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by Seuzz
Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #2156493
A hub for the "Book of Masks" universe.
The Interactives
"The Book of Masks: A high school student discovers a grimoire that can make magical disguises.
"The Wandering Stars: Sequel to "The Book of Masks."
"Student Bodies: A high school student is turned into a blue goo that can possess people.

For non-WdC Members
"The Book of Masks: Archives: Dodges the "Servers Busy" barrier!
"The Book of Masks (Abridged): Introductory storylines for new readers.

"BoM/TWS Message Forum: Community for readers of the interactives.
"BoM/TWS/SB Wiki: Notes and documentation for authors. Spoilers!

Current Polls

The Latest
6/29: Interactive: "Switching Husbands
6/29: Public: "Switching Husbands
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September 7, 2022 at 11:49am
September 7, 2022 at 11:49am
There's now updates to the two active branches. In the Round Robin:

* Interactive: "Stuck on Each Other
* Public: "Stuck on Each Other

And in the poll-driven branch:

* Interactive: "A Girl Who Never Was
* Public: "A Girl Who Never Was

There's also a poll with the latter: [Poll completed and deleted.]

EDIT: Also, my non-BoM project is up to ten chapters: "Invalid Item The last chapter has some kissing in it, if that makes a difference.
September 6, 2022 at 12:05pm
September 6, 2022 at 12:05pm
The last poll has now closed. It was a seesaw battle, both in the Free Poll and in the GP poll. But at the very end, "Add Eileen's image to the mask" came out ahead by a whisker. The adjusted tally was 5000 - 4900 - 900 - 600 votes for "Eileen", "Seal the mask", "Josh" and "Yourself," respectively. Because the fight was so close, I didn't have a chapter prepared for today; it will be posted tomorrow, along with a new poll.

EDIT: Also, new Round Robin chapter:

* Interactive: "Naturally Natalie
* Public: "Naturally Natalie
September 4, 2022 at 12:31pm
September 4, 2022 at 12:31pm
Lots of chapters posted today!

First, there's the continuation of the Round Robin. You get two chapters there, one from me and an alternate from Nostrum. That was a point where we got a little tangled up, a little unsure how we wanted to continue, so we wound up writing both choices.

* Interactive: "A Sketchy, Revealing Proposal + "Bands of Silver
* Public: "A Sketchy, Revealing Proposal + "Bands of Silver

Second is the sequel to "Backyard Magic. It's a two-parter (one regular, one short) because I couldn't squeeze it into one part.

* Interactive: "Let Mikey Try It --> "Face Time
* Public: "Let Mikey Try It --> "Face Time

And there's a poll to go with it: [Poll completed and deleted]

Last is the non-BoM project I've decided to work on: "Invalid Item That's a YA book (as that oh-so-descriptive title reveals) that I started working on ... much longer ago than I'd like to recall ... and have decided to continue. There's now a seventh chapter up. I've got a pretty good idea of what the book is about, but I'm not going to say anything. But I will reveal a hope of mine: that if you read it, you will realize that there is more going on than what the narrator has noticed.
September 3, 2022 at 12:12pm
September 3, 2022 at 12:12pm
The last poll had a pretty tight three-way race, so I don't have a chapter written for you today continuing it. That will come tomorrow.

Oh, and who was the winner?

Well, "Take the mask and find a test subject" had the most free votes, but someone waded in with Gift Points, so the actual winner is "Let Joshua and Eileen find a test subject."

EDIT: And today's chapters in the Round Robin:

* Interactive: "An Outing of Fakes
* Public: "An Outing of Fakes
September 1, 2022 at 12:05pm
September 1, 2022 at 12:05pm
"Show the book to Joshua and Eileen" was so far ahead in the poll that I started writing the sequel before the poll closed. So here it is:

* Interactive: "Backyard Magic
* Public: "Backyard Magic

Poll for the next choice: [Poll completed and deleted]

* * * * *

I took a long hiatus from this place early in the year, and have only been back for a month and half, but I'm going to take another sabbatical, starting today. But the difference between now and then is that (a) I am announcing my hiatus instead of just disappearing, and (b) it is only a BoM writing hiatus, not a publishing hiatus. I am not going anywhere. I will still be checking in here every day; I'll be posting a new chapter every day; and I will still be running the polls and continuing the storyline above (my one break from the hiatus).

See, in the seven or so weeks since I've been back, the words have just come boiling out of me, pretty much like never before. So not only have I been publishing a chapter a day, I've been refilling the backlog. Including rugal's and Nostrum's chapters for the Round Robin, that backlog now stands at one hundred and eleven.

