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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #2181121
The world from a short person's POV - not Australia or New Zealand.
Random thoughts, pointed comments, and whatever else crosses my mind *Laugh*
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February 6, 2019 at 9:00am
February 6, 2019 at 9:00am
Day 6 - Cortland here we come

Yup, we're going to meet the famous Norb. It's only going to cost 750 gps for your phenomenal experience.

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Short rides and small towns appeal to me. I am more of a country girl than a city girl. I have done a little traveling in New York state outside NY and find the countryside very nice, especially in the Fall. (That's the time of year there between summer and winter when it is actually pleasant to spend time outside.)

I am always up for pizza and I hear that New York has the best. Well, I'll give it a try just to see if it really is better than Chicago's'. If we are going to do pizza, then we definitely have to check out the brewery. Robert Waltz are you willing to be the tour guide for this part of the trip? Maybe Prosperous Snow celebrating will join us.

Being a newbie, I look forward to meeting Norb. I am guessing he will have some helpful hints for me.


February 5, 2019 at 8:57am
February 5, 2019 at 8:57am
Day 5 - The Big Apple

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I'm liking this part, we hopped on Amtrak, and headed into NYC after skating last night. Hope you snoozed once you got to the Hilton in Midtown cos, this day is going to be hopping. Did you pay the 750 gps so you can play til dawn cos the Big Apple never sleeps.

At least this time it is a short ride from Philly to New York and a beautiful day to be out and about.

I have only been to NY once and was surprised that I really enjoyed the time I spent walking around Times Square, riding through Central Park, taking in a show, shopping in this huge mall right off Central Park, "getting caught in the rain", and visiting the Natural History Museum. We did the touristy things like visiting the Statue of Liberty and going to the top of the Empire State Building; got great picks of skyscrapers from there.

I would want to go back to the Brazilian bar we found just down the street from the Hilton Garden Inn off Times Square. They made great caipirinhas and the Peruvian bar/restaurant that made great pisco sours. This was the most fun part of the trip for us. The drinks and food were really good and the staff was friendly and helpful. Definitely worth a second or third trip back. (While living in VA we are very much into local wineries, we do enjoy the food and drink of other countries south of the border.)

I am looking forward to the helicopter ride. We saw some flying around the last time we were there but just didn't have the time to investigate. Just a little aside: my first ever flying experience was in a helicopter from a small local airport. I loved it and suggested that my husband at the time get one and commute from PA to D.C. for work until he told me how much they cost. Funny thing is about 6 years ago I actually married a retired helicopter pilot. Now though, we just fly commercial. Still, I am looking forward to the experience.

Definitely going to check out the Eagles concert but maybe not the club scene. I would be up for other suggestions from some of my fellow travelers. So what are you doing if not checking out the club scene queenkissy or Robert Waltz?

February 4, 2019 at 11:08am
February 4, 2019 at 11:08am
Day 4 in the 30 Day Blogging Challenge

During the day we're going to enjoy some museums before having dinner at City Tavern on 2nd Street to enjoy a step back in history before we go ice skating at Rothman's.



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Where is Rocky

I think I may be getting a major cold with all this travel from Canada to Tampa to Atlanta and now up to Philly. Well, maybe it is just a virtual cold since I am not physically traveling thankfully.

I did check out the site: top-things-to-do-in Philadelphia and decided on the following activities:
          Reading Terminal Market - Americas' oldest farmers market first opened in 1893. An indoor market where you can browse everything from crafts to produce/flowers to food. I would look forward to trying a Philly cheesesteak and the cannolis and soft pretzels, but not necessarily in that order.
         If I am going to Philadelphia, I don't want to pass up the Liberty Bell Center and you can get a nice view of Independence Hall.
         The Franklin Institute would be worth a visit since the site says it seeks to showcase the science involved in every aspect of life. I would choose it over the Philadelphia Museum of Art, though I am sure it would be worth a visit if I was going to be in town longer. Just an aside: I have never seen any of the "Rocky" movies and do plan to add them to my viewing list.
         The Please Touch Museum looks like fun but I would want to take my granddaughter. That would make for a fun outing.

I would definitely end my day at City Tavern. Looks like the ideal spot to catch up.So Robert Waltz,penntonicandqueenkissy are you up for beers and conversation?

Oh, and no skating for me. I'll leave that to the ones with good balance and strong ankles.


February 3, 2019 at 4:12pm
February 3, 2019 at 4:12pm
Day 3 On my way to the Superbowl!

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Must be the Patriots

I am not looking forward to the Atlanta airport (way too big and crowded for me) but free tickets and great seating for a once in a lifetime event would probably make it worthwhile. I'll pack a carry-on and stay for a day or two. I'm not heading home with the crowd!!

