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As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book |
Evolution of Love Part 2 |
The Service of purifying the mind is the highest service. That alone can redeem you. All efforts must be made to become effortless. Work should be undertaken and pursued to take us ultimately to the worker’s Abode of Divine silence and endless Peace. You have to workout your karma anyhow and you are saved. Do not bind and tie yourself with any of your activities. Just witness all that happens. Attend to your work as the situation demands, as an actor plays his/her part in a drama. Working actively is as important as searching for spiritual bliss. Do your job, do it well and do it with complete detachment. Work is love for fellow beings. Bhagavan would allow nothing to go waste. Bhagavan would make even the small tasks of daily life into avenues that lead to the light and bliss. We experienced ecstasy in grinding, rapture in cooking and joy in serving to the devotees. While doing these works, we were experiencing the state in which THE MIND IS IN THE HEART. One who has not experienced this cannot really know how much bliss a human heart can contain. While all efforts should be made to help those in distress, one should not take individual credit for the act So long as body is there, some activity is bound to happen. Only the attitude ‘I am the doer’ has to be given up. The activities do not obstruct, only the attitude, ‘I did’, ‘I do. is the obstruction. Why do you think that you are the doer? It is absurd, as it is obvious that ‘I’ does nothing. ‘I’ is always the witness. Concentrate on being the witness and let things take their course. They will go on anyhow, you cannot prevent them. Divorce your sense of the Self from what your ego and body are feeling or doing. Have the attitude ‘Feelings are going on, this body is acting in such and such a way, but never think ‘I feel, I act’ |