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As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book |
Evolution of Love Part 2 |
I, Shoumojit alias sindbad, being of sound mind and body, on October 31, 2021, do hereby create this last WDC will and testament. If I have somehow met a premature end instead of passing away peacefully in my sleep, I'm sorry for the pain this may cause. If, however, I have passed at an age older than 70, know that I'm at peace with it. I lived for many years with chronic pain and that pain is now ended. At age 51, I have already lived many more years than I ever expected to. I should have died about a dozen times and through some insane miracle, I didn't. I even survived COVID twice in 2020. If there is another life after this one, I hope somehow we meet again. It is my fervent hope I somehow brought happiness to those who knew me, shared some of the truths I've learned, and fulfilled most of or all of my dreams. I already achieved more than I ever dared to dream by this point. While my life was far from perfect, It was filled with love. I was fortunate to meet and be with my wife. She is the greatest gift I have ever received in my life and helped me to heal from all the pain that came before hee. She was totally worth the wait. So, without waxing poetic anymore, here are my wishes: 1) It is my wish that all of my personal items be made public for everyone at an age-appropriate level instead of being private. I do not see the need for reviews or comments since no one will ever see them. 2) I would like WDC to remember me as a dedicated and focused person. I take each task seriously and give my 100percent. I am happy that all my efforts were equally receprocated with gift points, awards and ample of fun oriented adventures. 3) I would like my GPs to go to Schnujo's Giving Away GPs ![]() Thanks, WDC, for all the great years together. You changed my life for the better and my writing career would not have flourished as it did with the seeds being planted by WDC. |
In the last few years, I have lost at least 8 to 9 people known to me personally, and a few celebrities too, who were in their 40s who died because of doing too much to be "fit". Unfortunately they only looked fit, six packs and all. Today Puneeth Rajkumar gets added to this list. In anything in life, MODERATION is the mantra. Any extreme of zero or 100 is not correct. A moderate amount of exercise, just about 20mins, eating everything, no detoxification or keto moto diets, just eat what your ancestors have been eating, the local and seasonal food in your hometown, not kale, kiwi or olive oil..., but in small quantities, sleeping a full 7 hours, respecting your body by not feeding it steroids, performance enhancement drugs are all that you need to do. Just eat all that you ate growing up, in small quantities, exercise for 20mins to 30mins...just a good walk should do perfectly and stop all supplements....if you drink, limit it to a couple of pegs a week, if you absolutely can't give up smoking, a couple a day .. .you get my drift??? Anything but in moderation. Add a bit of silent meditation to your routine.Most importantly, listen to your body. Understand it. By 40 the body is undergoing a lot of changes, 50 even more, 60 plus your body is starting to slow down, 70 plus, your body is starting to shut down, 80 plus every year is a bonus. So, stop saying 60 is the new 40, 50 is the new 30...no it isn't, if you are 40 or 50 plus, be grateful if you're healthy, slow down so your heart can keep pace, understand retirement has been suggested for a reason, your body and mind cannot take the stress which you once endured. Outwardly you could be looking good, thank your genes but inside, the organs are aging. If you're 40 + read the above and if you're doing something other than the above, change it, now!! I'm sure you don't want to end up as another statistic.💐💐🙏 |
"My mother used to say, when giving some special treat of food to me, 'Share this with somebody else.' Initially, my reaction was that she was trying to give me less. But immediately I began to picture in my mind, 'Well, if I like this food so much, maybe somebody else would also like it.' So I decided I should share. Then came the thought, 'If I share with everybody, there will be nothing at all left for me.' That began to puzzle me. But my experience was that if I shared with others, then I enjoyed more—the joy received from sharing was even greater than the joy I got from the thing I had shared. That is why I have always parted with whatever I have loved. Whenever some possession was wanted or needed by somebody else, my mind would say, 'Well, he is "sick" with this desire; you were healed of your wish for it, so now let him have that benefit.' One by one I gave away everything that came to me— and my joy was multiplied. When I wanted something and got it, I enjoyed; and when I gave it to somebody else, I enjoyed it again. No desire has ever been permitted to take possession of my soul; that would be contrary to the ideal of spiritual selfishness for the welfare of my true Self. Never love anything so much that it possesses you. Whatever you give out, you will attract in kind. What you are will show in your countenance and actions, and others will feel the underlying vibration and respond accordingly." |
