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As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book |
Evolution of Love Part 2 |
In the last few years, I have lost at least 8 to 9 people known to me personally, and a few celebrities too, who were in their 40s who died because of doing too much to be "fit". Unfortunately they only looked fit, six packs and all. Today Puneeth Rajkumar gets added to this list. In anything in life, MODERATION is the mantra. Any extreme of zero or 100 is not correct. A moderate amount of exercise, just about 20mins, eating everything, no detoxification or keto moto diets, just eat what your ancestors have been eating, the local and seasonal food in your hometown, not kale, kiwi or olive oil..., but in small quantities, sleeping a full 7 hours, respecting your body by not feeding it steroids, performance enhancement drugs are all that you need to do. Just eat all that you ate growing up, in small quantities, exercise for 20mins to 30mins...just a good walk should do perfectly and stop all supplements....if you drink, limit it to a couple of pegs a week, if you absolutely can't give up smoking, a couple a day .. .you get my drift??? Anything but in moderation. Add a bit of silent meditation to your routine.Most importantly, listen to your body. Understand it. By 40 the body is undergoing a lot of changes, 50 even more, 60 plus your body is starting to slow down, 70 plus, your body is starting to shut down, 80 plus every year is a bonus. So, stop saying 60 is the new 40, 50 is the new 30...no it isn't, if you are 40 or 50 plus, be grateful if you're healthy, slow down so your heart can keep pace, understand retirement has been suggested for a reason, your body and mind cannot take the stress which you once endured. Outwardly you could be looking good, thank your genes but inside, the organs are aging. If you're 40 + read the above and if you're doing something other than the above, change it, now!! I'm sure you don't want to end up as another statistic.💐💐🙏 |