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As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book |
Evolution of Love Part 2 |
The midnight goose and my Christmas tree : The tradition of lighting a candle on a Christmas cake goes back deep into European cultures . It could be that during the deep European winters it was a way of bringing light and warmth .. or the one I personally like .. Jesus Was born on that day . In a tiny stable surrounded by cattle and sheep .. the Saviour was born . Perhaps … I am still too deeply rooted in my childhood when the advent of Christmas was fun . There would be a nip in the air and school would be most over . It was a time when we had it easy in school with Christmas concerts and Fetes lined up ! Everything seemed colorful and most of all our huge Christmas tree in school . With perfectly arranged ornaments it stood regal in our school auditorium. There would always be a smaller tree at my home .. the one I decorated with tinsels and ornaments . It was my tree .. and every year I had new designs with it ! Many years later .. just like before .. we have a Christmas tree .. adorned with ornaments collected over the years .. from various cities , various cultures with their own stories that come together to form a happy truti fruiti of color confections .. it’s my Christmas tradition , well one of them .. the one I have been following all my life ! Merry Christmas from me and my home to yours .. Hope you have a very merry Christmas and a wonderful holiday ahead ! |
This book dwells about The Truth of Thought! WHAT IS A THOUGHT...? Are the thoughts that I think mine, Really MINE...? Well! thought is a thing that I use to do logical work & to relate memories & information in relative to the situation & people... But what amazes me that, thought has the capacity that sometimes it works on its own even if I don't want to... The thoughts that take place inside my mind that I sometimes use to label, give a name when I see, hear, feel things like a person, a tree, a flower & so on... But the trouble with thoughts is that sometimes even when I don't need to think, the thoughts run on their own... so, IS IT ME THINKING? As Science says, there is something vibrational about thoughts & our minds are naturally built to gather those vibrations from the surroundings whether we choose to or not... so the mind is gathering thoughts like a machine without me noticing it...It's happening continuously... the thoughts are gathered as I speak to someone or listen to someone or from the books I read, the movies I watch, the songs that I listen to, the media, the constant naming & labelling things that I see, hear, feel and from the crowded places that I walk through...they enter my mind consciously when I choose to remember as a memory which I call knowledge for my future use... But actually as scientists say, that our minds pick up a lot many subliminal messages subconsciously without our knowledge...That's an amazingly revealing fact... For example, when we are surrounded by peaceful people in a peaceful environment - our mind relatively becomes peaceful by the vibrations of peaceful thought energy... And Vice Versa... Which is when we are surrounded by violent, aggressive people in a violent environment - our mind relatively becomes violent & aggressive by the vibrations of violent thought energy... Though some of us may think of peace, preach & constantly chant peace... the mind is just suppressing the violent thought energy which comes out with vengeance in some other situation sooner or later... So, the thoughts are gathered consciously by our preference of thinking and remembering as memory or knowledge... And there is also a gathering of thoughts & emotions into our minds unconsciously... Therefore, I'm very vulnerable to events & media which are constantly feeding my mind with thoughts & emotions like violence, hatred, blaming, selfishness, self deception, greed, complication, chaos, confusion, anger, aggressiveness, compulsions, loneliness, addictions, ambitions, fame, power, gossip, beliefs, separation (in the name of religion, language, caste, region & more), romantic wants(wrongly called Love) incessant worry of the future events, fear, anxiety, antagonism and more... Because I'm in the society, the society is constantly working in me whether I choose to or not... And the THOUGHTs ARE SO CUNNING that it makes me believe that they are MINE, ONLY MINE & WHATEVER I THINK IS ABSOLUTELY RIGHT... And any opposition to my thoughts will be met with a reaction of anger or antagonism which divides me & the other person whose thoughts contradict mine... So the thought divides... And this reaction of mine takes a vibrational effect on the society that I live in... Understanding this cunning, deceptive & separating nature of thought, I just stop identifying myself with the thought or thoughts that I believed as "ME" & "MINE"... I just step back from this illusion & I live by this understanding from moment to moment... So there is a need of me being aware of the thoughts & resulting emotions that are constantly seeping into my mind which may induce my actions & reactions... And thus I change my idea about Thought... I stop believing in thoughts which I thought as Me... And because I am a part of this society, When I change... That's changing the society too... As J Krishnamurti says "You are not just part of the society, You are the society. If you want to change the society, you have to start with yourself. Once you are transformed, the whole society is transformed." |