1. " This Life is what You make it. No matter what, you are going to mess up sometimes, it's a Universal Truth. But the good part is you get to decide how you're going to mess it up. People will be your friends - they'll act like it anyway. But just REMEMBER - Some come, Some go. The ones that STAY WITH YOU through EVERYTHING - THEY - ARE Your TRUE Friends. DO NOT - Let Go of them...." 2. " When one Door of Happiness closes, Another Opens - But often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been OPENED for us..." 3. " What Lies BEHIND Us and What lies BEFORE Us are - TINY matters compared to what Lies WITHIN Us......." And If We Must ALWAYS Remember.... 4. " For Attractive Lips - SPEAK words of Kindness.... For Lovely Eyes - SEEK out the Good in People ..... For a Slim Figure, SHARE your Food with the Hungry.... For Beautiful Hair - Let a child RUN her/ his fingers through it Once a Day.... For Poise - WALK with the Knowledge that you NEVER Walk alone...... PEOPLE - MORE Than Things - HAVE TO BE to be RESTORED,RENEWED,REVIVED,RECLAIMED and REDEEMED. REMEMBER - If you EVER Need a Helping Hand - You Shall find one at the end of Each of YOUR Arms.... And As you GROW Older - You SHALL Discover that You have - TWO HANDS - ONE for Helping Yourself and The Other - for HELPING Others...." AMEN to that.... |
It was 3'O clock in the morning when the wife opened her eyes, only to find four decoits at her bedside taunting the pistol. They tied her husband and locked the children in a room. After searching all the places, they recovered good amount of cash and jewellery. Then one of the decoits asked, "where is the 1.5 lakh worth iphone cell phone that your brother sent you from the US ? And where is the necklace your husband gifted you for the wedding anniversary ? Hand them over or else I will shoot you." The wife handed them over, out of fear. Then she asked "But brother, how do you know all these ?" "Hey, we are your *Facebook* friends. We regularly read all your posts. Well, if you have any left over of the delicious pudding you made today morning, then serve that too." 😂😂😂😂 Mutual Friends are subject to Market Risk. Verify all the IDs before accepting anyone as Friends !! 🙄\ |
We all meditate, many of us do, very often we can sit but we cannot meditate because our mind moves here and there, up and down most of the time. So is there a way to meditate? When one meditates, does one have to strive hard to meditate or does meditation come naturally without any striving? To illustrate this point, there is this beautiful story of a discussion that the Buddha had with his favourite disciple, Ananda. One day Ananda was trying to meditate and in his mind there was a question which was almost insurmountable and in his effort to find a solution, an answer to this question, Ananda was walking up and down, up and down until his feet started to bleed. He could not compose himself to sit down and meditate unless he had found a theoretical answer, a solution to this particular problem that plagued him that day. The Buddha, it is said, who was watching this whole scene quietly, called him over and said, "Ananda, aren't you a great musician? Haven't you played the veena for me many times?" "Yes," said Ananda, "My lord." "I have at your request, played the veena to you many times." "I liked the music, the veena as you play it," said the Buddha. "Can you bring your veena once more and play it for me?" "Sure" said Ananda "whatever you wish, that I fulfil." Off he went and came back with his veena. "Just a minute Ananda," said Buddha, "can you hand over the veena to me? I would like to tune it for you." "Surely," said Ananda and handed-over the veena to the Buddha. The Buddha took the veena into his hands and started tightening the strings. He tightened and He tightened and He tightened and He tightened and then when the strings had become so taught that they were in danger of breaking, snapping, Ananda cried out, "stop, stop." "O great one, now you will break the strings because you have tightened them too much." "Ah," said Buddha, "I am sorry" and then he loosened the strings until