Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/2120522--Its-Circle-Time-/month/4-1-2019
Rated: ASR · Book · Personal · #2120522
"Blogging Circle of Friends" furnishes the prompts & I write about them...

What is Circle Time?
Why did I decide to name this blog after it?...

[C]ircle Time is an activity that is often done in the early grades (usually, from preschool/nursery school through first grade) where the students assemble in a semi-circle facing their teacher who will read a story to them; teach a lesson; listen to them read (either individually or as a group); or any other activity that is more effectively-done in an intimate setting than being spread out at their desks throughout the classroom.

[S]tudents are often divided into two or three groups (in the case of working on reading, math, etc.) so that part of the class is being taught while the other students are doing busy work at their desks.

[I]n some schools, students are grouped according to their progress -- I'm sure you've heard of those kinds of groupings that call each group by the name of a bird species -- but we were called in alphabetical order instead.

[A]nyway...back to how this blog got its name...

[F]or one thing (the most OBVIOUS thing), it's a blog that has been designed with using it to write something using prompts furnished by Blogging Circle of Friends  .

[H]owever, a couple more reasons have to do with Kindergarten -- and, specifically, my Kindergarten days at 29th Street School in Anderson where I could be a handful at times. One shining example of this was how I met my friend, Patty. This story has found a place in my memoirs and has been given the following title:

[T]his was an example of how getting in a little mischief sometimes pays off, because I not only satisfied my curiosity but, also, got a really wonderful friend out of the deal. You know something? I just used a word that reminds me of Patty, and I didn't even mean to do it. Anyway, that just tells me that I need to write a story and call it "Invalid Entry.

[A]nyway, I remember when Patty and I were out sitting on her porch, and she came up with this really neat game where she said that she would make a scribble for me to turn into a picture. After that, I would make a scribble for her to turn into a picture. And so on and so forth...

[I]n a sense, those scribbles were prompts of sorts given by one person to inspire another one -- which is what's contained in this blog: getting inspiration from things such as quotes; clusters of words; videos; etc. that have been shared with us by another person to get our creative juices going.

[I]nspired by each other's scribbles, Patty and I came up with some pretty unique pictures (at least in our early-grade-school minds).

[A]fter learning this game from Patty, I shared it with some of my other friends and we played it. Quite likely, some of those friends shared the game with others. I have no idea whether this had been a game that Patty had come up with herself or if somebody had taught it to her.

[I]t was, obviously, an activity that was worth sharing with others so that they could join the fun. I hope that reading what I write in this blog will inspire you to want to find out more about B.C.O.F. and join in the fun.

[E]ven if you aren't interested in blogging with us, I hope you'll find this a great place to do some reading!!!

[W]armly --
AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*

[P.S. -- ]
[B]e sure to check out the blog and the invitation below:

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*ButterflyB*And so ends the Introduction to the blog...
Therefore, the next thing you might want to do is to start reading it...
Does that make sense to you?...
Hope so...
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Wishes Of A Paper Tree
April 30, 2019 at 11:52pm
Have you visited lately ??????? PROMPT: If trees could talk what would they say to humanity. If you have a favorite tree make it the speaker. I am being cut in order to prepare me for my new role in the scheme of things. Within a few days, I'll no longer be a tree but, instead, will be paper. What I wish the most is that the words I'll end up displaying will be kind and uplifting ones that will make positive differences in the lives... [Read more]
Been There...Done That...
April 29, 2019 at 11:53pm
Have you visited lately ??????? PROMPT: Which famous landmarks have you visited anywhere in the world or in your town or country, and what are your impressions of them? I've gotten to go many places in my life, as my folks loved to travel and have passed this on to me. Even if I weren't writing this late in the day, I would still not be able to write everything down in one setting, so I've created a Sheet that will allow me to keep ad... [Read more]
Just One!?!
April 27, 2019 at 11:44pm
Have you visited lately ??????? PROMPT: April 27 is National Tell a Story Day in America. In honor of this day tell a story in your blog entry. The story can be fiction or non-fiction and of any genre. I'm going to share several stories with you instead of simply one with one of those stories being the story of my life at this time. Let's start out with this past week when I launched a new blog (actually, a re-purposing of an older one). Yo... [Read more]
Since You Asked...
April 26, 2019 at 11:57pm
PROMPT: What do you need most at this moment? Do you need people who will support the idea that you are a writer? To hold you accountable for getting writing done every day? Do you need to learn more about the craft of writing? Do you need to learn more about the different genres? ...I could use more hours in the day and more money in the bank. Please check out my {x-link:https://twitter.com/AJ1952Chats}TwitterTurf{/x-link} and, while you're there, see how ... [Read more]
Losing Ones Head
April 25, 2019 at 11:58pm
PROMPT: Discuss something that happened on this day... https://www.onthisday.com/day/april/25 1792 Guillotine first used in France, executes highwayman Nicolas Pelletier Thankfully, we seem to be less enchanted with the idea of capital punishment than we once were even though we haven't moved completely away from it -- and there are even some people who would like to see the guillotine used right here in the USA. But, thankfully, there DOES seem to be... [Read more]
The Best May-ed Plans
April 24, 2019 at 11:59pm
PROMPT: May is almost upon us and I hope I'll be healthy enough to tackle my garden. There is so much to do, if I want everything planted before the heat of summer. What are your plans for May? Gardening? Traveling? Writing? Gardening? {embed:giphy:1ylPOs3DMqlxsyqIw9} Hopefully, I'll be doing some of this next year -- after buying some farmland. Those are my plans, anyway. We'll see what happens... Traveling? {embed:giphy:Ixu... [Read more]
Spring Flight
April 23, 2019 at 11:59pm
PROMPT: I remember an evening in April when ... Finish this sentence and describe the evening and what happened. I remember an evening in April when -- for a moment in time -- I flew like a bird!!! The year was 1977, but I can't remember the exact date when it happened other than to know that it took place on a Monday evening during a break from my once-a-week language arts class that I had begun taking on March 14 (the beginning of the spring quarter at {x-... [Read more]
The Horseshoe Nail
April 22, 2019 at 11:55pm
PROMPT: If you give people light, they will find their own way. ~ {x-link:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dante_Alighieri}Dante Alighieri{/x-link} What do you think? Ihere are many variations of a poem about a needed-but-unavailable horseshoe nail (such a tiny thing!) making a difference between winning or losing a war. {x-link:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/For_Want_of_a_Nail}Go Here{/x-link} to find some of them. And so it goes with those other little things ... [Read more]
April 20, 2019 at 11:57pm
PROMPT: "I decided it is better to scream. Silence is the real crime against humanity." ~ {x-link:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nadezhda_Mandelstam}Nadezhda Mandelstam{/x-link} What do you think? Again, time is short, so I'll make this quick and say that, when I'm doing this: there will be those times when I might make you squirm with my words...(continued on Monday) Member of: Come join our remarkable ring of write... [Read more]
I'm Currently Writing My Memoirs
April 19, 2019 at 11:55pm
PROMPT: Write about something you're very knowledgeable about, for example a favorite hobby or passion of yours. History & Nostalgia are a couple of things I'm passionate about. I not only find these things simply fun and interesting, but I also believe that, in order to live the present to the fullest and to build a better future, we need to go back in time and study how people lived and thought "way back when." One thing I'm doing at ... [Read more]
Dark & Stormy Nights And Ordinary Days
April 18, 2019 at 11:58pm
PROMPT: "A writer said, a problem a protagonist can walk away from, is a book a reader can walk away from." ~ unknown. I saw it on Tumblr. Dp you agree with his statement? How important is the tension or the protagonist's mission to a story? In the world of reading and writing, I believe that there's a need for both the page-turner stories with their storms of life and the books that simply describe the sweet everyday things such as the cute things k... [Read more]
Hey, Everybody! I'm On A Roll!
April 17, 2019 at 11:53pm
PROMPT: Hemingway was famous for his six word memoir "For sale:baby shoes, never worn." Now, it's your turn to create a six word story. Have fun! Minimum writing assignment has been completed! (Wednesday, April 17, 2019 at 12:36 PM) I have just begun to write... Jesus died...Rose again...Happy Easter!!! Abandoned tracks...Ghostly sound of whistles... Cuteness Overloaded: babies wearing message onesies... Tab King Larry i... [Read more]
Addressing Stress
April 16, 2019 at 11:51pm