I usually like games where I really want one of the teams to win. I was thinking of not watching this year but I'll root for any team but the Patriots (my bad) and my husband usually calls L.A. his hometown. I prefer the commercials and the halftime show. So are you with me queenkissy and Lilli 🧿 ☕?

A halftime show with Adam Lavine and Maroon Five will either be very good or a bust. I'll hold off my opinion until after the game. We have been watching "The Voice", probably since it started and the dynamics between Adan and Blake Sheldon often drive the show. However, this year I feel that Adam has been a detriment rather than an asset (he can be very strange to me).

Anyway, I am sure it will be a fun time with my fellow bloggers whoever you are rooting for...GO RAMS! Are the drinks and hot dogs free too?

February 2, 2019 at 8:44am
February 2, 2019 at 8:44am
DAY 2 - Tampa Bay, FL

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"Bouncer at the Pirate Bar"

Prompt: Take your pick on what will entertain you the most or do them all.

The Tampa Bay area sounds like the place to spend this Saturday for sure. My picks for what to see and do will probably give you an idea of who I am and what are my interests.

I would start my day at St.Pete Saturday Morning Market with 170 local vendors including farmers and growers with fresh produce, gourmet and specialty foods, fresh baked bread and treats (my mouth is watering just thinking about it). With live entertainment, flowers and plants, I'll be there by 9 a.m. Anyone care to join me?

I am not sure about the timing but I would like to attend the St. Pete Beach Seafood and Music Festival. Fresh seafood, drinks, and live music, especially the Bob Marley Tribute Band sounds good to me.y

I'd also like to see the Ronnie Spector and The Ronettes show, known for defining an era of female rock and roll in the '60s. So queenkissy and Lilli 🧿 ☕, if you are up to it, we could end the day at the infamous Pirate Bar. I don't think we would have any trouble with the bouncer.

Well, that's probably enough for one day. I'll need some time to rest up for the next adventure.

Until tomorrow...

February 1, 2019 at 11:49am
February 1, 2019 at 11:49am
DAY 1 - "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

Prompt: Discuss something that you've read about the Quebec Winter Carnival.

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I am a newbie and not sure that I have done this right, let me know.

So, just out of curiosity, I checked out the site: Quebec Winter Carnival and was pleasantly surprised at all the activities available for families and those of all ages. The event is meant to celebrate winter to the fullest. And you don't even have to speak French ( good for me).

The main venue is the fairgrounds which is turned into a winter amusement park with attractions including an ice castle with an ice slide; snow rafting on the slopes and a fooseball game played with real people. Not having played fooseball, I can't quite imagine that but it sounds like fun. The Carnival showcases amazing ice sculptures and there is a sleigh ride to a sugar shack where maple sugar is poured onto the snow where it instantly hardens into a treat. You can tour the Ice Palace that becomes an entertainment venue at night. You can watch a dog sled race on the first weekend as well as the finals in an annual canoe race across the St. Laurence River.

I have to admit that reading about the Carnival got me a little excited about going to experience it for myself (especially if I could get my granddaughter to go.) But then again, I remembered the frigid temps. you would probably have to deal with and thought better of it. I think I will wait until spring or summer to make a trip to Quebec. Thought if you are up for the cold and crowds, it sounds like it would be well worth it.

I read the entries by penntonic and Lilli 🧿 ☕. I loved the positive comments by Caerlynn and the invitation for inside fun by Lilli.

January 28, 2019 at 11:54am
January 28, 2019 at 11:54am
Prompt: Write about something happy in your life! What’s happened recently that made you smile? What’s the last thing you laughed at?

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To start with, this is my first ever post! I now have a black case. *Laugh*

What makes me happy? I find it hard some days to find anything that causes me to feel a sense of happiness. At times like this, I make it a point to talk to my granddaughter, review videos of her performances at gymnastic meets, and look at the pictures I have framed from her competitions. And yes, she is the "light of my life" (for very personal reasons - long story). Healthy, happy, growing children always create joy in the world.

Our little dog often senses when I am in a low mood and comes to cuddle and give me kisses. She makes me happy and often gives me something to laugh about. Then my husband - 🌕 HuntersMoon - is always trying to get me to laugh with him over some silly remark or video. Many of our dog owner friends post the funniest items on Facebook. I find it hard not to have my spirits lifted when watching animal antics.

OK, so I guess there is more to be happy about and even laugh at than I thought when I started this post. Today, I think I will just keep thinking happy thoughts and hope that you do too.

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