As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book |
Evolution of Love Part 2 |
Nothing is going to crash the world through this current pandemic. World has seen many violent wars, cruel natural disasters and much more severe pandemics which caused much more deaths. More than Half of positives Corona virus cases have cured so far. So we must not get panic of this lesser ghost. But precautions is most needed. Scare is not the disease itself but the catastrophe it would put the world into. So let’s prepare for this time:- World will be bit thinner financially till the storm finally pass off.. Shedding up of some of prosperity or comfort is not going to affect so much on society as a whole.. (we are already living a highly comfortable life than of our parents) nature knows balancing.. what would be the outcome at most-? More responsible governance.. We will learn to live in scarcity, in troubles, with lesser object, no wastage, unmindful expenses, and above all value Love and importance of each life on earth. We would learn how interwoven we all are through a thin thread that a slight disturbance at a far away link, deep ripple will be highly felt to the entire chain. To sum up- peaceful coexistence on this planet is what creator demands.. whenever which has been abused life was threatened. So it’s somewhat another harsh teaching for us. Let’s once again learn our Upanishadic meaning of “Vasudev kutumbkam”. May Love n peace prevail!! 🙏🙏🙏 |