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As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book |
Evolution of Love Part 2 |
Here are the two prompts for Week Three Prompt # One: I hereby resolve to get a job. Andre say's "Not Likely". Well this is one resolution my family and well wishers have always prayed for me. I hail from a family wherein all family members are fast track jobs and are doing extremely well. I did hold a steady job 15 years ago, and trust me l gave justice to the job for 5 long years. My wife expired and did leave a ten month old daughter and l lost all interest. I left it MIA(missing in action). Now my daughter is 15 years old and expects her father to have a regular source of income. Father say's "Not Likely"... I want to grow old with the passion l have inculcated in the last 15 years. I always believe that “We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing". Taking a job will do just that. There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up. Anybody can grow older. That doesn’t take any talent or ability. The idea is to grow up by always finding opportunity in change. Have no regrets. The elderly usually don’t have regrets for what we did, but rather for things we did not do. The only people who fear death are those with regrets.” I correlate a job with same parameter like GROWING OLDER IS MANDATORY. GROWING UP IS OPTIONAL. We make a Living by what we get, We make a Life by what we give. I strive every day to help street animals to get a secured shelter, though it doesn't give me much financial gains. It gives me a lot of inner satisfaction. I pray to all of you to have a great life ahead..Amen 300 words |
Docupoetry Documentary, or Docupoetry poems combine primary source material with poetry writing. A number of sources may be accessed to inspire documentary poetry. Sources include: news articles letters photographs diaries, journals court transcripts medical records public records non-fiction texts reports |
Here are Week Twos Prompts; I hereby resolve NOT to make any New Year's Resolutions at all. I think Andre blew that one already. This New year l decided to Love Myself, and immediately I wonder... what if this universe was devoid of all reflective surfaces! What if there were no mirrors or Andre blew all? What if we didn't know what we look like? What new year resolution, then, would our towers of vain be built on? Would we even bother to doll up and blow vanity bubbles... or seek reciprocity in vanity-fueled romantic quests? Be passionate? Be alive? Going about our morning ablutions, we look at the mirror and strike a spontaneous connect with our alter-ego. We smile. We grimace. We explore random expressions…seeking perhaps a subconscious validation of our existence in this world... reassuring ourselves that we are still alive. So when we look into the mirror, we have already decided what WE want to see. No wonder they say that a monkey is superior to a man. When he looks into the mirror, he sees a monkey! Each one of us has our own private affair with the mirror. But of late, this affiliation seems to be on the wane. Our mutual trust is giving way to mounting trepidation. Show me a guy who says that he keeps his New year vow, and I'll show you two liars. It's clear that I'm no longer the extraordinary vision that used to set my mirror’s pulse racing. Once I shared a karmic connect with my alter-ego camping on the other side of the mirror. My empathy meter is better calibrated now. I react less, understand more. The rough outer layers of my personality are peeling off. A serene sweetness is being unraveled gradually. My mind is still agile but the innards feel a bit fragile. Drinking binges have dried to a trickle. I am more disciplined about my workouts, my eating habits, about popping my garden-variety pills —those potent arrows in my quiver of rejuvenation. My efforts are less a byproduct of the vagaries of vanity, and more an attempt to establish a deeper connect with the inner me. When I look good, I feel good. When I feel good, I feel healthy. And if health is wealth, I feel like a million bucks. And here's how I'd like to sum up my half -a-century-plus on this planet with bold resolutions ….Amen 300 words |
I resolve to restore my writing habit of at least 300 words/day. What does Andre or your Muse think about that? Well writing and all, makes no sense. We have artificial intelligence to go the extra mile and complete the task. Meet our exposure to writing habits midway. The challenging part is to define midway. My take is just read read and read or listen to all available content with mind so much saturated, and gets blank. Allow the AI (artificial intelligence) like chat GP or other such evolving applications to catch all the imagination and reach some level of consciousness.I start with watching different series like Ancient Aliens in Discovery. Trust me all 23 series. Watching these episodes gave me a goal. My goal is to reach the lost Kingdom of Sambhala. To reach the very heart of this unknown world. With all these plethora of ideas l decided to write 300 words with alien craft, traditions reflection on spirituality and lo, what l get. The possibility of Aliens, superior Aryan race, Mount Makallu in Nepal, yeti the guardians of shambala, stuff of legends. All the more baffling to my imagination and some level of doubts to Al. So a new chapter on parallel space, extra dimensions,inter dimensional, cosmic paradise or ancient technic of mind, or concept of rainbow light body, or bio photons and enhancement of the same through mediation, all this sacred process and more gives me goose pimples. All this process to expand my consciousness and understand the human consciousness and enhance my mind, woof. All these gibberish thoughts once settled l will start this habit of writing 300 words a day. Adieu 270 words |