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As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book |
Evolution of Love Part 2 |
Day before Shiva Ratri, 1956, a tonga was moving fast along the main road of Vrindaban. Attention of the passers-by was drawn by a tumultuous crowd and some cars inside the precincts of a temple. All of a sudden a car rushed through the gate and unexpectedly halted a few steps ahead. Lo!Mother was there. While passing. She caught sight of me sitting in the tonga, stopped her car and called me.. I ran to her and bowed down. Ma enquired what had brought me there. I told her that I had come on an official visit to Mathura and Vrindaban. I did not know that Ma would be there and the scene suggested that some thing unusual was taking place. Ma told me that Lord Shiva was going to be installed in the Ashram next day and asked me to attend the function. Mother's presence and the prospects of spending some time round Her struck all the chords of my heart.. Thus came Mother to her son. Again, on the eve of Holi, some of my relatives went to Vrindaban and paid their homage to Mother who was then staying there to observe the festival of Love. Centuries ago, the Blue Boy had played His flute and danced there in tune with the heart-beats of His playmates and milk-maids. Perhaps their associations took visible shapes and Mother decided to pass the occasion on the bank of Yamuna to put a new life into the old leela. She observed Holi in Vrindaban in 1956 and 1957. Learning that the visitors were my relatives, Mother said to one of them. "Write to Upen that his daughter wants to meet her father" I got the message, but could not go to Vrindaban immediately and wrote enquiring if the daughter would come to father or the son should go to the Mother. The letter did not reach Mother for a long time and so a reply was not received. Then I did not know that Mother would actually come to Her son. I had the privilege of Ma's darshan again at Varanasi in May, 1956.during her 60 birthday celebrations. On that festive occasion, Mother was extremely busy. but She was all sweetness and love. Like a pillar of light She was moving from place to place and bringing joy to all around Her. In my presence whenever She met a group of devotees, She would refer to an old incident in a jocular mood and tell them. "I went with this Baba to Dehradun side, but Baba went away leaving me behind". About 28 years ago I had accompanied Mother to Sahasradhara. On my way. back, as already arranged, I took leave of Her and the party at Rajpur and prepared to go to Mussoorie. I retorted most humbly, saying "A son may leave a mother, but a mother cannot leave her son". All present, including the Mother enjoyed the fun. Like a true mother, She fed me sumptuously before I left Varanasi. I cast my last lingering look at her lotus feet. The whole atmosphere was charged with Her divine spirit and every thing seemed to have been softened with Her overflowing love. Mother comes In 1957 Seth Gujar Mal Modi informed me that Mother would be spending a week at Modinagar after Holi and more than one hundred sadhus and devotees. would be accompanying Her. My joy knew no bounds. I was waiting impatiently for the day when Mother would come. An elaborate arrangement was made to receive Her in a garden house outside. the town. A big pandal was erected on an extensive lawn for Rasa leela, lectures, bhajan etc. and at some distance a shamiana was ready for Akhand Kirtan. Tents were pitched to accommodate 400 persons. Hundreds of mango trees smiling through blossoms and multi-coloured flower-beds dancing breeze called visitors to a place of rest. My joy was not unmixed with a sense of sorrow, for Board's examination would begin soon and I would be almost a prisoner in one of the biggest examination centres. Mother arrived in the evening. At Her bidding, the procession was abandoned, a big crowd headed by Shri Modi accorded Her a most respectful welcome with garlands and arti. I saw her from a distance. A stream of people went to Her room for darshan and Modiji saw me standing outside and called me in. Mother gave at broad smile and said "I knew you were here, someone told me. Did you write to me?" I replied. "I wrote a long time ago, not recently. I was thinking of coming to Vrindaban this time during the Holi but could not." Mother said, "Why did you not go; there was mahárása at Modinagar". Programme for the week was indeed attractive Hari Baba's Kirtan 4 AM Rasa leela 8.30 AM-11.30 AM Lectures and bhajans 2 PM-5.30 PM Mother received visitors anytime when free between 10 AM and late hours at night. After lectures in the pandal, She led kirtan chanting in a melodious tone and recited Divine names for about 15 minutes, in which all present joined in a state of forgetfulness, so that several thousands behaved as one man. They seemed to have lost their identity in a living presence of the Divine. Hari Baba's life was a lesson to all. He would follow the programme like the hands of a clock and would remain all absorbed in what he said. He remained oblivious to the world outside, He lived and moved in a world of his own. He fanned the actors considered as Krishna and his companions at the leela, rang a big bell at kirtan and talked about the glories of devotees in his discourses. His single pointed devotion, self-forgetfulness and tenacity of purpose marked him out as a saint of outstanding nature and ability. In fact he was the master of ceremonies there. One day some of us were sitting in Mother's room. Mother hinted at self knowledge as the Supreme