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As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book |
Evolution of Love Part 2 |
In his book "Higher Consciousness" Gopi Krishna describes what he calls the "essential characteristics of genuine mystical experience." Some of these are "the sensation of light . . .the subject feels as if a wondrous effulgence has illuminated his interior and maybe even the objects in the outside world . . .an overwhelming sense of wonder and awe . . unshakable conviction about the reality of the experience . . a sense of infinitude and unbounded knowledge . . certainty of immortality . . a vivid feeling of encounter with an inexpressible, all-knowing Intelligence of omniscient Divine Being . . an overwhelming feeling of devotion, reverence, submission, love, and . .cascading tears. . " I think of the words of the poet Robert Bly who said: "I have risen to a body not yet born, like a light around the body, through which the body moves like a sliding moon." The first time I felt such an experience was in the silent worship of a small Quaker church in Virginia. After an hour of silence, I felt such an overwhelming warmth around me that it was as if a sun had risen and enveloped me. The second time was what I call being shocked into my soul. When a doctor told me that my daughter's X-ray showed the tumors of acute leukemia all over her body and implied little hope, suddenly I was enveloped by such warmth that I again felt caught up into what I can only describe as the brightest sun enveloping me in Love, and I knew beyond any doubt that no matter what, she would be fine. Through all of her treatments and almost losing her, I knew, I knew beyond a doubt she would live. She indeed did and is now alive and healthy. The third time happened after a strange accident in which I broke my left shoulder in four places. With my arm in a sling, all I could do was use one hand and sit by the computer and wait for healing. One day I happened to see a video with a photo of Anandamayi Ma. It was as if I went into physical shock. Somewhere deep within I recognized Her. I kept looking at Her face over and over. Then I started to shed profuse tears, crying for over an hour. And suddenly, during those profuse tears I again was not in my body. The only words I have are to say that I knew I was in Her Heart. Not in my heart. In Her Heart. How long I do not know. I have never felt such Love. Since then, many memories have been given to me in dreams and while awake in visions. I will not speak of them because they are not for others. After the initial experience I remembered Her also from an incident way back in 1972, which I cannot relate here. In 2012 I found these words of Sri Anandamayi Ma: "When by the flood of your tears, the inner and outer have fused into One, you will find Her whom you sought with such anguish, nearer than the nearest, the very breath of life, the very core of every heart." Many have asked me to tell my story. This is as close as I can do so at this time. "What you are" said Tagore "you do not see. What you see - that you are not." Blessings in Light |
A young man saw his primary school teacher on a wedding. He went to greet him with all the respect and admiration. He said to him: "Do you remember me, Teacher?" The teacher said: "No, please introduce yourself." The student said: "I was your student in the 3rd Grade, I am the one who stole the watch of a child in the classroom. I will remind you but I am sure you remember the story." One of the boys in my class had a beautiful watch, so I decided to steal it. He came to you crying that someone had stolen his watch. You asked us to stand so as to search our pockets. I realized that my action would be exposed in front of the Students and Teachers. I will be called a thief, a liar and my character will be shattered forever. You asked us to stand and face the wall and close our eyes completely. You went searching from pocket to pocket, and when you reached my pocket you pulled the watch out of my pocket, and you continued until you searched the last student. After you finished you asked us to open our eyes and to sit on our chairs. I was afraid you will expose me in front of the students. You showed the watch to the class, and gave it back to the boy, and you never mentioned the name of the one who stole the watch. You never said a word to me, and you never mentioned the story to anyone. Throughout my school life, none of the teachers nor the students talked about me stealing the watch. I thought to myself you saved my dignity that day. The teacher said: "I can't remember who stole the watch that day, because I searched the pockets of all of you while my eyes were also closed." Education needs wisdom. We should be able to be such Teachers, such Parents, such Leaders and be able to be for people in such circumstances. We should always calculate the consequences of our actions. Protecting and reforming is tougher than exposing and expelling. |