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As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book |
Evolution of Love Part 2 |
🌹ETERNAL RELIGION OF SANATANA DHARMA IS THE RIGHTEOUS PATH🌹 God is so Great. No one knows about God Except the Teacher or Initiator, Who initiates towards God. 🌹🌸💮🌳🌺🌻🌼🌷🌹 The Eternal Religion is the TRUTH about the One Eternal God. Before the Prophets there was already a Religion: Before Jesus, there was the Eternal God and the Eternal Religion,before Krishna, there was the Eternal God and the Eternal Religion, before Rama, there was the Eternal God and the Eternal Religion, before Adam, there was the Eternal God and the Eternal Religion. The Eternal Religion is known as ‘SANATAN DHARMA’ in Sanskrit. God is our CREATOR, and we have to be thankful that we have come as a man. So you worship the One Living God, because your FAITH is so strong that you want to give your neck to God. You surrender your will to God. Why are we thinking that we are Hindus,Christians, Jews, or Muslims? What is the sense of this?The path is the path. It is the same for all religions. If we go on the path, we surrender to the Will of God. GOD IS ONE! The God of Rama (Abraham), The God of Krishna (David), The God of Parshurama (Moses), The God of Jesus, The God of Muhammad, The God of Guru Nannak is ONE. God is for ALL, whether they BELIEVE in God or not. You can call the Lord God by many names: Hallaluya, Allah,Aloheem, or OM. You can make Jesus or any Prophet as your ladder towards God, but you have to understand that Jesus, Rama, Krishna, and Buddha – they all have NOTHING. God has EVERYTHING, and they all have worshipped GOD. Jesus is a path but not God! You call on the name of Jesus, but you have to surrender to the Name of God. If someone is Blessing you in the name of the Prophet, he has blessed you in the name of the Prophet, not in the Name of God.But first of all, everybody has to recite the Name of God. When you raise the forefinger of your right hand straight, then this indicates ‘ONE’. This is the symbol for One‐God‐worshipping. Moses, John the Baptist, and Jesus used this symbol. God has created this world, and this whole world belongs to the One Living God. The Eyes and Ears of the Lord God are everywhere. So it isn’t necessary to go to any temple, mosque, church, or to a certain place to worship God. You can worship God anywhere. You worship God to get peace, to get the SALVATION. So why are the people fighting for a place of worship? Look towards the centrifugal point of this Mother Earth and worship God. God is not unseen. A few Prophets, who were Chosen Beings, have seen the Face of God. They are called ‘Rasool’, which means, ‘Representative of the Lord God’.Abraham (Rama), Moses, David (Krishna), Jesus, and Muhammad are the five Rasools. They have come as Glow of the Heavenly Father in this world. They have materialised. God is a self‐protective‐shield for those,who have come through the Holy Esprit. Nobody can kill them or crucify them, nor are they dead beings. They materialise and dematerialise. Jesus is an Eternal Seed.How would God have let Jesus be crucified not have saved him? THAT IS NOT POSSIBLE! |