Knowledge. It is essential, Bhajan is the means, but it becomes spontaneous. No one can do it. Did She mean that Bhajan goes on automatically once the spritual energy is roused by the grace of the Guru? Then Ma said "What about death? Death has to die; it has to be killed." At this stage Modisaheb ushered two gentlemen into Mother's presence. One was Raj Pandit of the Patiala Darbar and another was Seth Narain Das Bajoria, a man of culture and learning. They were introduced and Mother began to talk again of Supreme Knowledge." What exists is one, it has become many and appears in several forms. You have come to yourself." The ensuing conversation : Pandit - Are you Maitreyi? Mother- I am your little daughter. Pandit - You are Gargi, who had discussions with Yagnavalka. Mother - I ain what you like to call, your little girl. I know nothing and often talk nonsense. Pandit- No, you are Gayatri. The Pandit recited some slokas in great joy and took leave. Shri Bajoria, who as a rule avoided the company of women, sat quietly in all humility. Later he told me that when he saw Mother for the first time at Hardwar, he saw his own mother who had died long time ago and he could not restrain his tears. He wept for about half an hour. He felt the presence of Divine Mother in her. Two days after I was detained in the college for conducting examinations and felt sorry that Ma had come so close but I could hardly have her darshan. To my great joy, Ma sent words that She would visit the college. Mother arrived accompanied by Mrs. Gujarmal Modi, some sanyasis and brahmacharis. I conducted the party to Geeta Bhawan, a hall with life size paintings of saints, patriots, gods and godesses. Ma and her companions were seated on a raised platform. Ma took the lead in kirtan music joined by the rest of us. Who is Ma? In a brief speech I informed the audience how about 28 years ago in Haridwar I had the privilege of watching Ma in a state of samadhi (trance) that lasted for hours. I described how she was brought down to a normal condition with much difficulty uttering the Divine Name into Her cars and how spiritual symptons (lakshans) manifested themselves in the process of Her descent to normalcy. Further, I recounted Her own statement that Ma had no previous birth, nor would have another. Then what was She? Most humbly, I requested Ma to tell us who She was. As usual, Ma avoided the answer and said softly, "What shall I say?" On our request, Ma addressed the students and advised: "Get up early in the morning and take Divine Name that appeals to you, touch the feet of your parents, attend to your studies, obey your elders, speak the truth and play as much as you like." Like a simple child she looked at me and said that she had nothing more to say. Out of Her infinite grace, Mother came to our college and turned the place into a place of pilgrimage with the touch of her lotus feet. When I became free I went to the summer house in the morning and spent the whole day there, attending the Rasa leela, taking part in the bhandara, listening to lectures and kirtan. I could see Mother from a distance. She was sitting like a statue at the Rasa and was chanting the divine name moving in a circle with a party of singers from Delhi. In the afternoon came to learn that a respectable lady pressed Mother to show her some supernatural forms. Ma told her in that case she would lose all touch with the world. The lady persisted. She is reported to have seen a dazzling light (jyoti) and screamed loudly. The lady said that it was all Mother's grace. After sunset a Brahmachari conducted me to Mother. His Holiness Swami Sadananda Tirtha of Shankara Math, Uttar Kashi, was there. I told Ma that I would retire (from service) tht next July. I reminded Her that six years ago Ma had advised me to accept the Modinagar assignment for one term. The following conversation took place : Ma — Where will you settle? I — I have a smal house at Kashi and may stay there. Ma — Oh yes, Kashi is an excellent place. Gopi Baba (Mahamahopadhyay Gopi Nath Kaviraj) is there. When you go there we shall be meeting in the evenings. I — Then I shall go to Kashi. Ma — Yes, you do. You have seen all about this life. According to Yogis, Kashi is the centre of illumination-Ajnachakra, the seat of Shiva and Shakti, above the earthly existence. The word evening is significant. Does it mean the evening of life? A child plays the whole day and longs for the mother when darkness gathers with the approaching night. Sunset and the evening star, one clear call for me. Mother's call is clearly heard when the bustle of life subsides. She calls us day and night. Who cares to hear? She comes without fail. Who cares to see? She knocks at the door again and again. Who cares to open ? She goes back with tears in Her eyes. Who cares to know? The child plays with toys in a doll house, awfully busy, no time to spare for Her. Wife and children, gold and fame, absorb our attention. We ignore the presence of Mother. She comes, ever comes as sights and sounds, as thoughts and feelings, as pleasure and pain. Wise people say that Ma is a temporal expression of the eternal spirit-a special creation of the Divine - an emanation of the ultimate Reality, whose manifestation is the universe. She is in and beyond everything. Her vast presence overwhelms me and creates a gap between a tiny creature, such as I, and a mighty one who transcends all limits. These ideas are indispensable to those who move in and build up a system of ideas with reference to a universe of discourse. They dive deep into the mystery of life and