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Rated: 18+ · Book · Opinion · #2086593
Daily scribbles on writing and living. How to get rid of cobwebs in my brain. CLOSED.

I am over the moon with joy this morning, as I got an anonymous gift from a co-writer on WdC. I can set up a blog for the coming three months since someone paid for an upgrade. If you ever read this Anonymous One, thank you so much!

Many thanks to "Request An Upgrade From RAOK [E] I got an upgrade for two more months. That will enable me to write and review some more in order to earn my keep after that. *BigSmile*

cartoon on writing a blog Logo Blog@Work Logo Blog@Work Green Tara

I have to think about this for a moment. Don't want to rush it, don't want to solely vent or underestimate the value of a daily blog for my writing. So I will carefully try to explore what it will bring me.

“All my life, my heart has sought a thing I cannot name. Remembered line from a long-forgotten poem”
― Hunter S. Thompson, Hell's Angels: A Strange and Terrible Saga

When I was a teenager, my little brother stole my journal out of my bedroom and read it. I was so disappointed and mad about his action, I destroyed my writing and have been struggling with the concept of conveying my inner thoughts ever since.

So, I will send my daily scribbles to the world. On How to get rid of cobwebs in my brain. To let in some air and rejoice.

For another clumsy attempt at writing, check out "All fingers and thumbs [18+].
I am a Rising Star from *StarY* Rising Star *StarY* Program 2016-2017.

Virginia Woolf quote

Comments, scribbles, and notes welcome!

Blog City image smallBCOF InsigniaBanner or header for 30DBC Welcome...Click here to join me!WakeUpAndLive

Thanks, 🌕 HuntersMoon for the teal awardicon.

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July 14, 2016 at 9:08am
July 14, 2016 at 9:08am
Fourteenth day of "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS [13+]

It is often said that history is written by the victorious. How true (or otherwise) do you believe this to be and why.

To my honest opinion history is written by the white males of this world. In history books and throughout school one is taught about male philosophy, science and general facts. Women, black people, minority groups etc. are left out or marginalized. Only recently this is changing.

Marilyn French, a feminist author, wrote a magnificent book about this From Eve till Dawn, a history of women in the world (volume 1 to 4). I have not read it yet, but when I do it will prove a totally new outlook on the history of mankind.

In Aristotle's thought, French says, women were "deformed" men. In feudal Japan they were barred from climbing Mount Fuji because they would pollute it, and "unhappily married women were expected to commit suicide." A Buddhist text describes woman as the "emissary of hell." Her oppression is universal, her story cyclical; construed less as a human being than as an animal or force of nature, her place is outside history.(Hilary Mantel).

Fortunately this is changing in our present days, but for women to have their righteous place next to men in history and in our modern times is still a long way to go. *Smile*

Prompt: collect moments, not things. Do you agree? (BC)

I think it's fashionably to say 'collect moments not things' and ofcorse this is true to a certain extent. But I just wouldn't want to be without any possession whatsoever. To have a certain amount of money to my disposal, to have cloths on my back and live in a house with computer and Internet is all too comfortable, but I just would not want to be without.

I am writing this with great difficulty on my laptop, since my desktop computer crashed yesterday! OMG I hope the new computer, left by my late father, will be in working order by tonight. I just attached all the cables, switched on and...nothing happened! A typical woman struggling with technology? So my nephew is coming over tonight to fix things I desperately hope since I am totally depending on my computer.

So yeah..I cherish moments like the next girl, but I do want my computer and I do want it to work. No apology here.

July 13, 2016 at 5:29am
July 13, 2016 at 5:29am
Day 1337: July 13, 2016
Prompt: Use these words in a story, poem, or rant: mighty, awesome, arch, climax, east, fiberglass.(BCoFs)

Have you ever been to a historical event and dress the part of the time era? If not, would you like to? (BC)

Ah..this brings back memories. I never went to a historical event in my life; I think it’s very American to do so.

So when I went to your mighty state I dressed up as a revolver trigger-happy hero from the Mid West in Durango, Colorado. Actually, come to think of it was a postal service man from those days…but still! *Smile* I felt like I was in a western, it was really, really awesome. We went in this very small shop on the main street of Durango. They had these huge piles and cupboards full of clothing from the latter half of 19th century. I felt like I was in a candy shop with all those beautiful dresses and frogs that I saw in westerns. So we dressed up!