That's what I said. I've got 111 chapters on the runway waiting to be published. That's about the length of The Fellowship of the Ring.

So that's the reason I'm taking this writing hiatus. I've got enough chapters to carry this place forward almost until Christmas, and while I've still got all this creative ferment bubbling away, I want to get some of it down into non-BoM stuff.

So if you come here for a daily fix, don't worry about it going away soon, and don't worry about bothering me. I'll still be here, happily posting and reading and replying to emails. It's just that the time that would have been going to writing BoM will (knock wood) be going into writing something else.

Now I've just got to figure out what that something else will be ...
August 30, 2022 at 2:12pm
August 30, 2022 at 2:12pm
You guys voted last time for Will to take the magic supplies with him instead of giving them to Scott. I guess you don't trust Scott and Brendan with the book. Or you're hoping for romantic entanglements with a spacey red-head who goes to Eastman?

Anyway, your choice was visible 24 hours before the poll was set to close, so I got ahead on the writing, so it didn't take long to finish. Here it is:

* Interactive: "Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down!
* Public: "Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down!

Next poll is here: [Poll completed and deleted]. It closes on Thursday, September 1, at 12:00 ET.

* * *

And here is the next chapter in the Round Robin storyline:

* Interactive: "Lost and Loster
* Public: "Lost and Loster

Nostrum dared me to write the third choice ("Call the police"), and who am I to shrink from a challenge?
August 28, 2022 at 12:10pm
August 28, 2022 at 12:10pm
The last poll is now closed, and you guys are such sentimentalists, always trying to get Will a girlfriend: "Try to do something with Eileen" won out. The sequel is now posted, though it's a short one:

* Interactive: "One Giant Leap for Will Prescott
* Public: "One Giant Leap for Will Prescott

And there's a new poll: [Poll completed and deleted] to go with it.

"Doppelganger: The War Game"   is still going. I've expanded the question boundaries a little. If you are not sure what Will would do, because you're not sure who and what he knows, feel free to answer it on your own behalf. Imagine you're that kid in "The Last Action Hero," and you're shot into BoM and given the chance to make doppelgangers to help you run Westside, who would you choose to replace?
August 26, 2022 at 12:41pm
August 26, 2022 at 12:41pm
Rugal, Nostrum and I are publishing a "round robin" storyline:

* Interactive: "Of Hearts That Suffer
* Public: "Of Hearts That Suffer

But I'm going to trod on its heels a little by slow-publishing a branch of my own simultaneously. It starts with "Show and Tell for Two and now continues with "Scream for Ice Cream. Quick and dirty summary:

Will took the book in to school to show to people, and he wound up showing it to Scott Frazier, one of the basketball players, who then showed it to another player, Brendan Tummler. They have now agreed to help Will experiment with it, but they don't seem that interested in it, and Will himself threatens to be distracted by a pretty face.

That chapter ends in a choice, but instead of writing my preferred choice (because I don't have strongly preferred choice), I'm going to run a poll—you guys tell me which choice you want to make, and I will write and post it. Then we'll take another poll, and so on.

The poll is here: [Poll completed and deleted]. It closes on Sunday, August 28, at noon ET.

And don't forget the "Doppelganger: The War Game"   thread.
August 25, 2022 at 12:07pm
August 25, 2022 at 12:07pm
The last poll is finished, and "Start by building your own gang of doppelgangers" trounced the alternative, not just in the Free Votes but also in the GP vote. After weighting for GPs, the margin was 5:2.

Now, I'm not going to do another poll for this branch, but I have put up a forum post asking, "Who should Will replace with duplicates?"

I'm not lost for ideas, and I actually have very strong intuitions about how Westside works, and who Will should be replacing. But sometimes I feel like my intuitions decay into tunnel vision. That's one reason I welcome commission requests or ideas. They help me break out of narrow preconceptions.

So I want ideas from you, if for no other reason than so I can build them into the structure of the branch.

Forum post is here: "Doppelganger: The War Game"  
August 24, 2022 at 4:15pm
August 24, 2022 at 4:15pm
Jeez, this is embarrassing. It's been a long time since I've thanked anyone for sending me Gift Points, even though I've received a pile of them, particularly with the last branch. I'm sure I've received others than from Easy and AstralBot3D, but I will thank them directly for the kindness they showed in giving me points, and will make a general thinks to anyone else who gave me GPs before that long hiatus I took. I had to clear out my email box with dynamite when I came back, and I lost a lot of emails.