present the world with bright gems of rare wisdom. I am a fool with very little understanding and dare not measure the un measurable. I want Mother, mostly human-a mother who can move on my level and respond to my feelings. It is enough that I have got one. I am not at all anxious to know if She had any Guru, human or Divine-if She is ever established in Brahman, as a part of Her nature. I do not bother about Her actual position in the hierarchy of gods, angels or exalted souls. She is the Mother who lives for Her children and fills up gaps in their lives. If we feel thirsty let us take a glass of water. What is the use of knowing the amount of water in a river? If we cannot do without Mother, Mother too cannot do without us. If we leave the toys and cling to Her She appears everywhere in the blue above and the green below. Her smiling face is seen through every visible form and every neutral state. She comes, comes, ever comes. |
"Mother says that the teachings of all lines and of all teachers, provided they are genuine and proceed from the right sources, are correct and should be followed by those for whom they are meant. They may be opposed to one another, but that does not detract from each its peculiar value as a distinct path leading to the goal set before it. If this path is self-consistent and lies unblocked til the end of the journey, it will not mislead, though it may carry the pilgrim to a sectional truth and not the 'whole' Truth. But if the pilgrim has within him genuine aspiration for the Supreme Reality, reality will assert itself and overtake him at any point of the journey. In that case the sectional truth will be either brought into relation with the Whole and make a step in its direction or will be converted into a medium through which the Supreme Truth will reveal itself. The Ultimate Truth is one and the Way to it is also one. An earnest Seeker, free from worldly attachments and desires, has no reason for disappointment. What is needed is unfailing patience, grim resolution, persistent endeavor, unflinching faith in Divine Providence and unconditional surrender to the Divine Will, preceded by a life of purity, devotion and self-dedication. Mother has no line of her own, no particular teaching or doctrine. She recognizes that though at bottom the Way is unique, it assumes varied forms as the temperaments and capacities of individuals are varied. The true test of real advance in spiritual life lies in the gradual purification, illumination and transformation of the human soul whereby in the end it may be restored to its lost unity with the Divine. She is at times very eloquent on the deprecation of the so-called spiritual favors, including revelations, visions, locutions, etc, and exhibitions of occult powers. Not that they are always bad or inspired by dark forces, but the point to be remembered is that they have generally a tendency to deflect us from the right path, which consists in a single-minded and all-absorbing attention to the great Aim held in view. She does not, however, actually comment, even in an indirect manner, on anybody's personal experiences. She simply wants that we should be guarded against what Sri Aurobindo calls 'the valley of the false glimmer'. Usually these experiences arise from perverted imagination or alien powers, hostile or neutral. Self-deception, she points out, is always possible on the path. In very rare cases these favors are real and welcome and may be helpful on the path. In such cases there is no harm in allowing them to continue, though even then the 'sadhaka' should not actively co-operate with them until he feels strongly fortified against all outer influences. It is very important to bear in mind that the strength of personal will, self-consciousness and power of rational discrimination should not suffer in any way. It is thus intelligible that Mother is tolerant to all. She sees the bright side of every object and every event and asks all to do the same as far as they can. Everything has its own use and importance. People have different points of view. What one says from his own viewpoint may be as true as what another says from his own viewpoint. She speaks to people from their own standpoints so that they may understand her well, showing that she is familiar with all. This is the secret of her universal sympathy and compassion. She always makes it clear that different people with different temperaments and intellectual backgrounds have to be led in different ways. A great world-teacher said that 'there are many mansions in my Father's house'. Mother says that there are really infinite mansions and that there are infinite ways leading to each and yet what she insists on is that we should not forget the fact that the House is one. All the creatures live in the same house and are members of one and the same family. They all have descended from One and are parts of One and verily One and the Same. Differences are in appearance only due to 'maya', but even this is in reality the play of the One. When we are ourselves again we are bound to realize this. Though she moves about from place to place, she is always aware that she is in the same house - movement and rest, many and one, are always co-existent in her consciousness; nay, they are aspects of the self-same reality, indeed the Reality itself is aspectless. For the same reason people of different creeds and persuasions find in her their strongest support, each for reasons best known to himself. 