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The simplicity of my day to day. |
This is where I write my thoughts, feelings and my daily trials, tribulations and happy things
f "Blogging Circle of Friends " Day 3530 June 19, 2024 Prompt: What is your night time ritual like? Has it evolved with you over time? My bedtime routine is basically the same each night now. But of course over the years it’s differed greatly. I can just barely remember the wonderful sleeps I had when I was a teenager. I simply closed my eyes and slept until morning. Oh the bliss! Motherhood sleep years were almost non existent, you may as well ask “what’s sleep?” For years broken sleep was the norm as it is for most mothers. My first child didn’t sleep through the night until she was about four. By that time I had twins. One or other was awake all through the nights for several years. My son was a bedwetter until being about ten! Then came the years when my husband and I decided to sleep apart as we kept each other awake. I was sad to think it had come to it, but found sleeping in another room liberating. I could read until what time I desired. No moaning about turning the light off. Nowadays we’re old folks. We can’t stay up late, but we get up with the dawn. We watch tv together from 7 pm until about nine. Then we have our routine; We send the dog outside for a last pee and get her bed ready. (It has to be just so) 😂 Then I take half a sleeping pill otherwise I’d never get to sleep. I take medication and a glass of water to bed because I have to take it in the middle of the night which is a bit of a nuisance. I usually sit up in bed and do my blog or write. Close my eyes around 11.30. Then broken sleep until around six am. So sleep has been too hard to come by for most of my life and I envy those who can still sleep like a teenager. |