Meanwhile: The round robin (rugal, Nostrum, and me) starts today:

* Interactive: "The Mystery of the Girl from the East
* Public: "The Mystery of the Girl from the East

and the poll continues: [Poll completed and deleted.]
August 23, 2022 at 12:05pm
August 23, 2022 at 12:05pm
Today's chapter—

* Interactive: "Corporate Strategies
* Public: "Corporate Strategies

—brings this branch to a temporary stop. I am definitely going to return to it, because it was huge fun to game out and write. It also has a slightly different atmosphere, because in this one the fakes not only know that they're fakes, they also subtly act like fakes, thanks to the accidental way that Will has been programming them.

I'm going to be running some polls during the month of September, and I'm going to start with a poll about this last chapter. Which choice do you want to see continued when I resume this branch? Should Will start by recruiting some partners? Or should he make some more doppelgangers first? Poll is here, along with the rules: [Poll completed and deleted.]. It closes on Thursday, August 25.

* * *

Meanwhile, tomorrow brings a change of pace. Rugal, Nostrum and I spent a lot of August doing a round-robin writing exercise, and we'll start posting it tomorrow. It will begin with a sequel to "Prospective Partnerships Will is looking for someone to help him do work with the book. He has been very hesitant about making a decision, though, to the point that he is now entertaining some pretty unusual possibilities: Catherine Muskov? Genesis Lee? A girl from Eastman High that he just met?
August 20, 2022 at 12:36pm
August 20, 2022 at 12:36pm
Today I put up a bunch of chapters in the interactive:

* "The Hands, Eyes, and Ears of Fate --> "If You Were Only Someone Else
* "The Smart Set
* "Lives of the Party
* "A Leopard Who Can Change His Sports
* "Prizes Behind the Curtain

Five of them are short and similar to each other, since they just expand upon yesterday's chapter. But I didn't want to put up only one very short chapter, so I'm posting all the expansion sets plus the sequel heading into the branch to be developed.

In the Archives, though, I'm only posting the two chapters in the active branch, not the four pointing in directions not taken (yet):

Archive: "The Hands, Eyes, and Ears of Fate --> "If You Were Only Someone Else

* * *

Separately, and not really related to anything: A few days ago the YouTube algorithm threw some videos at me: comedy sketches satirizing the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types. That's not really something I'm into, but they were funny, and I was struck by two in particular: ISTP Sketches   and ESFP Sketches  

I know the Durrases are not super-popular around here. But whoa! Those are Frank and Joe. It was almost scary, they are so on point with the characters as they exist in my imagination (though Joe is more energetic than they guy in the skits).
August 17, 2022 at 12:16pm
August 17, 2022 at 12:16pm
I put up a post in the forums (in case you don't dip in there very often), asking for favorite MtF branches in BoM. That's to help out someone who is searching specially for those kinds of stories in BoM, but I also figure it's a topic that people might have some fun comparing notes on: "Favorite MtF Storylines in BoM"  

Oh, and new chapters for today:

* Interactive: "In Search of the Perfect Hiding Face
* Public: "In Search of the Perfect Hiding Face
August 15, 2022 at 12:03pm
August 15, 2022 at 12:03pm
Today brings an end to one of the stories you guys chose in the last Plot Plinko.

* Interactive: "The Closet Case
* Public: "The Closet Case

As I warned you, it was going to be more about setting up characters and situations than actual shenanigans. It's also supposed to set up lots of ways that things could ricochet and rebound in different combinations.

But starting tomorrow I will bringing shenanigans, by returning to the same area as when I came back online, with a sequel to "Queens and Pawns (That's a new addition to the Archives, btw.) The story so far:

Will sold the book to Caleb, but it has somehow made its way to Chelsea Cooper and Gordon Black. Gordon has used it to turn himself into a statue, and Chelsea (who thinks that Will knows all about the book; it's complicated) has been asking for Will's help. Will, in studying the book, has found a spell that would allow someone to replace people with obedient duplicates, and even to impersonate them. Will is concerned that if he shares this spell on Chelsea, she might be tempted to use it on him, and is thinking of using it on her
August 12, 2022 at 1:20pm
August 12, 2022 at 1:20pm
Today brings two chapters from me:

Interactive: "Exit, Stage Left --> "The Final Shot of the Story
Public: "Exit, Stage Left --> "The Final Shot of the Story

The second is a little stub that ties off one branch, but don't worry that all this has been dribbling toward an anticlimax. Tomorrow I'll back up to "The News from Roberta and take the other choice to keep the story going. I just wanted to nail down my preferred version of this choice, and to establish that Roberta and her attitude toward the book are completely sincere. She did not steal the book so she could get up to hijinks with it.
August 7, 2022 at 12:07pm
August 7, 2022 at 12:07pm
So, as promised, today brings the start of one of two branches that won a Plinko Poll:

Interactive: "A Charity Drive to Drive You Mad
Public: "A Charity Drive to Drive You Mad

Maybe I should add a little caution, given the way it's evolved as I've written it (and am still writing it). First of all, don't expect hijinks. This is early in the story, and things have only just been introduced. But second, this was a choice to involve Will with people in the junior class, few of whom have been really introduced in the interactive. It takes time for me to figure out who they are, and to set up a social environment. Besides, as BoM is heavily weighted toward "identity theft" as a motif, it takes time to set up identities to steal.