'Karma, jnana, yoga and bhakti', in fact all ways of spiritual life, find their best exponent in her. She knows the value of each, the relation of one with the other and the fact that all are simultaneously operative. She recognizes the different grades of spiritual advancement and yet she is emphatic - of course to those who can appreciate it - that the universal and integral self-revelation of God is always sudden and the question of a Moment, for it never happens in time. She teaches the law of moral and spiritual causality on the analogy of natural law and yet she stresses the supreme value of Divine Freedom which stands above all laws and restraints. She attaches great importance to Teachers and yet she holds that even Teachers need not be indispensable. She reconciles all conflicts in her own inimitable way, saying that behind all varieties and diversities one Truth shines in its own glory and adds strength to every position. . . . . Mother will surely reveal herself to us more and more fully according to the degree of our fitness and receptivity and we shall then be in a fortunate position to know immediately, and not through our intellect which sees through a veil and perverts what it sees, what Mother truly is. And in so knowing her we shall be able to know our own selves also. For she is verily one with us. No intellectual approach, however free from pre-dispositions and prejudices, is capable of revealing the Heart of Truth." |
A pessismist sees the difficulty in every opportunity. Where as optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. The key to happiness or that even more desired thing, calmness lies always thinking happy thoughts. That is impossible to mind on earth with any kind of intelligence could spend a life time enjoying only happy thoughts the key is in accepting ur thoughts all of them even in badness. Accept thoughts but don't become them understand for instance that having a sad thought, even having a continual successor of sad thought. It is not the same as being a sad person. Whether you think you can, or you think either way you are right. Walk away from anything that gives you bad vibes. Instead of worrying about what you cannot control,, shift ur energy, to what you can create. Your mind can destroy your life: mind your mind think, well detoxically your thoughts and be free --- |
Or is age important in a relationship? I don't think so.. Let's say, for example, a 23-year-old boy wants to be with a 35-year-old woman. What difference does it make? This young man, being young, would be more suitable for a woman than a drinker of her age, who has no education, and cannot spell a woman's name correctly. Then, maybe, children are better with this new guy? !! Children will have pure blood. At least the younger will be able to feel you spiritually more than the one who sit in the room and talk bad about others life.. Yes, younger, maybe so busy with studies, other things.. Maybe from the outside it seems that younger is not grown and don't understand anything in life. These are just fears. Fears of public vision - how to live, where couples should be a plus/minus at one age. And what friends, relatives or someone from the sidelines thinks.. But does it matter where someone speaks or writes? You won't sleep with them in the same bed. Looking at them, they themselves are not happy, because life stagnates all their lives, they complain about how bad the government is, how bad others is, although there are opportunities. And then, it follows: no one will love you, you will not get it... Look at a couple of the French president. This woman is almost half man age. Also, the former American has such a younger wife. Yes, it looks like they live because are greedy, but the couple already lived together when the mens were not presidents. And they still live together. And one part thinks, that they do not really like to meet someone in their age, they do not know what they want. Another part a lot of people are looking where to stay, not really matter how that looks like, key is, to have a place to stay. So nothing needs to be done.. - And if all this seems ridiculous, then you can laugh at your life/salary/work, and how life has changed in ten years.. Then the people you ridicule will be able to laugh at you how far you come in life. |
Think positively you will never lose, because positivity always win. Don't bring negativity to my door SKIP. If you realize how powerful your thoughts are in your mind, you would never think negative single thought. "Hate " It has caused a lot of problems in this entire world but has not solved yet one. Everyday we have plenty of opportunities to get angry, stress,, offend, disappointment,, depression etc, But what you are you doing, when you indulge these negative emotions is giving something outside your self power over happiness. You can choose to not little things upset to you. For many negative thinking is a habit which in overtime become addiction. If your thoughts are negative you will probably attracts negative events in your life,, you will see bad, even in good. The reverse is also true in that thoughts of creating positive life. |
1. " The HEART - Has its Reasons ; Which Reason Knows NOT....." 2. " When the HEART Speaks - The Mind ; Finds it Indecent, to Object....." 3. " TRUTH - Exists for the Wise ; BEAUTY- For the Feeling HEART....." 4. " Sometimes - The HEART Sees - What is Invisible to the Eyes....." 5. " A Loving HEART - Is the Beginning - Of ALL Knowledge...." 6. " Every HEART - Sings a Song ; INCOMPLETE - Until Another HEART - Whispers Back....." - Plato AND PLEASE ALWAYS REMEMBER.... 7. " NEVER....EVER....BREAK THE HEART - YOU LIVE IN......" How very TRUE.... |
