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Rated: 18+ · Book · Arts · #2206688
Blog and other works of literary sense
Here is a collection of ruminations and whatnot.
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January 13, 2022 at 12:20pm
January 13, 2022 at 12:20pm
One of my elder cousins texted me about asking Social Security. I was on hold for a long time so I went online to Social Security and looked at their FAQs. I found the right topic about Surivors Benefits. I'm out of luck because I'm over eighteen and I'm not on disability. You have to have been on disability before the age of 22 to qualify for this survivors benefits. So I texted my cousin what I found out and then asked him if I could bunk with them instead when the time comes. The problem is that my pets will be losing their home with me. I don't think my cousin's apartment will allow pets and only two and I have four. Two dogs and two cats. My two dogs are Jack Russells Terrier (one is a mix) and I have a shelter cat and a Scottish Fold cat. I have another cousin, the brother of my elder cousin, who has a house in PA, and they might be able to accommodate me and my pets. But they will have to tell me. They're not in the best of health any of them except for one of them, a sister who never married who's staying with my elder cousin.
January 13, 2022 at 10:24am
January 13, 2022 at 10:24am
I've been steadily getting up in my FICO score but still at the lower end of what's good. I texted a mortgage expert about refinancing our mortgage, but after i gave her the information, I got cold feet. My Dad and I are on the current mortgage and he's the one paying for it. But his FICo score is worse than mine. If I succeeded with the refi, I'd have to pay for the mortgage on my own and my income each month is not going to fit all my expenses and bills with the mortgage. So i told the mortgage expert to cancel it. She agreed. She said that the rates have been creeping up and I won't be saving money on the refi. She said we weren't in terrible shape with our mortgage. Praise God for that!
January 12, 2022 at 11:03am
January 12, 2022 at 11:03am
My Dad and I had a talk today. It was about the Survivor's Benefit. He said I can get 245 dollars on his death. He said he received as much when my Mom died. But we didn't talk about anymore about how I'll fare along. He's buying Lotto tickets regularly. He has an ambition to give our benefactors and relatives money out of his winnings. He says it will pay for our debts and our funeral costs. I'm feeling sad about how it's come to lotto winnings. It isn't realistic, isn't it?

He mentioned that he might have a few months or years to live. I feel sad about his saying that. I don't know what to do about it. I'll have to talk to someone who knows about how to live after a loved one dies. I remember that there was an organization named Area IV which had groups of people who were intended to help people who had a sick member of the family and what they can do for that person and their caregivers. Maybe I'll call them today. Just in case this happens to us or worse.

January 11, 2022 at 8:39am
January 11, 2022 at 8:39am
I tweeted to Social Security that I have no idea what I'll do when my Dad passes away. I haven't enough money to pay the mortgage and the utilities and the car with my Social Security check. Social Security gave me a pamphlet that talks about Survivor's Benefits. But the recipients of the benefits are children under the age of eighteen, or has a disability. That leaves me out cold. I'll have to depend on My God to take care of me.
January 9, 2022 at 1:15pm
January 9, 2022 at 1:15pm
I remember when I was still working full time, after my Mom passed away. It was my Dad and me left. We lived in a three bedroom ranch with my pets and we enjoyed three square meals a day. Frequently, we'd have a rib eye steak that my Dad cooked to perfection. It was so delicious. My Dad had a Steinway piano and an electric piano. The electric piano had all the bells and whistles that it could be packed with. Many times during the afternoon when I'd be coming home, I'd hear the electric piano being played and I felt happy for my Dad because he was all by himself. But then I left my job to pursue my own business as a writer. We slowly made do with less. Then we were both on a fixed income. We hardly have anything like steaks. We have taco, once in a while, Asian noodles, wonton soup. prepared food from the Asian store. Then there were the frozen meals which I eat and share the meats with my pups. We hardly go anywhere. Our friends in the big city hardly call anymore. Even our friends here in town aren't calling. We do have our relatives but they live in the East coast and the last time we saw anyone there was when my Mom passed away and they came to the funeral.

I pray more these days. My Dad prays too. We don't know how we're going to manage if one of us goes first. I can't afford the mortgage and if I go first, my Dad will be unable to meet all his expenses for the house and the car and insurance. So I pray to Jesus to take my Dad and me at the same time to Heaven so we won't have this sitiuation of being left homeless and depending on welfare.
January 8, 2022 at 11:55am
January 8, 2022 at 11:55am
It's been a slow rise in temperatures here where I live. Yesterday we had zero degrees for the early morning and it was brutal.Today it's 25 degrees F and that's more to my liking. We were fortunate that the mercury has climbed this much. The pups weren't too eager to wake up this morning. They stayed in bed until I got up. I had several dreams but they were depressing. People from my last full time job. They were mean to me in my dreams. I've been gone for 4 years and these people still haunt me in my dreams. Maybe I should say my prayers more before going to sleep.
January 7, 2022 at 12:30pm
January 7, 2022 at 12:30pm
I had a good experience with Barkbox today. They reactivated my account. I chatted with one of their representatives and she was helpful. Soon my puppy's Barkbox will be here.
January 5, 2022 at 2:06pm
January 5, 2022 at 2:06pm
I discovered a big typo on one of my books. I first wrote the book under a pseudonym but then I changed my mind. The cover page was corrected by the back cover wasn't. And the title of book as the pseudonym instead of my real name. It's an embarassing fact but that's what happens when you publish books yourself. You get into trouble and you don't look too good. Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy. That's what I was. I corrected everything and so now it's fixed.
January 3, 2022 at 2:52pm
January 3, 2022 at 2:52pm
I just published a story on WdC titled Seurat Meeting. It's a draft. It shows you how uninspired I am in writing a decent story that's a mix of a romance and spy story, I don't know what I'm writing about here. I just decided to write something that is not that serious and has a flimsy plot. I began this story way back when I was a student in Creative Writing. The first few paragraphs are taken from an assignment I wrote that was a flash fiction story. I don't think it's worth much but I thought I'd put it up here if anyone wants to read it and comment.
January 3, 2022 at 11:56am
January 3, 2022 at 11:56am
I just blogged on Wordpress their Bloganuary Theme. After I published it I was filled with fear. The gremlins don't approve.

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