they became so loose and slack that Ananda said, "O enlightened one, the strings now are so slack that no music will come out of it. One cannot play on this. They have to be tightened up to a certain level and not more and not less for music to come." So the Buddda smiled and said, "So Ananda, so also is the mind. To go into deep meditation, to listen to the music of the spheres, one has to keep the mind alert and stable and poised, not slack and lazy; at the same time not so stressed and tight as you seem to be keeping your mind." "For no music shall come, for the mind shall break and if the mind breaks, no instrument have you other than it to find the truth. Therefore, follow the middle path, neither too much nor too little; neither this extreme nor that." "And if you keep to this golden principle of the middle path, you surely shall attain the capacity to reach Nirvana." When sitting down to meditate many find it difficult to sit still and to concentrate, when the mind starts to wonder. Kriya Yoga Master, Yogivah Giri gave this very practical advice to overcome restlessness: “Relax by clearing the body and the conscious mind of dynamic prana. To overcome restlessness, visualize breathing through the spiritual eye. Practice hong-sau while you visualize breathing through the spiritual eye for some time, to enhance Prana flow into the higher physic centers of the brain. Now practice 14 Kriya Pranayamas and relax into the super-conscious tranquility aftereffects with your awareness at the spiritual eye and upper brain. This very effectively calms restless Prana, which is the cause of restlessness. Have compassion for those in misery, for those whose Prana is dynamic. When Prana is static the kinetic mind's stillness is attained, and the radiant Soul-Moon appears whose radiance is equivalent to the light of millions of suns............” |
From " The Auschwitz Photographer " by Luca Crippa & Maurizio Onnis. Brasse, the photographer, thinks: ”Keep on forgetting. Never stop forgetting. Every day, delete what you saw the day before. Leave every hour behind you, bury it in darkness. That was the rule for survival.” Brasse also forced himself to close his eyes to the future: no dreams, no illusions. Prompt: What would you tell yourself if you found yourself in such a dire situation? What would you do if you were in Brasse's place? If l have similar experience l will never pretend to be a different person than what l am. “ Share your WEAKNESSES. Share your Hard Moments. Share your REAL SIDE. It'll either Scare Away every FAKE Person in your life or it will Inspire Them to finally LET GO of that Mirage called " Perfection," which will Open the Doors to the MOST IMPORTANT RELATIONSHIP you'll EVER BE a Part Of……………….” “I am a Broken Person. And I know EXACTLY where my Cracks are and HOW DEEP THEY RUN. I Don't pretend to not be a Broken person and therein lies the BIG difference. Because The TRUTH IS, We are All broken in places, but it is Those who know Exactly where and how they are broken, Who Also Know EXACTLY where and How They Are WHOLE !.......” – C.JOYCE BELL.C “Anyone can Possess, Anyone can Profess, but it is An Altogether Different thing to CONFESS..” “Forget about being Impressive and COMMIT to being REAL. Because BEING REAL is Impressive……..” A FEW DEEP PERSONAL BELIEFS……… . “ You Are – NOT What Happened to You BUT What YOU CHOOSE TO BECOME……..” AND A PERSONAL EXPERIENCE FROM LIFE……..As Aptly described by Shannon Alder “Vulnerability gives us FREEDOM, power and CONNECTS US to a Network of Injured Souls. It is Through the Art of BEING REAL that we can HEAL OURSELVES………AND OTHERS…………” SO VERY TRUE………… |
1. You're a very religious person following divine path but you don't lower your gaze when you see a member of the opposite gender. (A leaking bucket) 2. You wake up early morning trying to do your Pooja / Path but your mind is elsewhere and before you know it, you're done with your prayers (A leaking bucket) 3. You're very kind to outsiders/people in general and speak with them gently but with your own family you're always harsh/rude. (A leaking bucket) 4. You honour and treat your guests well but when they leave, you gossip about them and talk about their flaws. (A leaking bucket) 5. You try to read as much religious books, listen to Satsang /Keertan, participate in social services/ Sewa but you swear, insult, curse daily. (A leaking bucket) 6. You help others but you're doing it to gain something in return from them and not doing those acts of kindness selflessly. (A leaking bucket) 7. You frequently advice/preach others on religious matters but practice none yourself. (A leaking bucket) 8. You slander other devout persons out of hatred/spite when your views do not meet one another. (A leaking bucket) 9. You look down on others and feel more superior than them, judging their level of knowledge about religion based on external appearances (A leaking bucket) *We struggle to fill our Jeevans (the bucket) with Kamaayi of religious knowledge (the water), hoping it will retain inside but it is leaked by the many flaws (the holes) that we commit daily.* *An excellent reminder for all,to try and patch these holes up so we may progress further on this beautiful path of spiritual life.* 💐🙂 |
