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As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book |
Evolution of Love Part 2 |
There is in reality no space (Space and time are a part of the delusion of maya, which, to the perception of mortals, divides and measures the indivisible Infinite. In God's consciousness, which is untouched by maya, and to the devotee United with God in divine awakening, near and far, past, present, and future, all dissolve in the eternal omnipresent Now.) between India and here. But we are in America and we think we have to allow twenty-five days for a steamer trip before we can reach India. According to material consciousness time is required to traverse such a distance. But energy cuts down space. If we go by airplane, the trip takes but seven days. The distance is decreased by the increased energy of flight — the more energy, the more reduction of space or distance. Suppose you are sleeping and you dream that you are going to India. You take the train to New York, board the boat, stop at various ports of call, and arrive in Bombay. All this can be done in minutes in the dream, because in thought there is no space. Or suppose I am dreaming that I am dialing a radio. and I tune in India. There is no space; it is all an idea in my brain. The whole world exists only in thought, such is the power of mind. Space is a mental concept. I can close my eyes and think of things that are two thousand miles away, and yet all those miles are a mere expansion of thought. Space and time are merely differentiations of thought. What is the difference between ice cream and hot coffee in a dream experience? When you awaken, you realize that in the dreamland ice cream was one thought and hot coffee another; they were merely two different ideas. Thought has omniscient power. The kind of thought I am speaking of is the thought of God. As He is omnipresent through thought, so are we. Are we not already connecting the thought of America and the thought of India by radio? There is no space there. Often when you are trying to tune in a radio radio station, static comes in and disturbs the program you are trying to hear. Likewise, when you are trying to accomplish some personal transformation in your heart, "static" may interrupt your progress. That static is your bad habits. |