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As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book |
Evolution of Love Part 2 |
1. " Courage - Is - GRACE under Pressure......." 2. " Courage to Me - Is doing something DARING, No Matter how afraid, insecure, intimidated, alone, unworthy, incapable, ridiculed or whatever other paralyzing emotion one may feel. Courage is TAKING ACTION.....No Matter What. So you're afraid ? BE AFRAID. Be Scared Silly to the point you're trembling and nauseous, But - DO IT ANYWAY !!! 3. " DON'T GIVE UP - I know that you have made a Thousand attempts to reach your Goal - But look at it this way - After banging your head against the wall Repeatedly, you ought to be NUMB ENOUGH to BREAK THROUGH This Time..." 4. " Who told you that it was too late ? And - MORE IMPORTANTLY - WHY Have You chosen - To Believe Them....." 5. " The Height of your ACHIEVEMENTS is Determined by the DEPTH of your Self-Belief, the STRENGTH of your Resolve and the INTENSITY of your EFFORTS..." 6. " Since when is Failure more appealing ?...NEVER EVER - Give up......" 7. " Courage - Is what it takes to Stand Up and SPEAK ; Courage is ALSO what it takes to Sit Down and LISTEN....." AND REMEMBER...... 8 " Have Courage for the great sorrows of Life and Patience for the small ones; and when you have laboriously Accomplished your Daily Task, go to Sleep in Peace. GOD IS AWAKE......." - Victor Hugo AMEN TO THAT..... |