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Rated: E · Book · Writing · #2091378
A blog about writing
Welcome! I have lots of plans for this blog. I hope to offer something that will be of interest to readers and to fellow writers.
September 1, 2016 at 12:08pm
September 1, 2016 at 12:08pm
I received a critique the other day, which suggested that I may have plagiarized an existing work - a movie. The critiquer was kind enough to include a link to said movie at IMDB. I checked it out, and have not seen that movie nor am I familiar with the production's writers.

I have read that there are no new stories, only new ways of telling them. There are sites on the web that have a list of basic story lines.

I like reviews that tell me how I can improve my writing. That is something that I appreciate a lot.

On to the next story, and any resemblance to persons either living or dead, or to other works by writers or screenwriters is purely accidental!
August 5, 2016 at 3:27pm
August 5, 2016 at 3:27pm
It is a warmish day here, and the sun has come out from behind the hazy clouds at last. There is a thunderstorm watch for later in the day. Sitting in the backyard, with my laptop.
We have had a very dry spring followed by a wet summer.

My twenty-one year old cat had to be put to sleep in June. I still miss him. He had a good, long life but it has taken a while to get used to no longer having a pet. He spent a lot of time these last years, on my lap, or on the switched on mattress pad in the bedroom. I think the warmth must have felt good to his old bones. In human years, he was over one hundred when we had to have him put down.
We donated his food and cat carrier to a local rescue society.
No more pets for us, as we've reached retirement age.

I had thought about volunteering as a foster parent to an animal waiting for adoption, but that still requires responsibility and I am done with that. The thought is there, but I am not prepared for the work involved, and then there is the risk of becoming attached to the pet, and then adoption process, and suddenly a new family member! No, no.

July 30, 2016 at 3:53pm
July 30, 2016 at 3:53pm
So I didn't reach my goal in Camp NaNoWriMo, and with one day left, I don't expect to do so. It was fun though to write with that goal in mind. I will sign up for November's challenge.
Summer is nearly half through here where I live. The months of June and July were rainy and damp and miserable. Now, at last, the sun shines and the skies are blue. We haven't had a campfire yet, and normally by this time we've had several. Here's to a warm and dry August! Love those hot dogs and marshmallows cooked over a fire! To me, that means summertime.
Do you also have favorite things in this season?
July 27, 2016 at 4:28pm
July 27, 2016 at 4:28pm
This is a new blog, although I am not new to blogging. I have other sites elsewhere, none of which are updated nearly as often as they should be.
What makes a blog worth reading? I would say, "original content". And "fresh content", by which I mean content that is not found in other blogs. I think that is a challenge, as there are a lot of blogs in existence.

My first post is then, an attempt at original and fresh content.

Have you participated in any of the NaNoWriMo projects? I have done the November project and I've finished with 50,000+ words for several years in a row. The Camp NaNoWriMos not so much. I do spend a lot of time in the spring and summer outdoors, with a laptop, but I don't seem to concentrate as well during those seasons. So....I admit to failing at my latest attempt with the July Camp. I am not going to get depressed or allow myself to feel like a failure, because I did add quite a lot to two stories that I am working on.

For those of you who have met with success, Congrats. For those who like me, probably won't meet their goals, don't give up. A few words is better than no words.

© Copyright 2016 Sara Lynn Frederiksen (UN: goldenmead at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Sara Lynn Frederiksen has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.

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