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As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book |
Evolution of Love Part 2 |
Q- Ma used to give yoga or meditation exercise to some of her disciples or visitor. When she was alive, she asked then to be kept secret, but now she has left her body ,why we do not write them, like for example one has written the ‘Six yogas of Naropa ‘ after his death? V: Ma used to give kriyas to some of her disciples and she asked this teaching to be kept secret and not be communicated to anyone .It is difficult to know if she asked for secrecy from all the people who had received these instructions, because probably there are certain people who have received them and will not even speak about it .That is why I can only speak with certainty of my own case. When she was teaching me a kriya, she was always telling me at the end: ‘kisi ko mat bolna’ ’you can’t tell anyone’ .One time she even added: this is a secret kriya. You asked me if now that Ma has left her body, these secret instructions could be written down and published. I do not think that it could be possible. The recommendations of a guru does not lose its authority when the guru leaves his body .Anyhow, the guru is ever present even if he has left his body .If one of his disciple has attained realization himself and has disciples, he could then communicate these instructions to them, but that would probably be done also under a vow of secrecy. Q. How can it be, and is it true, that Ma had to surround herself by pure people, purity providing her nourishment ? V. This is like saying that the doctor must be surrounded by healthy people, because that is the way he earns his living. Ma had taken a physical form, mainly to help people in their search for the Supreme Being. This search can only be undertaken through mental purification. Ma was surrounded by people who needed to be purified. She did not have anything to do with perfectly pure people, because they did not need Her. Of course, the people surrounding Her were not (except in rare cases), vicious individuals, because these kind of people do not wish to entrust themselves to a sage. It is true, nevertheless, that those who served Ma had to be capable of observing certain rules of physical purity : chastity, pure food, personal hygiene etc ... but if Ma kept them by Her side, it was because they needed Her help for the purification of their minds. Ma used to say that it was our good conduct that would keep her in good health, but alas!, she fell ill quite often. It is also true that Her body was an extremely sensitive instrument. If she had assumed a physical form, it was not to protect her body, but to absorb the bad ‘Karma’ of her devotees. And it is astonishing how much that body could absorb, and yet maintain a relative equilibrium. Q. Bhaiji says that the Name of Ma is a unique Mantra, but he also says that the Mantra should be learnt from a teacher, and should be pronounced correctly in order to bear fruit. It seems that the result can be obtained by faith (the Name of Ma), or knowledge (the correct recitation of the Mantras). Which of the two is it? V. There are two elements in the Mantra. One is its intrinsic value as a word of power, the other is the faith that the disciple has in the force of his Mantra. These two elements strengthen each other mutually. That is, the more the disciple has faith in the Mantra, the more he is infused with power, and vice versa. If a Mantra is known as being a source of power, the faith of the disciple will come naturally. More so, if the Mantra has been passed on by a guru one loves and venerates. When a Sadguru gives a Mantra to his disciples, he passes on spiritual power to them at the same time. Then the repetition gives power to it. Thus the repetition of the Mantra and the awakening of the power will be completely linked. But the essential part is always the faith and the spiritual intensity of the disciple. Any form can lead to Realisation, if the sadhaka firmly believes that it is a powerful Mantra. For those (as in the case of Bhaiji), who are intensely devoted to Ma, just saying her name is enough to evoke her presence, and it will lead them towards an union to the Sadguru personified by the physical form of Ma. However, for the ordinary sadhaka, it is preferable that he repeats the Mantra given to him by the guru during of his initiation. By repeating his Mantras assiduously, true faith will come to him, and his spiritual intensity will progressively increase. |