The primary concept is the sense ‘I am’. It is consciousness. Hold onto the basic concept ‘I am alive’. Your sensation ‘I am’ is God. Do not forget this all your life. It is the same as maya. She signifies the power of God. One must be convinced that he is not the body; he is consciousness. All the names of God belong to consciousness. A seeker has no form. One who still identifies with the body is an aspirant. The conviction that ‘I am not the body’ must be there. It must be firmly established that ‘I am consciousness only’. This is the goal of every seeker: ‘I have no shape. I am in the house but I am not the house’. You say, ‘I am’, but can you give me some information about yourself while keeping aside the word ‘I’? The one who is before the words ‘I am’, is he a human being? Does he have a form? That knowledge does not have a body. There is no question of its being either a man or a woman. Yet it has a flavor. Consciousness is prior to everything. It is consciousness that remembers the Guru. A seeker has no form, just as thirst and hunger have no form. Have I not told you that you are not the body (even before the body dies)? (In answer to someone’s question regarding astrology, Maharaj said that its effects were true because we believed it to be true and as a result suffered from its consequences. If we take ourselves to be as pure, formless consciousness, how can the movement of planets affect us? The universe with its planetary system is within our consciousness.) One who has no notion of devotion or God is truly bound. One who looks for Him desires liberation. One who follows a method is a seeker. He becomes the siddha, the liberated one. When you see misery in the world, you feel pain because you consider yourself an individual. The individual is bothered by the sense of ‘I’ or ‘mine’. The totality has no such botheration. If you meditate on ‘I am the whole world along with its pleasure and pain’, your personal sense of misery will go. Consciousness with its three gunas is the same in all animals. It is the beingness. The subtle feeling of being awake is the manifest identity of maya. In her womb are the three gunas. Nobody wants death. That means the consciousness ‘I am’ wants to continue. Such is the power of maya. To see the subtle consciousness is to see the world with its innumerable beings. There is no one who can be called a doer or a creator or a destroyer. The feeling ‘I am’ is the highest devotion. So long as friction between prana and the essence of food is there, one feels ‘he is’. When prana leaves, beingness comes to an end. In the body, the friction between pure Sattva (quality of knowingness) and prana is continuing. This creates the knowledge ‘I am’. When prana gets separated, beingness disappears. No one can be rescued from the jaws of death unless all this is understood. Tamas and Rajas are involved in everyday activity. Rajas is the worker and Tamas is the one that takes pride in the work. Sattva is the onlooker. Consciousness is the characteristic of the essence of the food-body. Once prana leaves the body, you will not remember that ‘you were’. The world and the wakefulness are not different. Follow the words of the Guru to understand this. Your manifest consciousness has to become unmanifest again Hold onto consciousness at least before you go to sleep. When you wake up, hold onto knowingness in the same way. You are pure consciousness for a few seconds after awakening, and then the person becomes wakeful. The most sacred thing in the world is consciousness. Without doing anything else, meditate on consciousness. You feel you are the body, but you are only consciousness. |
It's not how much I traveled How high, how low How tough, how many miles On off roads or metalled roads It's how deeply I traveled! I didn't miss a single tree I m sensitive to every aroma I remember how each peak looks And the hues of d waters Snow covered n in monsoons I travel sensitively!! That's how I live life Listen to lyrics in my car My left eye often cries Sometimes I feel tears Congested in my sinuses Aroma of restaurants Wine with friends Laughter till my belly aches My morning ginger tea And afternoon siesta I live sensitively!! |