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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/item_id/2140872-In-Vino/day/4-18-2020
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #2140872
You will find Veritas
Because I usually am in Vino

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         In 2009, I gave up my studies as a medievalist and musician, left my home, my family, my life and moved to Provence in southern France for a guy. In 2012, I moved away from him to study wine.

         Today, I'm a vagabond sommelier working in Paris at one of the oldest and most famous restaurants in the world, struggling to find some purpose to what I deem the rest of my life. I'm still married and after 8 10 years, I'm still trying to fit-in with French life and culture and to understand why the French are the way they are. Because they're weird in a different way that I think Americans are weird.

Perhaps it's me who's weird.
April 18, 2020 at 2:40am
April 18, 2020 at 2:40am
I have once again come to the conclusion that I am either a very nasty person, or I don't like people. Or maybe both. Or maybe I shouldn't be looking at Facebook and CNN.com before I've had coffee. I find I have less and less sympathy for the people who share their sob stories, who ask for advice on the expats in France groups, who complain about their neighbors throwing COVID parties, about the protesters protesting COVID and about the protesters protesting the protesters. I don't have any sympathy for any of them. Just shut up and go back to your holes, eat Doritos and drink beer and fart until you die. None of you matter.

Lately I have been doing some rereading about Objectivism. The philosophy of "I don't have to care about you because I'm too busy caring about myself." At least that is how many people interpret Objectivism. That is kind of how it works, but Objectivism also assumes that people have potential to be their greatest and all people want to work to be their greatest. That's not true. I think that's why I dislike people so much. As my oboe teacher Wayne once said to me, "Some people don't mind being mediocre." It's something that has not only motivated me, but probably traumatized me. But also has a ring of truth. A social activist or someone more benevolent than myself would cite all sorts of social conundrums and constructs as to why these people are beat down into being and staying mediocre and I fully admit it's all true. People are small because we, other people, keep them small. But I still don't care.

At least I can't care anymore.

It's not a new thing for me, it's been developing rapidly over time. Probably has something to do with living in France because the French are very small people. Most of them anyway, I can think of a few examples of not small people, but it's rare.

Anyway, this is all a bit much for 8:30am. I haven't even finished my coffee. I will finish doing my nails and then write. The last of my Amazon order arrived today. A paint by numbers kit. Sounds silly, but it's a lot of fun. Something relaxing to do with Netflix and a glass of wine in the background. Amazon has suspended all service in France. That doesn't really bother me since half the stuff I order never arrives because I don't know... the postman and delivery trucks can't find the main road that is clearly marked that I live on... I guess. And then rather than dropping it off at the post office near me, they take it to Avignon or Nimes. Because I'm going to drive 40 minutes to pick up a package that I ordered to be delivered to my house. I usually let it languish two weeks, let the post office return it, and then order it again. Sometimes it arrives, sometimes it doesn't. Refunds are constantly dropping in my bank account.

You'd think Amazon might try and work something out with the delivery people in Provence, because I can't be the only one this happens to regularly.

Edited to add: The problem is that I'm lonely. My husband, whom I love, doesn't really talk to me. My work-friends in Paris are not as intelligent as I am - that's not a bash on them but I can't really discuss anything with them and I have to even be careful about what I say much of the time because they won't understand and often misinterpret my point. Other friends I've made in France, while kind and talented people are so set in their ways it's hard to talk to them. I wish I had a writing group that talked about writing and books and random things. My Nano group is nice but they don't really talk about anything but NaNo.

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