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I am the one on the left; the smiling lady is my aunt with whom I traveled in this holiday back in 2004. Oops, it’s been already 12 years but I can still remember like it was yesterday. We went for 4 weeks. I loved the United States and was TOTALLY head over heels in love with the state of Colorado. I wished I’d stay there. At one point in my life I was so ready to seriously think about moving to the States, but life got in the way and I never did. Regrettably so.

My next trip will be to the east, to New York in spring of 2017. What a high to go there, what a climax that will be. I can’t wait. In the meantime I can go to the restaurant with the arches, Mc D. to sniff up the American atmosphere.

That leaves me with the word fiberglass of which I have no use of. *Smile*

Thirteenth day of "30-Day Bloggers Group [13+]
War Chest Wednesday! A prompt from a previous challenger...
You're with your significant other and a song comes on that reminds you of an ex. What do you do?

I would do nothing. Not every thought has to be shared and vented with the significant other. That’s probably one of the reasons I am on my own these days. I am not the ‘oh…I want to share everything with my hubby’ kinda girl, I am somewhat private. Some thoughts are my own and nobody else’s. In this case, since I am with the one I love at the moment there is also no need to remind him of a totally forgotten ex from the past. So I would leave it at just that: a nice memory.

July 12, 2016 at 6:12am
July 12, 2016 at 6:12am
“We all know that Art is not truth. Art is a lie that makes us realize truth at least the truth that is given us to understand. The artist must know the manner whereby to convince others of the truthfulness of his lies.” Pablo Picasso

The Truth

Great void to be
Reckoned with. A force
So strong it lures me in

A stick so high up
I only get there by climbing ropes
Each knot a know what,
A know how, a know when
The why obscured

Truth behind every corner

The answer lies behind me
In front of the school where
Children learn their ABCs
And giggle and know
Nothing. The truth is
Elusive. Yet?


Prompt 5 Poem: The Truth.

July 12, 2016 at 1:49am
July 12, 2016 at 1:49am
Letter to RAOK

“Tell me the whole story, “he said calmly. “Take your time.”

I looked at Santa with astonishment. Was the bearded guy kidding me? I just found out I had only two weeks left to renew my upgrade to Writing.Com. There was no time to be calm, I had to act and act quickly.

Sitting on his lap wasn’t that comfortable either for a grown woman slightly overweight. Santa couldn’t have been more than eleven stone with skinny legs hiding underneath his red and white gown. He had a friendly face though, with piercing eyes and rosy cheeks. His white beard was well washed and trimmed underneath a fur cap. I still believed in this guy despite my age.

“There is this wonderful community of writers I am involved in. I can showcase my art online. They have contests and perks for writing and reviewing other people’s work.” I turned my face towards the old man looking him in the eye breathing heavily.
“My subscription is almost overdue.”

“Does this involve money?”Santa looked pensively. “Is this a scam?”

“No, no,” I said hastily, “nothing of the sort. I just am working so hard lately to keep on writing, reading and reviewing more than one hundred reviews, I don’t want to lose all that. I have scraped gift points here and there but I still have not enough to bridge me another three months. “

Santa watched quietly as I worked on an agitation mode.

I started trembling, my body was shaking and I had the uncontrollable urge to cry.

“Is there no other way to do this”, he asked holding me tight.

“I have looked into paying my subscription by money order but that won’t work. I don’t have a working credit card and I don’t use Paypal. I am lost here, what should I do?” The tears started coming now.

“You are behaving like an addict my child, are you aware of that? You are a grown woman, no need to cry over a website.”

"Can you help me Santa? I won’t ask for anything else this year, not even for my birthday. Just help me please?

He looked at me, shook his head in disbelief and answered, “I will look into matters for you. Now stop sobbing and wining like a baby and go to work. I will let you know!”

So I went home and wrote a piece about it. I am still waiting on Santa.


Prompt 4: “Tell me the whole story, “he said calmly. “Take your time.”
July 12, 2016 at 12:15am
July 12, 2016 at 12:15am
Twelfth day of "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS [13+]

Talk Tuesday!
What bad habit (or habits, if you're feelin' feisty) do people have that make you wish you could inflict severe punishment upon them without incurring any punishment of your own?

