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As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book |
Evolution of Love Part 2 |
" 'Mahavakyas': Are great declarations of the Vedas, the most ancient scriptures of the world. These are numerous and appear throughout the Vedas in different places of the text. However, there are four popularly known 'mahavakyas' culled from four Upanishads, one from each of the four Vedas. Though every 'mahavakya' is complete by itself and has the potential to grant liberation to a deserving aspirant, the essence of the four 'mahavakyas' in sequential order, providing a roadmap for 'sadhana' is as follows: PRAJNANAM BRAHMA: 'Consciousness IS Brahma' (Aitareya Upanishad, Rig Veda) This first 'mahavakya denotes a statement of definition of Truth. It declares that Consciousness, the spiritual core that enlivens each of us, is the same all-pervading Consciousness in all beings and things. TAT TVAM ASI: 'That Thou Art' (Chhandogya Upanishad, Sama Veda) The second 'mahavakya' is a statement of instruction that a 'sadhak' is not a limited personality as he imagines to be but verily the Supreme Brahma. AHAM BRAHMA ASMI: 'I am Brahma' (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, Yajur Veda) The third 'mahavakya' is a statement confirming experience of the Truth by the 'sadhak'. AYAM ATMA BRAHMA: 'This Self is Brahma' (Mandukya Upanishad, Atharva Veda) The fourth 'mahavakya' reflects on the 'sadhak' when he establishes himself in his real nature, the Self - omnipresent and eternal." "In Shree Shree Ma's 'sadhana lila' we find all these revelations in the different paths of 'sadhana' that She played, whether in the realm of 'Bhakti', Tantra, Yoga or Gyan* as well as other religions and faiths. All these took place during a period of eight months of Her 'sadhana lila' IN DIFFERENT ASTRAL PLANES during Her stay in Bajitpur, presently located in Bangladesh. Shree Shree Ma's lila of sadhana* is a unique phenomenon that has no parallel. All paths of spiritual endeavor were illuminated and experienced at this time. This lila was undertaken for the benefit of mankind. " (From "Mother Reveals Herself/Enlarged Edition, Appendix IV) Translations below are from the Glossary, page 431: *Bhakti = The yoga of attaining union with God by following the path of devotion. *Tantra = Particular path of 'Sadhana' that emphasizes japa of a mantra and other esoteric practices that relate to the powers latent in the human body in relation to the cosmic power usually thought of as the Divine Feminine. *Yoga or Gyan = Path of knowledge leading to the realization of the Self as taught by the Upanishads *japa = Recitation of mantra or a name of God as received from the Guru at the time if initiation *Lila = Divine Play *Sadhana = Austere endeavor/spiritual practice for the purpose of preparing oneself for Self-realization *Sadhak (a) = An austere practitioner |