What is the meaning of life? It has none. It is there without any reason. It is like urinating. Just witness. Even if life is understood as knowledge of the Self, the knowledge gained is untrue. There will not be a vestige of it left. As soon as prana leaves, you will be as if you never existed. The Absolute is there forever. The knowledge ‘I am’ comes over the Absolute. It is the source of misery. This ‘I am’ itself is the knowledge. Your beingness is untrue. This is the essence of spirituality. Most people are interested in the affairs of others. No one thinks about himself. One is searching for God who is limitless. However, the seed of the world is contained in the tiny consciousness. No one thinks of that. Consciousness is called chidakash (the space within). The knowledge of the world is not outside of consciousness. Sleep, trance, and death imply forgetting our consciousness. Death is dreaded. Forgetting is the nature of consciousness. The source of both the worlds of wakefulness and dream is your beingness. Yet your consciousness is seasonal. What is beyond it is true and eternal. Do not hurt anyone by your words. Do not slight anyone. When it is all untrue, what expectation can one have from it? Or for that matter, why should it be neglected? |
Will Rogers, who died in a 1935 plane crash, was one of the greatest political sages America has ever known. Some of his sayings... * Never slap a man who's chewing tobacco. * There are two theories to arguing with a woman. Neither works. * Never miss a good chance to shut up. * If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. * The quickest way to double your money is to fold it and put it back into your pocket. * There are three kinds of men: The ones that learn by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them, have to pee on the electric fence and find out for themselves. * Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment. * If you're riding ahead of the herd, take a look back every now and then to make sure it's still there. * Lettin'the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier than putting it back in. *After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot him. _Moral:_ When you're full of bull, keep your mouth shut. ABOUT GROWING OLDER... First ~ Eventually you'll reach a point when you stop lying about your age and start bragging about it. Second ~ The older we get, the fewer things seem worth waiting in line for. Third ~ Some people try to turn back their odometers. Not me. I want people to know 'why'I look this way. I've travelled a long way, and some of the roads weren't paved. Fourth ~ When you're dissatisfied and would like to go back to youth, think of Algebra. Fifth ~ You know you're getting old when everything either dries up or leaks. Sixth ~ I don't know how I got over the hill without getting to the top. Seventh ~ One of the many things no one tells you about aging is that it's such a nice change from being young. Eighth ~ One must wait until evening to see how splendid the day has been. Ninth ~ Being young is beautiful. But being old is comfortable. Tenth ~ Long ago, when men cursed and beat the ground with sticks, it was called witchcraft. Today it's called Golf. And, finally ~ If you don't learn to laugh at trouble, you won't have anything to laugh at when you're old. |
"What is ignorance? Ignorance, 'Avidya' is misconception, or is the erroneous conception of existence of that which does not exist. Through 'Avidya' man believes that this material creation is the only thing that substantially exists, there being nothing beyond, forgetting that this material creation is substantially nothing and is a mere play of ideas on the Eternal Spirit, the only Real Substance, beyond the comprehension of the material creation. This Ignorance is not only a trouble in itself but is also the source of all the other troubles of man. . . When man becomes fortunate in securing the favor of any divine personage, 'Sat-Guru' (the Savior), and affectionately following his holy precepts is able to direct all his attention inward, he becomes capable of satisfying all the wants of his heart and can thereby gain contentment, 'Ananda', the Real Bliss. With his heart thus contented, man becomes able to fix his attention upon anything he chooses and can comprehend all the aspects. So 'Chit', Consciousness of all the modifications of Nature up to its first and primal manifestation, the Word (Amen, 'Aum'), and even of his own real Self, gradually appears. and being absorbed in the stream thereof, man becomes baptized and begins to repent and return toward his Divinity, the Eternal Father, whence he had fallen. See Revelation 2:5: 'remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent.' " |
"There is nothing in this universe that may be treated with disregard or contempt. He acts His Divine Play in infinite ways, through infinite forms and in an infinite variety of setting. Without appearing as the many, how can this Play be staged? Do you not see how light and darkness, joy and sorrow, fire and water, are irrevocably linked together in one unbroken chain? Remember that spiritual endeavor must be coupled with purity of heart. To the extent that we harbor unkind or narrow thoughts, we increase the cause of evil in the world. What necessity is there to pay attention to what others have or have not? Far better be intent on your own improvement. If you can develop inner beauty, and enshrine Him, the ever-Beautiful, in the glorious temple of your heart, you will then be able to perceive beauty in everything." |