The seven deadly sins: hubristic pride, greed, lust, malicious envy, gluttony, inordinate anger and sloth! Watch Hyronymus Bosch (1450-1516), the Dutch painter with his seven deadly sins, very unsetling but beautiful.

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Inordinate anger, greed and malicious envy can cast harm upon others while the rest affects only you. I think those three are the worst in a great chunk of today’s society. Greed being particularly dangerous causing a whole monetary and economic system to collapse because of the uncontrollable hunger for power and money. Anger we’ve seen in abundance these days with the terrorist attacks of groups like ISIS and Al Qaida causing war, harm and grief beyond belief. Envy causing people to disconnect and become enemies of hate.

I don’t know about the punishment though, except for greed and anger, since I would like to think about punishment for greedy bankers and politicians and for angry terrorists. Jail probably. And a re-education program on living together peacefully. But that’s a bit too far fetched in some cases I am sure.
July 11, 2016 at 6:01pm
July 11, 2016 at 6:01pm
The Lady bug

Once upon a time there was a little lucky Lady bug. She was only a day old and happy as can be. No, she was not as big as a bumble bee or a butterfly but she had a reasonable size: a quarter of an inch. That’s as little as a tiny tiny poker dot. And on her back she had seven ineeweeny little poker dots; black dots on a red back. Very beautiful colors on her back she thought. It hid her little wings so she could fly away if she wanted. If a Ladybug landed on you, whatever trouble you had would fly away with the Ladybug.

Most times she didn’t fly but ran between the leaf and the straw. She made several meters a day that way. With her tiny little paws. She was a sporty lady bug. And she loved her life.

She lived for a whole year, hibernating, finding a real nice spot to pass wintertime. Finally she died happy.

“Ladybird, ladybird, fly away home
Your house is on fire and your children are gone
All except one, and that's Little Anne
For she has crept under the warming pan.”

A children's song by anonymous


Prompt 3, children's genre.

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July 11, 2016 at 5:37pm
July 11, 2016 at 5:37pm
"Blogging Circle of Friends "
Day 1335: July 11, 2016
Prompt: Which season inspires you the most? Why does this season inspire you?

In winter, I plot and plan. In spring, I move. Henry Rollins

"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise"
Day 855 -- July 11, 2016
It is said that everything outside our warm, safe circle is our blind spot. Do you sometimes think that you are blind to what’s in front of your eyes or that your subconscious has blocked something from your immediate knowledge of it?

We all have blind spots – those areas for improvement and growth. As painful as it can be to admit we’re doing things we never wanted to do and saying things we never wanted to say, it is this acknowledgment that enables us to take the first step toward change. Be gentle with yourself. Be real with yourself. Take baby steps. Rhonda Louise Robbins

July 11, 2016 at 10:29am
July 11, 2016 at 10:29am
Land of incarnadine earth

I’ve been to the land of pinkish red earth
Where the houses white with bright crimson rooftops
Where the houses brown with pale grey plates
The sky warm en moist and odorous
For trees and incarnadine earth

*Music1* six, five, six, seven, six, five, six, seven
six, five, six, seven, six, five, three, two

Daughter of incarnadine earth
With green and greener, greenest
Light of the sun, bright light of the sun
On the brownest of earth
Aqueous water, yellow, sandstone and grass

*Music1* six, five, six, seven, six, five, six, seven
six, five, six, seven, six, five, three, two

Squatting and looking and feeling in earth
My feet, my toes, my ankles, my legs
Deep into the earth, deep into the sand
Deep into this land of incarnadine earth
Sings my heart, calls my heart, sounds my heart

*Music1* six, five, six, seven, six, five, six, seven
six, five, six, seven, six, five, three, two

I watched your crags with both my eyes
I have felt your rocks with both my arms
Lines of melancholy and truth and worth

*Music1* six, five, six, seven, six, five, six, seven
six, five, six, seven, six, five, three, two

White rock, green land
Incarnadine earth


Note: Musical notes Javanese gamelan, here singing voice

Prompt 4, music genre.

July 11, 2016 at 12:07am
July 11, 2016 at 12:07am
Eleventh day of "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS [13+]

Motivation Monday!
Author E.B. White, who was born on this day back in 1899, once said, "I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve (or save) the world and a desire to enjoy (or savor) the world. This makes it hard to plan the day." What's your take on this? If given the choice between only being able to do one, would you rather save the world or savor it?

