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Attempt to start a regular blog, in the hopes to get through a bad case of writers block. |
For the past several months now, I've been having an issue with writers block. What's worse is that every time it seems like its starting to clear up, I end up just staring at a blank page for several hours before closing the document and doing something else. Even coming back to it later, only to end up doing the same thing again. What's worse, the external hard drive I've been storing my work on is inaccessible right now, due to an issue with its directory. So I can't even get to it right now. Not even my notes. So, here I am, bloging. Future posts may contain, well, just about anything. Opinions on various goings on. Opinions on various concepts and ideas. Things that I get exited about. Things I get annoyed about and want to get off my chest. Long winded questions. General ramblings... which I am now starting to do... again... Well this is a start I guess. Fair warning that this is liable to be something of a bag of crazy weasels. Sometimes rabid. Sometimes cute and curios. But always a bit nuts. |
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