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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/2120522--Its-Circle-Time-/month/6-1-2018
Rated: ASR · Book · Personal · #2120522
"Blogging Circle of Friends" furnishes the prompts & I write about them...

What is Circle Time?
Why did I decide to name this blog after it?...

[C]ircle Time is an activity that is often done in the early grades (usually, from preschool/nursery school through first grade) where the students assemble in a semi-circle facing their teacher who will read a story to them; teach a lesson; listen to them read (either individually or as a group); or any other activity that is more effectively-done in an intimate setting than being spread out at their desks throughout the classroom.

[S]tudents are often divided into two or three groups (in the case of working on reading, math, etc.) so that part of the class is being taught while the other students are doing busy work at their desks.

[I]n some schools, students are grouped according to their progress -- I'm sure you've heard of those kinds of groupings that call each group by the name of a bird species -- but we were called in alphabetical order instead.

[A]nyway...back to how this blog got its name...

[F]or one thing (the most OBVIOUS thing), it's a blog that has been designed with using it to write something using prompts furnished by Blogging Circle of Friends  .

[H]owever, a couple more reasons have to do with Kindergarten -- and, specifically, my Kindergarten days at 29th Street School in Anderson where I could be a handful at times. One shining example of this was how I met my friend, Patty. This story has found a place in my memoirs and has been given the following title:

[T]his was an example of how getting in a little mischief sometimes pays off, because I not only satisfied my curiosity but, also, got a really wonderful friend out of the deal. You know something? I just used a word that reminds me of Patty, and I didn't even mean to do it. Anyway, that just tells me that I need to write a story and call it "Invalid Entry.

[A]nyway, I remember when Patty and I were out sitting on her porch, and she came up with this really neat game where she said that she would make a scribble for me to turn into a picture. After that, I would make a scribble for her to turn into a picture. And so on and so forth...

[I]n a sense, those scribbles were prompts of sorts given by one person to inspire another one -- which is what's contained in this blog: getting inspiration from things such as quotes; clusters of words; videos; etc. that have been shared with us by another person to get our creative juices going.

[I]nspired by each other's scribbles, Patty and I came up with some pretty unique pictures (at least in our early-grade-school minds).

[A]fter learning this game from Patty, I shared it with some of my other friends and we played it. Quite likely, some of those friends shared the game with others. I have no idea whether this had been a game that Patty had come up with herself or if somebody had taught it to her.

[I]t was, obviously, an activity that was worth sharing with others so that they could join the fun. I hope that reading what I write in this blog will inspire you to want to find out more about B.C.O.F. and join in the fun.

[E]ven if you aren't interested in blogging with us, I hope you'll find this a great place to do some reading!!!

[W]armly --
AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*

[P.S. -- ]
[B]e sure to check out the blog and the invitation below:

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*ButterflyB*And so ends the Introduction to the blog...
Therefore, the next thing you might want to do is to start reading it...
Does that make sense to you?...
Hope so...
Honestly, It Was Written As Fiction...
June 27, 2018 at 11:49am
PROMPT: “Fiction has been maligned for centuries as being "false," "untrue," yet good fiction provides more truth about the world, about life, and even about the reader, than can be found in non-fiction.” ― Clark Zlotchew Your thoughts? I had originally written the story I'm sharing at the end of this commentary for another online writing site that is now defunct, and I've shared it here at WDC plus at least one other place. The year wh... [Read more]
June 26, 2018 at 4:41pm
PROMPT: “So often the world sits idly by, watching ethnic conflicts flare up, as if these were mere entertainment rather than human beings whose lives are being destroyed. Shouldn’t the existence of even one single refugee be a cause for alarm throughout the world?” » Urkhan Alakbarov What do you think? I don't know about you, but I'm personally fed up with the current "entertainment" and think it's time to change the channel. Here are a co... [Read more]
Small Town Clown Wins Mayoral Race Hands Down
June 22, 2018 at 5:17am
PROMPT: Write a limerick about the election for mayor of a small town. Small Town Clown Wins Mayoral Race Hands Down In a Mayberry type of a town Lived a clown never known to frown. The locals knew he A great leader would be Since he loved to turn frowns upside-down. Ainsley Jo Phillips Member of: Come join our remarkable ring of writers!!! ... [Read more]
Insomnia!?! What The Heck Is Insomnia!?!
June 20, 2018 at 11:48pm
PROMPT: Exactly how we transit from wakefulness to sleep still remains a mystery. Whether we fall asleep the minute our head hits the pillow or toss around until we drift off, we don’t really know exactly how this happens. Please share what tricks you have for a good night's sleep. Actually, I have no need of tricks to get a good night's sleep. In MY case, it's more like needing tricks to keep me from dozing off when I'm needing to get things do... [Read more]
Forgive But Verify
June 16, 2018 at 11:56pm
PROMPT: Many people have trouble with forgiveness because they have been taught it is a singular act to be completed in one sitting. That is not so. Forgiveness has many layers, many seasons. Clarissa Pinkola Estes Let this quote inspire your blog entry. Let's put it this way: You can be forgiving (that is, not wanting the people who did you wrong to burn in hell forever or even get cancer), but you would still be wise to watch your back with the wrongdoers wit... [Read more]
Am I A Bookworm Or A Slug?
June 7, 2018 at 11:58pm
PROMPT: Use six sentences to sell me on hiring you for the job opening on the New York Times book review staff. I'm afraid that I wouldn't get hired at this time, because I didn't make it in time to fill out the application... Member of: Come join our remarkable ring of writers!!! ... [Read more]
Oh My!!!
June 6, 2018 at 11:57pm
PROMPT: oh no...."Checking Hard Drive... File Corrupt." With a deadline looming, your heart stopped. Now what??? This resembles my life right at this moment when I'm trying to get something turned in before the deadline after unexpected delays. Anyway, I'm getting my act a bit more together... Member of: Come join our remarkable ring of writers!!! ... [Read more]
Our Influence As Writers / Artists
June 4, 2018 at 11:58pm
PROMPT: "My role in society, or any artist's or poet's role, is to try and express what we all feel. Not to tell people how to feel. Not as a preacher, not as a leader, but as a reflection of us all." {x-link:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Lennon}John Lennon{/x-link} As a writer do you agree or disagree with Mr. Lennon? What do you think your role as a creative person in society is? Do I agree? Yes & No... We definitely write in a way t... [Read more]

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/2120522--Its-Circle-Time-/month/6-1-2018