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Thoughts, we all have them. What is yours? |
What is on your mind? I love all type of topics and will talk about almost anything! So, what is happening with you lately? The Huntington Japanese Gardens, photo by Seabreeze |
January 29, 2021 I don't normally sound off politically, but I must say, where is the logic in killing jobs when what you want to do environmentally is not particularly feasible? Who does away with a highly efficient source of fuel before you have another source to replace it. If you want to replace our current fuel source, should you not have various alternatives in place first? Why don't any of these so called environmentalist have a real plan? Transition of jobs must be in there someplace for these types of maneuvers to remain practical. If you kill a pipeline production, you kill jobs. So, how do we replace those job and when? Would it not be better to think of how to replace, retrain, finance prior. Should not those aspect of alternative replacements be totally analyzed before ending what has worked for years. Why not start planning where those new employees are coming from. Where is the training? Can those from the pipelines be retrained to handle other fuel sources? Since America is not going to stop using oil over night, why disrupt jobs and lives? And as for stopping pipeline transporting, currently it is safer, cheaper than rail or truck! I remember our new President Biden, saying at one point that certain workers, if they lose their jobs, could be trained to be programmers. Really?? You are going to ask a individual who is use to working outside with his or her hands to now sit at a desk for 6 to 8 hours programming? How realistic is that? When America transitioned from the horse and buggy, and stagecoach, it was not done over night. However, some did make the transition: A company by the name of Brewster begin building automobile bodies in 1905 and discontinued their horse-drawn carriage production in 1911. People who work with their hands, such as pipe fitters and welders, I would think could and would want to be retrained to produce alternative types of fuel sources and should be given first opportunity to be trained in those areas. But where is the talks that should be taking place when it comes to alternatives that are better suited for the environment. Where will the sound ideas come from? Where will the money come from. What are the time lines for those transitions?? Does Congress have the only "say so" on this? Why are not transportation companies being brought on board for these discussions? Or, are they? I am sure there are more knowledgeable individuals beside Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. I would love to hear from you and your thought on this. Seabreeze |
I am 75 years young and have been reflecting on my life these days. It is with this blog I wish to say to the children of the world - be a child when you can, be responsible when you must and live each day fully. It is only in my day dreams that I can go back and relive my childhood. Playing as I did on 8 acres that my dad owned, believing I was baking pies, playing cowboys and Indians, riding the range with my stick horse, running through the field near by that was full of California Poppies and Lupines ... oh how I miss those days. I am so blessed that I still have a clear mind and can time travel back in memory. Life back in my childhood days were so care free. My biggest worry was if it would rain and I would have to play inside. In todays world, my worries could be anything from, did I remember to mail that bill; when was the last time I bought a new battery for my car; where did I put my mask; and, I hope those tests come back negative! When I was a child, sleeping outside in the summer time was such a treat; watching the shooting stars. Now days, I am lucky if I can see clearly through the smog. We never worried if a stranger was stocking the neighborhood. We kids stayed outside past dark and had no fear of heavy traffic while getting home on our bikes. We read books and if we were lucky enough to be one of the families to have gotten a TV set, there were several great family shows on to watch in the evening after dinner (we all ate at the dinner table together). Now days families seem to be together but apart. The family can be in the same house, the same room but still not be in communication because the popular electronic device is all consuming. Yes, the TV did eventually become somewhat of a distraction for the family, but it was still relatively new and we still loved to read, or be read to and there were cards and board games. We also were a family of music and we sat together and sung songs and mom played a ukulele and my dad a harmonica. Listen children, do not forget to play and play hard. Do not take on burdens if possible. Be light hearted, silly, imaginative, love on the arts, and music. Be a true friend as long as possible as friendships are harder and harder to keep these days. Do not be afraid to dream and learn to plan even at the smallest level. Only then will you make those dreams come true. Respect your family, your elders and yes, authority. You will and should become an important part of society. What you think and do does affect others. Oh, I forgot to mention, always remain a child at heart. Have a hobby - paint or write (like here). This is what keeps you young. Seabreeze |
Freedom is Peace Freedom Precious Worthy of fighting for A cause that may bring death Living in confinement, pure hell Lack of freedom kills the spirit Freedom speaks peace Peace rings out truth Hear God, please be at peace Do love one another Peace be with you Peace be with you Note: Trying a syllable count of 22,66,88,44,66,44 (not hexaduad as it does not rhyme) |