need to catalog, clarify, and begin to lay some basic foundational knowledge of each of these subjects so as individuals we can approach these uncertain times through a position of informed enlightenment. Moreover, as a species we have become comfortable with, slumbering our way through the motions of our life trading our freedom for security, or simply happy in our ignorance, allowing the privilege of comfort to make us lax in our sociological responsibility to keep an intellectual vigilance in opposition of spiritual “pitfalls”. The wages of this being disconnection from the essence of our core “true” self.

So take a deep breath because we are going to cover everything from ancient history, biblical history, UFOs, Cellular biology, structures on the moon, evolution, creationism, Scientific arguments like the Kalam Cosmological argument, Anthropic Teleological Argument, , Giants, Illuminate, God, Hell, world war three, alien intervention, and more. There is at the core a pervasive thread that actually permeates and binds these scenarios together as they hurl us ever faster toward our future. We need to think outside the box on antiquated dogmas ,repetitiously ingrained from our first days of school until we exit the halls of academia. With as diverse and wide ranging a set of factors, I find it helpful to keep a center point or prism in which to filter and guide me through the maze. So keep in mind that my conclusions rely on research, years of study, physical evidence, and my personal spiritual intuition. No one person or institution has the answers to the puzzle of the human genus.

I was fortunate a few years back to hear an intellectual, mathematician, philosopher Dr David Berlinski recount a story of Galileo having occasion to write a letter to his friend and Benedictine monk Benedictine Benito Casseli. If I may paraphrase and surmise, David went on to describe Galileo writing what most scientists to this day consider one of the founding documents of the scientific era. The setting is early seventeen Century, circa 1615-1625 in the hart of the inquisition Galileo wrote that God's Word in inerrant, and cannot be wrong. However we should leave ourselves open to the possibility that man is fail able and can misinterpret. On the other other hand... There is another book. The book of God's works! The book of God's works being written in mathematics and can only adequately be interpreted by mathematicians that this draws a necessary corollary. Being the only class able to read the book of God's works, that this makes mathematicians and scientists somewhat of a priestly Class.

This thinking was adopted then and still held today by 96% of scientists. Any dissenting views must not be tolerated! If there is thought outside the box that they have created then it must be snuffed out! They find the rest of us simply inadequate to interpret the facts ourselves, we are but useless eaters. We have the same facts, right? They have never been wrong, right?

This is the same group who told your ancestors that the world was flat, that draining your blood would cure you of illness, or that every other day say that they have made a discovery that will " re-write history ". It is obvious that they don't have a clue beyond a few thousand years what exactly our history is. Yet they proc-lame themselves wise, God's of their own Universe. Just that word alone "Universe" Uni = Single or singular, and Verse = a spoken sentence. We live in a single spoken sentence : And God said, "Let there Be"!

CHAPTER ONE: Big Claims Require extraordinary Proof

Let's go ahead and take care of the elephant in the room shall we? I am aware that many of the components of related to the evidence that we cover are 180 degrees opposite of what is being not just taught, but being preached in our schools around the country and as was the intent, these in

CHAPTER Two: Case for Special Creation

I should say (MY) case for special creation, I guess. This is a theory long in the making and wrought through both personal loss and suffering, and incredible joy and prosperity. I am fortunate to have lived an amazingly diverse life, spending much of the first portion in church supporting my family and Fathers ministry, I am a veteran and have served my Country, I am a Father and Grandfather and as such take seriously the words and ideas that I postulate. Please know everything that follows and indeed from cover to cover, I believe to be the path to the truth, the light and the way.

The world’s leading Hebraists are in consensus that one thing is clear regarding the Bible, that is the fact it is a narrative. Those writers were adamant that the following generations were to pass these writings down (mostly verbal transmission at that time) to the next generations as historical fact. Of all creation stories this set's the Bible apart. The first five books of the Bible are claimed to be written by Moses as given to him by God and Holy Spirit. Written in one contiguous sentence from right to left with no punctuation these books span the creation to the flood. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.

Scholar's also agree that the word day in Genesis in the creation story means exactly as it is stated, that is a literal 24-hour standard day night cycle as we still understand it. This fact significantly changes the current paradigm of millions of years of which I do not subscribe and here is why. In the Beginning when God created the Heavens and Earth it is written that the Earth was void and without form and darkness was upon the face of the deep. Then spirit of God moved over the face of the deep. And God said, let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.

Every word written certainly has effect on our thoughts but here is the foundation that we will use to flesh out the theory. I believe that there was indeed an ice / water crystalline "shell" at this moment that surrounded the Earth and protected it from cosmic solar rays. This is how we can understand how everything grew to such enormous stature. A land where Dragon flies had a 6'+ wingspan and people lived to be 900. A necessary corollary to this thought process is that the atmosphere in these conditions was drastically different to that of the current era. Having the waters below the firmament and the seal of ice that surrounded the globe created something akin to a greenhouse effect that was perfectly balanced and allowed for the higher oxygen levels and subsequently carbon levels as well. Carbon dating seems to be accurate to ( not coincidentally) a few thousand years.
Apatosaurus was one of the largest dinosaurs yet had the nostrils the size of a hoarse and lacked the diaphragm and breathing apparatus to push the air in and out of its lungs in today’s norm of Approximately 21%. In the Cretaceous the levels are thought to be around 35% or higher and with greater pressure levels according to Gary Landis, of the US Geological Survey and noted on https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg14018981-200.

Seemingly a little-known fact that scientists lead by Dr Schweitzer at the University of North Carolina have found Supposed dinosaur bones that still have blood cells and soft tissue inside. As scientists scramble to find buckets to bail out their sinking ship of evolution again, the Theologian sits comfortably yet again as we did when main stream “academics” discovered evidence of the big bang or even the decoding of the human Genome. The more we learn of the nature of our Universe the more the evidence points overwhelmingly to special creation. I would like to state that this book is not necessarily a vehicle for evangelism, or any religious denomination for that matter. I feel it is mainly a counter the machine called Humanism or uniformitarianism and the group think it requires. I have the exact same evidence and information that mainstream scholars have, it is the interpretation of that evidence that separates the two world views.

Even in a Country as great as America we all feel the encroachment of a fascist spirit as evidenced by the events of 2020. We all seem to forget that this was only made possible via the absence of anything spiritual or greater than ourselves. Our children are taught in school that they are animals, a mistake of rainwater falling on the rocks creating some magical soup. They are told that science has absolutely, and un-equivocally proven God does not exist. We will cover the Evolution hoax in a latter chapter however it is worth mentioning now to highlight the absence of critical thinking or the excoriation of those that may just give the appearance of someone not in step with the group think paradigm. These scientists I do not believe have even considered they may be wrong on the age because their scriptures dictate that they must never question the book of Darwin.

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