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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/item_id/2106418-The-Jlog-of-Jade-Amber/month/7-1-2018
Rated: E · Book · Activity · #2106418
They say your brain is split into three parts. For us writers they include: Just Writing
Hi guys! You've just found the Jlog of Jade Amber! Now you might be wondering: "What in the world is a 'Jlog'?" Well, a jlog is a mash of journal and blog. Since they give you an option for a title: Journal/Blog, I decided to mash them together! Hence the name 'Jlog'. So please enjoy a cup of Joe whilst you read and I will try to remember to 'Jlog' every day. While we're at it, enjoy these quotes I found online:

Wake up with determination, go to sleep with satisfaction.

Be happy and smile.

Don't call it a dream, call it a plan.

Life is tough, but so are you. -Stephanie Bennett-Henry

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment or the smallest act of caring, which all has the potential to turn someone's life around. -Leo Buscaglia

Side note!

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July 2, 2018 at 9:49pm
July 2, 2018 at 9:49pm
So, I was checking my email, as per usual, when I noticed that I had gotten, yet another, 30DB prompt. Now, I have not been a part of this group for a few months, but every now and then, I get a prompt on accident. But I read the prompt and thought, "Eh, why not write about my experience? I have a story to tell, why shouldn't I tell it?" So here I am, back again, this time unofficially writing an entry to the prompt.

This is the story of when my parents and I went up to Pennsylvania to surprise my "aunt". (Now I put aunt in quotes because she's not my aunt by blood. She's one of those people you call your family member, even though they're not related to you.)

Now, this was the first time I was going to a state that doesn't border Georgia—I've been to Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina and Alabama. I might have gone to Mississippi once, but that's still pretty close to Georgia.—AND we were going to fly there! Since this was my first time going this far away from my home state and this was also my first time flying, you bet I was excited as heck! My mom even bought me a book that tells you the entire story about how Lego got started, showed the first sets and all that jazz, just for the flight.

We had to drive to Augusta to get to our first plane, then fly all the way to Charlotte, North Carolina, board another plane, then fly the rest of the way to Pennsylvania, but our adventure didn't begin until we started flying home.

So, we were dropped off at the airport in Pennsylvania and we waited for our flight. We waited for a good amount of time until we found out that our flight was delayed, and if I remember correctly it was delayed because one of the windows was open a crack. So we waited some more. Then finally the airplane arrived and we flew back to Charlotte.

Now thanks to our delayed flight, we had to run to our next flight, which was, unfortunately, on the other side of the airport.

We tried to get there in time, but we were too late. The plane had already shut its doors and was not receiving any more passengers. The lady at the desk told us that the next flight going home would be tomorrow.

We were stranded. But not for long.

We researched a way for us to get back home that day and found a way: a rentable car.

The same people that were taking care of those cars in Charlotte were also doing the same thing in Augusta! It was our only chance for us to get home.

Now you might be thinking that the reason why we needed to get home was because we had something important on the agenda the next day, but I'm pretty sure we just wanted to get home because we were tired introverts who needed some solitude and time away from people.

So we packed our luggage in the trunk, hopped in and drove all the way to Augusta. By the time we got home, it was night and we were emotionally and physically tired.

So yeah, if our flight hadn't been delayed by an open window, we probably would've been able to get home in a timely fashion.

But then again, if our flight had been canceled, period, we either would've had to have spent another night at my "aunt's" or we probably would've had to have driven all the way home from the Pennsylvania airport.

I am thankful that we were able to get home that night and didn't have to sleep in a hotel.

© Copyright 2019 Jade Amber Jewel (UN: jadeamberjewel at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/item_id/2106418-The-Jlog-of-Jade-Amber/month/7-1-2018