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As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book |
Evolution of Love Part 2 |
"When the five senses are stilled, when the mind Is stilled, when the intellect is stilled, That is called the highest state by the wise. They say Yoga is this complete stillness In which one enters the unitive state, Never to become separate again. If one is not established in this state, The sense of unity will come and go. The unitive state cannot be attained Through words or thoughts or through the eye. How can it be attained except through one Who is established in this state oneself? There are two selves, the separate ego And the indivisible Atman. When One rises above I and me and mine, The Atman is revealed as one's real Self. When all desires that surge in the heart Are renounced, the mortal becomes immortal. When all the knots that strangle the heart Are loosened, the mortal becomes immortal. This sums up the teaching of the scriptures." |
The share prices of some of the undergarment manufacturers, such as jockey, Calvin Klein, VIP, etc. have fallen drastically after US announced that they identified Bagdadi and confirmed his identity after getting hold of his underwear and conducting DNA test on it. The undergarment manufacturers now fear that most people will now stop wearing underwears and vests for the fear of getting identified. This will seriously affect the sales of undergarments. This fear has brought down the share prices of these companies and the prices are going to take further beating in the coming few trading sessions. Ever since Americans stolen the underwear of Al Bagdadi to confirm his DNA, Hafiz Saeed deployed 10 guards to protect his underwear and Gen Bajwa moved one step ahead & stopped wearing underwear. Checkmate America! |
Rising, sitting down, walking - in fact, any gesture taken up by the body - is called an asana. It corresponds to the rhythm and the vibration of body and mind at any particular moment. Some aspirants can meditate only if seated in the pose indicated by the Guru or formulated in the shastras scriptures and not otherwise. This is the way to proficiency in meditation. On the other hand, someone may begin his practice while sitting in any ordinary position; nevertheless, as soon as the state of japa, repetition of a mantra or dhyana, concentration has been reached, the body will spontaneously take up the most appropriate position. As one’s meditation grows increasingly intense, the postures correspondingly gain in perfection. When a little air is pumped into a tire, the tire will be flabby; but when it is filled to capacity, it remains completely stable in its own natural shape. Likewise, when real meditation has been attained the body feels light and free, and on rising after meditation there is no fatigue of any kind, no pain, numbness or stiffness in one’s limbs. |
*Nobel Prize winner of economics, Abhijit Banerjee, had a girlfriend, Tuli ( Arundhati) right from school days. Both were from South Point Kolkata, he a topper in Economics and she a topper in English.* *They finally married and both became professors at MIT. Happily married life went on and they had a son. Barely 5 years old the son showed signs of a prodigy, till a French student Esther joined his father's class. Father and student developed relationship but mother Arundhati didn't know. Student and professor came to India for some research and after returning student claimed being pregnant.* *Arundhati was devastated but worse was for their son, Kabir Banerjee. He turned to drugs and alcohol, when even at age of 11 he could write like an established writer. At 15 yrs of age, he was arrested by UK police for picking up fight. Nobel prize winner dad never cared, only his mom, kept running from pillar to post to save the child.* *One year later, in 2016 after the second marriage of his dad, Kabir passed away. Arundhati continues to live single and still searching for her dead son. The Dad now a Nobel prize winner is happily living with his student wife, who too is a Nobel Laureate.* *This is the story of highly successful people.* |
A very beautiful Diwali message that I just received...Sharing the same with you all 🎉🌟🎊⭐ While we all light our houses , do spend some time today to light a few lamps inside you and sit in silence with your eyes closed... Light the first lamp inside you and let it burn your anger and / or jealousy that you may have for any one till date; see it melt away... Light the second lamp and let it burn away unwanted greed and desires... feel happy and contented with what you have been blessed with. Light the third lamp and let it fade away all insecurities that you may have in your mind related to anything or financials; just believe that God has given you life and he will surely give you enough to survive. Light the 4th lamp and carry that lamp to each part of ur body; let it burn away all your diseased cells or any disease in making. Feel healthy as this lamp travels to each body part and illuminates each organ. The 5th lamp is a miniature of the Sun... nothing but the divine light... light it in the centre of your body and let it fill the warmth and love inside your whole body...feel one with the Divine... let the love and warmth filled inside you ooze out of you through your smile...eyes..speech..and body....carry this love with you through out the day...you will find that everyone who meets you is happy and elated. This is the biggest blessing that whoever meets you becomes happier after meeting you... this will also make you happier in return. Light these 5 lamps each day morning and carry the positivity wherever you go... Wish You & Yours Happy Diwali & A Prosperous, Healthy New Year 🙏🏽 |
