I will be adding stories & reflections as time marches on. Take a gander today! |
Contest Entries: "The Contest Challenge" Participant "I Write in 2018" Participant "I Write in 2019" Participant "I Write in 2020" Participant 2021: Independent Writing 2122: "I Write: Enter the Second Decade" Participant 2123: "Twenty-three in Eleven " Participant This mixed collection contains fiction, non-fiction, prose, and poetry. Entries vary in length from very short to one that is over 3000 words. 53 entries written in 2018: ▼ 53 entries written in 2019: ▼ 43 entries written in 2020 ▼ 2 entries written in 2021 ▼ Entries written in 2022 ▼ NOTE: All Titles with ~ ~ are either non-fiction or based on a true story. |
Have you seen this trinket: Brooke created that trinket for me in 2018. She created a bunch of trinkets for that party—one for each suspect. Then, if I remember correctly, the trinkets were hidden throughout the site. Well, you know me: I found all those trinkets! She made one of my character as my prize for that significant accomplishment! The words inside were my suggestion. I stayed in character and referenced a comment made on one of the episodes of Murder She Wrote. The bolded words at the end can be recognized by any die-hard Murder She Wrote fan. (If you are reading this and recognize1 the words in bold at the end of the message inside that trinket, drop me a line and I will toss some gift points your way...) Anyways, all those trinkets Brooke created in 2018 are visible in my item: "Jessica Fletcher (a.k.a. ruwth)" . They are visible but I don't think they are collectible there and I am not sure if they can still be found hidden around WdC. If you find out, please let me know and I will update this entry. Now on to tell you more about me and the Masquerade Parties over the years... My first experience was in 2013: "Wdc 13th Birthday Masquerade Ball" . I had not yet created this image of my character and I had no signature. I did have fun though. In fact, that first year, I killed someone. You can read about it here: "No longer a party. A guest is dead!" . I don't think I asked Brooke's permission ahead of time. I did ask Jeffrey Maine if it was okay if I killed him off in my narrative. Not sure why I decided I wanted to do it, I just got really caught up in the mystery. I chose Paul Bunyon (a.k.a. Jeffrey Maine) because he had totally stopped participating in the activity. I think "No longer a party. A guest is dead!" might be the most creative thing I wrote for any of the parties I attended. I sat out the next few parties and then decided to come back to "Wdc 18th Birthday Masquerade Party" in a big way: I created this image: Initially, the image had a border at the bottom that said something like "Jessica is attending the 18th Masquerade Party". When I decided to join folks at "Wdc 19th Birthday Masquerade Party" , I edited that part out of the image. Now, the image works for any of the Masquerade Parties. During the party, clicking on the Jessica Fletcher image will take you to the current party. Now that the party is over for the year, clicking on the image takes you to "Jessica Fletcher (a.k.a. ruwth)" . In 2019 I created a popnote list for folks to use: What's This Popnote List? from Wdc 19th Birthday Masquerade Party . I actually created it for me to use and shared it with everyone. I have done something like this a few times. In 2013, it was just the suspect list: "Jessica takes a second look at her invitation..." . These two listed all party participants: Jessica finally arrives... from Wdc 20th Birthday Masquerade Party! and Jessica gets prepared for sleuthing... from Wdc 22nd Birthday Masquerade Party In 2020, I struggled to participate because of having to work during the party. My best post from 2020 was probably my sum-up post: "Jessica reviews her notes..." . I actually created this post to try and help me (a.k.a. Jessica Fletcher) solve the mystery. It didn't work but I was impressed with my summation. I liked it enough that I tried to do it this year—and failed! At least I did not fail as badly as I did last year. "Re: Some Delicate Detective Work" was my ONLY post for the WdC 21st Birthday Masquerade Party. My lack of participation last year had prompted me to plan to take time off work this year. I had intended to at least take the first week of September off but I did not get to do that because of the mess with my license and my lack of work in July. I did my best to post this year but a horrible thing happened... Actually, it wasn't a horrible thing. It was a wonderful thing but it had a disastrous affect on my own participation. The guest were writing, writing, writing—storylines galore. I could not keep up with the suspects much less everyone else! Then I made my most serious mistake: I thought the party lasted THREE WEEKS. I was planning on coming back after my nights working and catch up on my reading and interacting. I came back and discovered "Congratulations!" by Brooke . Brooke was announcing the winner—and it wasn't me. What did I do? I (Jessica) called Seth: "Jessica missed the end of the party this year..." and then closed with "Re: just wait til next year..." . What am I doing now? Well, I am waiting for next year's party. Hopefully, I will have more time and energy next year. I also need to ramp up my creativity if I am to keep up with the clever folks who write, write, write with such amazing imaginations! For the moment, I have moved on to "I Write: Enter the Second Decade" . I needed to have two green entries. This entry might be a bit odd but it was all I could muster right now. If you are my "I Write" reviewer, I have sympathy for you. You can see how Sum1's Home! handled reviewing a similar entry: Review of "ruwth is writing..." . If you visit the many links, let me know—that would definitely earn you a merit badge! ~ ~ ~ JESUS is LORD! ~ ~ ~ Footnotes |