What an amazing discovery! Scientists have discovered that ants, after collecting the grains and seeds they need to store for the winter, break them into halves before storing in their nests. This is because by breaking the seeds into half, it stops them from germinating despite the most perfect conditions. But scientists were stunned when they discovered that coriander seeds stored in the ant nest were broken down into 4 pieces instead of 2 pieces. After lab research, scientists discovered that a coriander seeds germinate even after being divided into two, but won’t germinate after it’s divided into four parts. So how do these tiny tiny creatures know all this? Humans know very little, there's a lot to learn👍 |
“What you decide to tolerate more than once will inevitably become a pattern that will repeat itself. By not setting clear boundaries, you teach others – and yourself – that certain behaviors or situations are acceptable, even if they make you uncomfortable or hurt you. Every time you allow something that goes against your principles or your well being, you open the door for it to be repeated. Setting boundaries isn't just about firmness, it's about self respect." This is such a profound reflection on the importance of boundaries, both in our relationships with others and within ourselves. When you let something slide once, it can seem like a small compromise, but over time, those small compromises add up, and before you know it, you're entrenched in patterns that no longer serve you. It's so easy to fall into the trap of being overly accommodating, especially when you care deeply about someone or a situation. But every time you ignore that inner voice, the one that whispers, "This isn't right for me," you're allowing disrespect to creep in, not just from others, but from yourself. Boundaries aren't about pushing others away; they're about drawing a clear line in the sand that defines where your self-worth begins. It’s a powerful way of saying, "I value myself enough not to accept less than I deserve." In setting those limits, you're reinforcing your own worth and creating space for healthier, more respectful interactions. We sometimes fear that establishing boundaries will make us seem harsh or unkind, but in reality, boundaries are a profound act of love—love for yourself and for the other person because they create the conditions for mutual respect and understanding to flourish. Without boundaries, life can become a series of compromises that eat away at your self-respect. Over time, these compromises turn into patterns, and those patterns shape the way you experience your relationships and even the way you see yourself. It's so crucial to recognize when a behavior is no longer serving you, and to have the courage to stand firm. Setting boundaries isn't just an act of strength; it's an act of self-care. It's not about controlling others; it's about taking control of your own well-being. Think about the times you've let something slide—a comment that felt disrespectful, a request that pushed your limits, or a behavior that hurt you. Each time you let it go without addressing it, you sent a message to yourself and to others that it was acceptable. Over time, this erodes your sense of self-worth, making it harder to stand up when the same things happen again. Boundaries are a way to break that cycle. They're not about being rigid or unyielding, but about honoring your own needs and values. It’s easy to confuse tolerance with kindness or flexibility, but there’s a point where tolerating too much becomes a disservice to yourself. True kindness starts with being kind to yourself, and that means saying "no" when something crosses a line. It's recognizing that you are deserving of respect, dignity, and care—and that it’s okay to demand that from the people around you. Ultimately, setting boundaries is a way to protect your peace. It's not about rejecting others; it's about embracing yourself. The more you practice it, the more you cultivate an environment where you are surrounded by people who respect you, where you can thrive without fear of being taken advantage of or hurt. And most importantly, you teach yourself that you are worthy of that respect, that your feelings and needs are important, and that it's okay to prioritize them. So, listen to that inner voice. When something doesn’t feel right, honor it. When someone crosses a line, address it. Boundaries are not barriers—they're bridges to healthier, more respectful relationships, both with others and with yourself. And in doing so, you send a clear message: "I respect myself enough to not settle for less than I deserve." |
I have recently hung up my boots for one last time. My second innings is done and dusted and now I set sail for a Fully Retired Life. But as I embark on this new journey I question myself that am I prepared ? Have I prepared for it ? Financially Yes but otherwise ? The answer is No. I had a career Road Map and I tried following it but do I have a Retired Road Map. Do I have specific goals to achieve because now I am in total control of my life. Every race has an ending, be it job or life, it will end one day. However most of us are neither mentally prepared for it nor emotionally equipped to deal especially the retirement part. So when it happens we all get unsettled because are plans are not laid out. Its like one of those trains which suddenly jolt to a stop. Most of us are busy planning our career and intently focus on the rise but we never plan beyond that which is unfortunate because there is a huge chunk of life beyond it and the best part is that it is for you. You are going to be your Own Boss. No body is going to tell you what to do and how to do it. Its your call. These close of 15-20 years which is almost 180-240 months is at your disposal. These are the most precious time of your life. It will go exactly the way you want it. So start planing for it. Don’t grope when you reach there. Your roadmap should be clearly defined by you. While it is important to do a solid career planing but it is more important to do equally if not more solid Retirement Planning. Not just financial planing but milestones to be achieved. Milestones Set by You & Achieved by You. |