HOPE......... 1. " God Moves Mountains, Maybe Sometimes Only ONE PEBBLE AT A TIME............." 2. " You were Born and with ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES, Very Few Ever To Be Realized. ITS OK. Life was Never about What You COULD do, But What YOU WOULD DO........." 3. " A SINCERE Promise, Coupled with A HELPING HAND, can Bring HOPE where Before There Had Been Only Despair......" 4. " There are NO Hopeless Situations, ONLY People Who Have Grown Hopeless About Them. You STILL Have Choices YOU CAN MAKE........." 5. " Do NOT Spoil WHAT YOU HAVE by Desiring what you have not; REMEMBER that What YOU NOW HAVE Was Once Among The Things YOU ONLY HOPED FOR..........." AND DO REMEMBER..... 6. " There is a CRACK IN EVERYTHING.. THAT IS HOW THE LIGHT GETS IN........" AMEN TO THAT......... |
1. You're a very religious person following divine path but you don't lower your gaze when you see a member of the opposite gender. (A leaking bucket) 2. You wake up early morning trying to do your Pooja / Path but your mind is elsewhere and before you know it, you're done with your prayers (A leaking bucket) 3. You're very kind to outsiders/people in general and speak with them gently but with your own family you're always harsh/rude. (A leaking bucket) 4. You honour and treat your guests well but when they leave, you gossip about them and talk about their flaws. (A leaking bucket) 5. You try to read as much religious books, listen to Satsang /Keertan, participate in social services/ Sewa but you swear, insult, curse daily. (A leaking bucket) 6. You help others but you're doing it to gain something in return from them and not doing those acts of kindness selflessly. (A leaking bucket) 7. You frequently advice/preach others on religious matters but practice none yourself. (A leaking bucket) 8. You slander other devout persons out of hatred/spite when your views do not meet one another. (A leaking bucket) 9. You look down on others and feel more superior than them, judging their level of knowledge about religion based on external appearances (A leaking bucket) *We struggle to fill our Jeevans (the bucket) with Kamaayi of religious knowledge (the water), hoping it will retain inside but it is leaked by the many flaws (the holes) that we commit daily.* *An excellent reminder for all,to try and patch these holes up so we may progress further on this beautiful path of spiritual life.* 💐🙂 |
1. " WE ALL are seeking that Special person who is RIGHT for us. But if You have been through Enough Relationships, you begin to suspect there’s NO Right Person, just Different Flavors of Wrong. Why is this? Because You Yourself are Wrong in some way, and You seek out Partners who are Wrong in some Complementary way. But it Takes a LOT OF LIVING to Grow Fully into your own Wrongness. And it is not until you FINALLY run up against your DEEPEST Demons, Your Unsolvable problems — The ones that MAKE You Truly Who You Are — that we’re READY to find a Lifelong Mate. ONLY THEN do you Finally Know What You Are Looking For. You’re Looking For the Wrong Person. But Not just Any Wrong person: the RIGHT WRONG Person—someone you Lovingly Gaze upon and think, “This is the Problem I WANT to Have.” You will FIND that SPECIAL PERSON who is Wrong for You in just the RIGHT WAY. " LET YOUR SCARS FALL IN LOVE ".............". AND FROM SOMEONE WHO KNOWS..... 2. " It HURTS to LET GO. Sometimes it seems the Harder you try to Hold On to something or someone The More it wants to Get Away. You feel like some kind of criminal - For having FELT, For having WANTED. For having WANTED - To Be WANTED. It Confuses You, BECAUSE You think that Your Feelings were Wrong and it makes you Feel So SMALL Because it's SO HARD to Keep it Inside when you let it out and it DOES NOT Come Back. You're left SO ALONE that You Can't EXPLAIN. Damn, There's Nothing Like That, is there ? I've BEEN THERE and YOU HAVE TOO. You're Nodding your Head..........." - By Henry Rollings SO SO TRUE...... |
A FEW MORE LEARNINGS..... 1. " The Fears We DON'T Face - Become Our LIMITS......" 2. " LOVE Those - Who Will Love You When You have NOTHING To Offer But YOUR COMPANY........" 3. " MEDITATE - Because Some Questions CANNOT Be Answered by Google........" 4. " You are Free to Choose But Not Free from The CONSEQUENCES of Your Choices......." 5. " Just Because You're Breathing DOES NOT Mean You are Alive - Make Your Life COUNT......." 6. " If You want to FLY, You have to Give Up the things that Weigh You Down........" AND DO ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS - REMEMBER..... 6. " See How Beautifully GOD has Added One More Day to Your Life NOT BECAUSE You May Need It BUT BECAUSE Someone Else May NEED You....." The Biggest Lesson of LIFE....... |
1. “ Share your WEAKNESSES. Share your Hard Moments. Share your REAL SIDE. It'll either Scare Away every FAKE Person in your life or it will Inspire Them to finally LET GO of that Mirage called " Perfection," which will Open the Doors to the MOST IMPORTANT RELATIONSHIP you'll EVER BE a Part Of……………….” 2. “I am a Broken Person. And I know EXACTLY where my Cracks are and HOW DEEP THEY RUN. I Don't pretend to not be a Broken person and therein lies the BIG difference. Because The TRUTH IS, We are All broken in places, but it is Those who know Exactly where and how they are broken, Who Also Know EXACTLY where and How They Are WHOLE !.......” – C.JOYCE BELL.C 3. “Anyone can Possess, Anyone can Profess, but it is An Altogether Different thing to CONFESS..” 4. “Forget about being Impressive and COMMIT to being REAL. Because BEING REAL is Impressive……..” A FEW DEEP PERSONAL BELIEFS……… . 5. “ You Are – NOT What Happened to You BUT What YOU CHOOSE TO BECOME……..” AND A PERSONAL EXPERIENCE FROM LIFE……..As Aptly described by Shannon Alder 6. “Vulnerability gives us FREEDOM, power and CONNECTS US to a Network of Injured Souls. It is Through the Art of BEING REAL that we can HEAL OURSELVES………AND OTHERS…………” SO VERY TRUE………… |