EDIT: Also, I do want to set up a variety of off-ramps along the way, so that the branch doesn't get locked into one development at the very roots, but has a chance for multiple options to develop.
August 6, 2022 at 12:03pm
August 6, 2022 at 12:03pm
Today brings the last chapter in the branch I've been publishing:

Interactive: "Shocks to the System
Public: "Shocks to the System

I warned you it was a short one. Yeah, not much happened in it except some set-up. But it's been sitting on my hard drive for months and months, so I decided to push it out.

I was planning to start publishing a different branch tomorrow, but I changed my mind at the last minute and will instead start publishing a sequel to one of the winners in the last Plinko Poll: the "Continue helping these girls" option at the end of "Cheerleaders and Charity. (I'm not done writing it yet, but I decided I didn't want to make the voters wait so long.) The story so far:

Will has made a mask, but he needs to find someone to use it on, because he doesn't want to experiment on himself. He has been scouring Westside during its after-class hours, and has wound up helping some girls who are working on a charity drive ...

August 3, 2022 at 12:06pm
August 3, 2022 at 12:06pm
Oh, it was a very tight race in that last poll. For several hours, almost up until the end, it was tied between "Will shows the book to Yumi" and "Will invites Yumi to Justin's party" with "Will holds on doing anything for now" far back in third.

At the last moment "Show the book to Yumi" got an extra vote ...

... but behind the scenes, "Invite Yumi to the party" got more GPs. Adjusted for GPs, the score was 8100 - 6950 - 1400 with "Invite Yumi" taking the prize.

My thanks to all who voted!
August 2, 2022 at 11:58am
August 2, 2022 at 11:58am
My new branch starts off today with a three-fer:

Interactive: "Favors Denied + "A Conjunction Outside of Pisces + "Firecrackers at the Tennis Court

Public: "Favors Denied + "A Conjunction Outside of Pisces + "Firecrackers at the Tennis Court

That's because each of the chapters is relatively short and none of them have much plot. This part of the story is a switching yard (see what I did there?) where things can shunt off in different directions, so I thought it best to get the mechanicals stuff done and out quickly.

Meanwhile, the poll is still running: [Poll completed and deleted.] Remember, I changed the weighting of the Free Votes so that it's easier for a choice that's lagging in the public poll to win out over one that's leading.
August 1, 2022 at 12:21pm
August 1, 2022 at 12:21pm
First of all, see the entry "Plot Plinko: Everybody Wins! for an update on the poll I posted yesterday.

In other news, today brings the final chapter in the branch I've been publishing:

Interactive: "The Tracker, Trapped
Public: "The Tracker, Trapped

I think I mentioned at the start that it evolved out of a commission, but then I decided to make it a freebie. The idea I was pitched (in case you can't tell) was to switch Gordon Black and Jack Li. Gordon is moody and anti-social, while Jack is a confident extrovert with lots of friends, and the idea was to find out how Gordon deals with Jack's life. It's a tricky situation, because given the branch it has to be observed from without by someone who supposedly doesn't know about the switch. That means that Gordon can't express himself openly. His reactions have to be written and read, as it were, between the lines. But I really liked the idea and the challenge, and I spent a LOT of time imagining how Gordon would react, and how he'd try to act as Jack. I don't know how it came across on the page. I do know Gordon's reactions go a lot deeper than what I wrote, and I have already written more chapters in this branch and will be returning to it again. But this is enough for now.

Anyway, tomorrow I start publishing a short branch, something that's been sitting in the pile for a very long time but which I've decided to put out there.

It starts with "Some Ginger and Mary Jane. Will took the book in to school and wound up selling it to Spencer Osborne in exchange for some marijuana, which Will is going to put into the time capsule. And that seems to be that. As chapter ends, Will's friend Keith is asking him to go buy some weed, in order to help Keith win a bet. There's already a branch where Will does help Keith. Tomorrow we'll find out what happens when Will turns him down.

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