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The simplicity of my day to day. |
This is where I write my thoughts, feelings and my daily trials, tribulations and happy things
Prompt: Storytelling "You’re never going to kill storytelling because it’s built into the human plan. We come with it.” Margaret Atwood Do you like telling stories in any shape or form? Life is just a series of stories. Everyone has a story don’t they? Every time we sit and talk to someone we’re just adding to the story. A story never really ends, even if the person who told you an amazing tale is no longer with you, each time you speak about him/her, you will probably embellish as you retell their story, add a little to it, or change it in some way. I love telling stories, no matter how humdrum or ordinary the subject matter. I love to hold a person’s attention, and to also add a little fiction or exaggeration, just to make it more entertaining. We can never run out of stories. While ever or wherever there are people, new stories will be made. In some countries, like Australia, their indigenous population didn’t have the written word and were dependent on word of mouth to relate the news or to pass on information. Maybe it’s just to inform where the best fishing holes are. Our indigenous used stories as their maps. It’s called The Dreamtime. Each story had a purpose. They tell of their history, geography and where water is to be found. Dreamtime stories are always oral, passed down from generation to generation. |