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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/item_id/2206688-Mary-Faderans-Blog/day/2-13-2020
Rated: 18+ · Book · Arts · #2206688
Blog and other works of literary sense
Here is a collection of ruminations and whatnot.
February 13, 2020 at 7:53pm
February 13, 2020 at 7:53pm
I'm blogging but I'm not quite sure what to discuss. Today went alright. I awoke after 4 am. I went to do some stuff online. I cannot say that I did anything worth talking about with people here. I was able to talk to someone who's selling thirty one gifts online and in person. She and I had a texting conversation. I wanted to join but didn't have any money, and today I asked my Dad (my adoptive Dad) for 31 dollars and he said he didn't have enough to help me with. So I was not happy to hear that. I am seriously doubting that he cares for me and cares that I'm feeling sadder and sadder in my life here in West Lafayette. I want to leave here but I've not any one who can help . Those who might have any means to help me seem to be stuck and cannot do much for me at all. I only want to go to my lover who is also stuck in his own life. I don't have any other means to get through to this time or place where I can freely express and be a writer as I've been meant to be. This whole USA is not a good place to live in if you're anyone who likes to think and analyze what is happening in this world. The USA is so feared and yet here we have so many clowns who are running this country.

I cannot do much to criticise the people who run the country. I'll only get punished by death thoughts and these are harming me and my psyche. That is why I have to take medicines to keep me from feeling depressed and suicidal and all. I hope that anyone who's reading along with this blog post will pray for me. I need to get out of here and find my place where God truly wants me to be. I need to have a simple life somewhere where I can earn some money to get through the month and to be with my real love who's unable to do anything because he's much to big in the social circles where I want to live. I used to live there when I was a child but I was kidnapped and taken to the Far East. I grew up not knowing that I was an English citizen. These people were so crafty that they made all kinds of documents to say that I was born in 1956 when I was really born in 1944. I am so sad that they have made it so hard for me to find my place in life. My father, Prince Philip was assassinated when he came to find me in 1968 and then the people who made him die decided to hire an actor to take his place next to the Queen. I'm now hoping someone could find out what to do and how to make things right again. I am so sad and I am wishing to disappear into the fog where they won't ever find me. I'll likely disappear into the fog and emerge somewhere else where God might have a home for me and my lover. I want this a lot and I won't give up on Us, Mary, Colin Firth here. I will make it happen, I promise.

I love You Colin. This is Mary. Mary Ione, who was Ione Mountbatten in England, where we met in the past.

I will always Love You, Mary Ione. Colin Firth.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/item_id/2206688-Mary-Faderans-Blog/day/2-13-2020