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Rated: XGC · Book · Experience · #2100906
It's a blog. What kind of description would you like?
My life is no more interesting than most, and far less interesting than quite a few. However, it's mine, and I still need to get things out sometimes. Fair warning, if the rating wasn't enough--I swear like an oil field worker (I know this because I have a friend who IS an oil field worker and said I am better at it than most he knows). I'm inappropriate; you never know what is going to come out of my mouth next, and you might not like it. I'm cranky, and mean, and sweet, and the nicest person you know--as long as you stay on my good side. Just ask my kids, and let me know if they say anything different.
November 1, 2016 at 1:58pm
November 1, 2016 at 1:58pm
I am working on my Nano. I am working on my Nano. I am working on my Nano. If I write this 8330 more times, I'll have 50k words, and will be done!

I was so excited to do Nano this year. It's been a long time since I've written anything at all, and I've always enjoyed doing Nano. The writing is a rush done that way, it's crazy and exhilarating, and I love it! And yet... When I got up this morning, I was still tired. Not sleeping much will do that, or so the rumor goes. On top of that I have some wicked reflux this morning, so even my coffee is ruined. Do these look like excuses? Because they totally are, excuses as to why I have not written anything yet. Nope, nothing--not a single word! Ugh. I guess I should stop dithering, microwave the coffee, and get to work.

I am working on my Nano, I am.........
October 27, 2016 at 2:50pm
October 27, 2016 at 2:50pm
It's been a while since I was around this place, hasn't it? Definitely needs dusting.

Quick intro, for those who don't know or remember me: I'm dragonfly, I suppose, though that is an older name, and one I haven't used in a while. I am known by a handful of names around the internet; commonthistle or thistle is the most recent. Tani-lai is another I used for a long time, and yemaya, back in the early days of my life on the interwebs. Find any of those, and you've likely found me, so say hi. Things that have changed since I was last here--I own my own business, selling hand dyed yarns and spinning fibers. There are fiber festivals where I vend, and my stuff is available in some local stores, as well. I also have a job now, one that is a good fit for me--I work and teach in a yarn store a few days a week. Between both of these, I'm generally kept busy if not out of trouble. Too busy most of the time, if I'm honest. I went back to college and got a degree in Botany, which I don't use but looks nice on the wall; I gained 60 pounds and lost 45 of them (and counting).

I have four kids, two of whom are adults and two that might get there, if they change their attitudes. I spin (yarn as well as words), knit, read, write. Because it is the end of October, the writing bug is hitting hard, and I'll be starting Nano up in a few days--I do love the rush of writing that way. Hoping to stick with it this time--both the Nano and the writing in general--because it's been too long. Long enough that despite my absence of a few years, I have nothing new to put in my portfolio, and that makes me sad.

When I got here today, I read some of my old blog entries--terribly depressing things, really. I am in a much better place, mentally. Physically, I think I'm in exactly the same place! The old blog is deleted, never to be seen again, I hope. The new (shiny!) one shall be full of joy, and happiness, and--okay, swearing and inappropriateness. Because after all, it's me we're talking about here.

Okay, I'm off to do a bit more exploring, rediscover friends, relearn my way around the labyrinth. Happy writing!

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/item_id/2100906-The-Chronicles-of-Inactivity