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* Interactive: "Fading Thunder" ![]() * Public: "Fading Thunder" ![]() I have more written in the above line, but I think this is the best place to suspend things. It's an obvious turning point, and this branch has been going on for almost two weeks now. I'm not sure what I'm going to do next. I have an itch to try starting something near the beginning of the story, and also doing something with new characters. But that would require some serious thought. EDIT: Forgot to add the commentary thread: "Commentary: "An Alpha of Your Own"" ![]() |
So, Civilization VII came out yesterday, and I bought it. There goes all my free time. Well, no, I'm actually forcing myself to budget time for writing, and this morning I already banged out another chapter. I'm also pretty engaged in the story myself, so it's easy to write and I want to get it written. So I don't think I'm going stop writing, at least not right away. But it might mean that this branch goes on for quite a while, instead of breaking off after 7 or 10 chapters, as these things usually do, because it might be that this branch will have to be the crutch that keeps me working. |
Okay, I think three weeks is enough of a break. * Interactive: "An Alpha of Your Own" ![]() * Public: "An Alpha of Your Own" ![]() The story thus far: After buying a book of magic in a used bookstore, Will Prescott decided he wanted nothing to do with it, and sold it to his best friend, Caleb Johansson. That was all he knew of the matter, until he got a desperate phone call one night from Chelsea Cooper, the head cheerleader, who wants his help fixing her boyfriend, Gordon Black, who somehow managed to turn himself to stone. Well, it's all on account of that book he found, Will figures after Chelsea has laid it all out to him. It makes magical disguises and magical robots you can use to replace people with, and Gordon did something stupid with it. The only hope for Gordon is if he (Will) studies the book with the help of Chelsea. But Chelsea, once she understands the book and what it can do, has plans of her own. Before long, Will is wearing the mask of another cheerleader--Yumi Saito--and helping Chelsea with her scheme to remake the cheerleading squad. Oh, and Chelsea is impersonating the school's chief drug dealer. (Long story.) As the story resumes, Chelsea is trying to get Will to make another mask in aid of her scheme; moreover, she has promised Will that she and Will will have the same number of masks, and this new mask will make it even. So Will has to decide if he's going to turn himself into Amanda Ferguson (a bitchy AP student); into Steve Patterson (a basketball-playing bully); or hold out for a different alter-ego. I've already written seven chapters in this branch, and I'm still at work. I've got a long-range plan for this one, and there's going to be another evolution coming in the storyline. |