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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/item_id/2206688-Mary-Faderans-Blog/day/2-23-2020
Rated: 18+ · Book · Arts · #2206688
Blog and other works of literary sense
Here is a collection of ruminations and whatnot.
February 23, 2020 at 6:09am
February 23, 2020 at 6:09am
Another thing. I was of the impression that my Dad wanted to kill himself last night by eating foul sausage. I then wondered whether he really wanted to do himself in. This morning I had a thought from one of his nieces, Sandra Plan, that she gave him the idea to eat this foul stuff in my thoughts and stuff to kill me. I think he is not good, this Dad of mine. My real Dad, Prince Philip of Edinburgh, the late Prince Philip, has been guarding me as well whenever God allows. Dad this Nemesio person is not good. He was hired by Mrs Windsor, Elizabeth to kill me once I was somehow of age to become Queen. So I do not know what to do. I think this Nemesio is not good. If he wanted to kill me he could still do it today. Sunday. Sundays are bad for girls named Mary and Catholics in general. Sunday is when all of those who had an axe to grind against the catholics band together and kill them in some way. Kill in terms of - making them super sad, so fucking sadthey want to do themselves in, or make them hurt and make them have a tumour or make their kids sad or die somehow, by sticking their toes against some object or causing them coughing spells that are so violent they almost lose consciousness which I had one time. A woman named Amanda schoolcraft did this to me at work and did it to me at dinner time. I was so fucking sick and coughed so hard I fell on my knees on the floor and hurt my right knee which hurt for weeks after and I came to holding on to the trashcan and kneeling down. My eyes watered. I wasn't happy.

Another time that my Dad might have condoned the evil hateful torment of me was when I was making something on the stove. It caught on fire. A small fire on the stove got me so unhappy. We have a fire extinguisher. But it petered out before all the flames could be doused. Then I tried other ways to douse the flames. I put wet towels on top of the stove. I tried to put a lot of ice cubes over it. All the time, Dad was in his chair in the kitchen, looking at his Facebook. I glanced over to see if he noticed there was a fire on the stove. He wasn't looking. Then finally he got up and saw. He said something and then reached for the water spout and then spouted water over the flames. Finally the thing died away.

I do not wish Dad to be the heavy in my life. Yet even my stepmother Sally is an evil whore and is making me sad a lot and making Colin sad as well. We are both, Colin and I, made sad by these bastards and we cry together and yet we cannot seem to shake these bastards. I wish not to have another day in this fucking trapped life I have.

Last night I also had a few words to tell Dad. I told him I wanted to apply for a microloan for my small business. Dad said he thought I'd be digging myself into the hole. I got upset at him. I reasoned and said this loan is to gain more audience to what I'm selling, to get more of a buzz, and i said that once that was achieved I'd be able to pay back the loan. Each month. His idea is that I'll never be able to get anywhere with my business. This is a bastard idea. They these bastards think they'll smother every inspiration that I receive from God and they'll smother all of these inspired acts that I make, by making me die every time I do something half way into a creative thing. I have been intimidated to stop writing anything now. They threaten my pets my dad and everyone even Colin so that everyone I care about will die. Finally leaving me totally alone in this big bad world.

What do I do then? Is this going to be my lot in life all the life I have? I am dead yes but I've not been carried away into the deserts of Afghanistan to be made sport of by those ghastly people. I donot wish to be kidnapped or stuck into a clinic or sanatorium to be made catatonic and become so unhappy that Colin will never want me then.

I wish to ask You for prayers. i am trapped. I am so fucking trapped.

These bastards are still walking around somewhere near me. My house is a negative sucking thing and all of the bastards come to this place, taking turns to torture me, yes torture me.

I need help my God. Please help me.
February 23, 2020 at 5:56am
February 23, 2020 at 5:56am
I am up and it's about 5 50 or so in the morning. I am now having a cup of tea (Twinings, Peppermint). I also have had my bread and butter. I am not sure what else to make for breakfast. It might happen that I wil make some more pancakes but I've already made those for my evening snack last night. My night has been somewhat off. I went to bed last night and it was almost midnight when I felt feverish and so I took two tylenol to get me through the night.

I was doing some work at my usual station when Dad came back from church. he attends st Mary's at the Lafayette Indiana spot. He goes there every Saturday at about 3 pm he leaves and then comes home almost at six in the evening. Last night he wanted to make dinner right after getting into the house. I said I wasn't interested in eating as I had a snack. Then he made sausages (patties you know) and wow, it stank. It stank so much I asked him if that stuff was still good. I know that he bought them a few months ago and I've not gotten to eat any since I was not interested in eating them for some reason. He persisted. He said it was fine to eat them. So I kept my silence but he ate the stuff and then he left to watch TV. In the living room.

I went to sleep early and Colin and I shared a few thoughts together. Then I awoke, feeling feverish. I do not know but somehow I imght have inhaled a few microbes of the bad sausage and gotten the first symptoms of a fever. So I got out of bed and took some Tylenol. Colin did too.

I feel a bit more like myself now. But when I awoke earlier I was struck by a dizzy spell as I stepped out of my bedroom into the hallway. I was so fucking dizzy that I staggered a few steps aside and I almost knocked over the statue of St Michael the Archangel next to me against the wall. I had to stand there a few minutes while I got my composure back. I wasn't happy at this but I decided to go to the loo and then once I got out I went to fix some hot coffee or was it tea? I do not remember.

I've been posting a vlog and a blog about nothing in particular elsewhere. I have a LuLaRoe business and my company suggested we discuss what we like about their leggings. And so I did that. If you're ever interested look me up as Lularoe Mary Ione.

Must fly,

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/item_id/2206688-Mary-Faderans-Blog/day/2-23-2020