PROMPT: April 16 is {x-link:http://www.chiff.com/home_life/holiday/national-stress-awareness-day.htm}National Stress Awareness Day{/x-link} . Do you have a special way to deal with stress? One thing that reading this has inspired is for me to create a sheet that will deal with various aspects of stress over a period of time that will be around 3 1/3 years in length. Today, I wrote the introduction to it. We will see where it goes from there... One way t... [Read more]
Too Curious For My Own Good
April 15, 2019 at 11:57pm
PROMPT: “If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?” ― Albert Einstein What do you think? Are you researching anything? All I know is this: I'm so hooked on researching that I lose track of time and end up coming over here at the last minute to post something. That's all she wrote for noe... Member of: Come join our remarkable ring of writers!!! ... [Read more]
Palm Sunday At Colonial UMC
April 13, 2019 at 11:39pm
PROMPT: What is your favorite uplifting song or quote? Why do you like this specific song or quote? Actually, I have several favorite uplifting songs (and quotes, as well), but, with tomorrow being Palm Sunday, I'm going to share with you several renditions of a Palm Sunday song that is very near and dear to my heart. It reminds me of those days growing up going to a friendly, little church on the corner of 31st and Noble in Anderson that was called Colonial EU... [Read more]
Old Photographs And Christmas Lights
April 12, 2019 at 11:59pm
PROMPT: Use a picture to influence/ inspire your entry today. There are certain givens in this life, and one of those givens is that Christmas decorations are a wonderful sight to behold. From the time I was young, driving/riding/walking around and looking at the lights was part of my life for so long as I can remember, just as it was in the life of the fictional character I wrote about here: Time is short tonight for sharing simply everything, but I'm goi... [Read more]
Goodbye, Little Mango!!!
April 11, 2019 at 11:57pm
PROMPT: "No one can tell what goes on in between the person you were and the person you become. No one can chart that blue and lonely section of hell. There are no maps of the change. You just come out the other side. Or you don't.” ~ {x-link:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_King}Stephen King{/x-link} What are your thoughts? . I am so glad that I didn't end up dropping out of college, but I had come really close after -- for the first time... [Read more]
The Sweet Spot Of A Sweet Day
April 10, 2019 at 11:57pm
PROMPT: Please read this blog entry: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/the-sweet-spot_n_3617506 Sometimes, we just need to be reminded we have them. Write about your own sweet spot? My sweet spot right now is a day like today when I've accomplished a lot in limited time. But time is short right now, so I'll tell you more about my sweet day tomorrow... Member of: Come join our remarkable ring of writers!!! ... [Read more]
End Planned Obsolescence NOW!!!
April 9, 2019 at 11:28pm
PROMPT: Write about technology. Either something you would like to see or questions about present technology. I would like to see an end come to the mindset of Planned Obsolescence where things are intentionally built in a way that they will wear out / become outdated long before they should be with the object of this forcing consumers to buy (for example) whole new computer systems instead of simply replacing or repairing parts or updating software while still using th... [Read more]
April 2019 Has Arrived!!!
April 8, 2019 at 11:42pm
PROMPT: Use these words: April, promises, weather, holiday, hope, faith, and light. {embed:giphy:irOkpnUbM7wDC} April 2019 has arrived with promises of a greater number of days when the weather is ideal for getting out-and-about and doing a number of pleasant activities -- but, also, contains days here and there of high winds and heavy rain that are great for just staying in and getting things done around my apartment. This year, the holiday s of ... [Read more]
Read Your Way To Sleep
April 6, 2019 at 8:58pm
PROMPT: It's midnight and you or your character can't fall asleep. How do you or your character get to sleep? {embed:giphy:142D1Q2ikiyLlu} I find that reading is a great way to relax and go to sleep -- and, possibly, have some kind of snack and beverage close-at-hand such as popcorn and a cup of herbal tea or warm cider. Since it's been said (whether it's true or not) that we need 8 hours of sleep per night and since midnight happens at 12 AM, ... [Read more]
Can't Choose Just One...
April 5, 2019 at 11:54pm
PROMPT: What's your favorite writing reference book and why? I would be hard pressed to pick out a favorite one because each one has its own special role to play in helping me to do my research. If one doesn't have what I'm looking for, there's still a good chance that I'll find it in another one. "THE BIG PROJECT" I've been talking about since forever. will actually have one of its roles to play as serving as a sort of referenc... [Read more]
Seven Cinquains
April 4, 2019 at 11:57pm
PROMPT: Use these words in your post today: shadow, night, feast, ascension, hour, life and genius. Have fun. The child sees his shadow . The race will now begin. Attempts to get ahead will prove futile... Falling night and darkness cloak what is clearly seen throughout the day in Mystery's costume. I feast on lollipops and memories while I travel back in time via old photos. The time of ascension has arrived. We now rise into full... [Read more]
April 3, 2019 at 11:39pm
PROMPT: Ah it's spring, and even writers have to do housework, the cleaning doesn't do it self. Write about your favorite task and your least favorite task. My favorite task would be food preparation (No surprises there!), and my least favorite task would be any task that seems impossible to do such as when I put up one of those adhesive-backed hooks on my wall (following the installment directions perfectly), hang something on it, and have the whole thing to ... [Read more]
Spring, Wind, Flowers, Showers, Nightingale (Treasure Trove)
April 2, 2019 at 11:52pm
PROMPT: Use these words in your entry: spring, wind, flowers, showers, nightingale. Using the assigned words as keywords, I've come up with the following treasure trove (Scroll Down...). At this time, I've also started growing a new blog-entry that can be found here: . SPRING {x-link:https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/spring}Click Me!{/x-link} {x-link:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spring}Click Me, Too!{/x-link} {embed:htt... [Read more]

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