In my youth I was what you may call a lefty activist. In Europe that is an honorable name, don’t know about the US. But I was member of The World Shop, back in those days a hub for anti-governmental activities concerning world peace, ban the bomb, against apartheid, raising awareness on issues in different third world countries and the lot. We took part in demonstrations, had a shop where we discussed, sell items from third world countries and trying to save the planet basically. We were non-violent! I still think back on this part of my life with great fondness.

So I would always go for the first option: save the world. It’s still worth the effort!
July 9, 2016 at 11:57pm
July 9, 2016 at 11:57pm
Tenth day of "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS [13+]

The Sunday News!
It's been a rough week here in the US, and a rough month in Europe...instead of the typical Sunday prompt where I come up with a newsworthy item to discuss, I think now's the right time to focus on some good news. Do a little bit of lookin' around, and share with us something positive happening.

I read an article on Generation Snowflake: Safe Spaces, Trigger Warnings And The Wussification Of Our Young People.

Apparently a whole new generation of youngsters is growing up being overly sensitive and demanding their right to have safe places in schools and universities in which they can ban everything that’s remotely difficult to accept.

A place where anyone can relax and be fully self-expressed, without fear of being made to feel uncomfortable, unwelcome or challenged on account of biological sex, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, cultural background age, or physical or mental ability; a place where the rules guard each person’s self respect, dignity and feelings and strongly encourage everyone to respect others.

Trigger warnings defined as stated warnings that the content of a text, video, etc., may upset or offend some people, especially those who have previously experienced a related trauma.

Wussy meaning a person with no guts. A person who whines all day and sits around and cries like a little baby for years over nothing. Will blow anything out of proportion and create drama to forget about their sad miserable lives.


I don’t agree with this article. There might be a small group snowflaking, but a majority of kids growing into adulthood have a hard time and they know it.

I am talking about refugees who will spend years and years overcoming their trauma, kids from broken homes, kids dealing with abuse, illness or death. Young adults trying to commit suicide (An estimated quarter million people each year become suicide survivors). Now there is a generation that grows up tough and rough. For most of them it will be a case of moving on, stepping up and make something out of their lives in this dark and dangerous world.

For today's prompt I have to look around and comment on something POSITIVE. I want to salute the youngsters of today for trying and for succeeding in getting their act together, taking up responsibility and making the best of things. There are initiatives for arts (including writing in communities like WdC), entrepreneurship and sports where I see YAs excel.

I have two nephews in their mid twenties with difficult backgrounds trying to make something out of their lives. It may sometimes look different from what my generation did in the past but it still is with great effort and gusto.

Growing up in this time and age proves to be rough and tough. A little snowflaking from time to time is allowed.
July 9, 2016 at 4:54am
July 9, 2016 at 4:54am
Oh my it's Saturday and it's my grandson's 12th birthday. We're going zip lining together Let's reminisce about our childhood birthdays. What was your favorite birthday year? Did you do theme parties? Or go places? (BC)

What is the most "WILDEST" birthday gift you ever received? (BCoFs)

We used to do a game at my birthdays when I was a kid called bite-the-cake. Small cakes or biscuits were attached to a line and held up high in the air, high enough so that we could reach them. Then we got blind folded and try to eat the cake. It was fun to ten year olds in 1972.

I don’t remember much about my childhood before the age of twelve unfortunately, but that’s a memory I still cherish.

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The most extravaganza birthday gift I got was 16 years ago. Due to circumstances I didn’t own a car, and my aunt, the eldest sister of my late mother, just called me out of the blue to tell me she had bought me a small second hand car. It was a black Opel Corsa. I loved my new present, and enjoyed it for a few years before I bought the love of my life: a red Lada station wagon.

At the moment I don’t have money for a car, but the public transport system is very good in my city and country so I don’t miss it much. Accept for the FREEDOM it gives you, to jump in and go whenever you please to wherever you want to go. I really miss that!

The ninth day of "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS [13+]

Creation Saturday!
Have you ever had to reinvent yourself personally, professionally, or otherwise? How did you go about it?

At one point in my life I quit my job, closed up my house and left the small provincial town I was living in to move back to the city of my birth. I literally owned nothing and had to go from scratch. It was the end of a difficult period in my life. I just went one day at a time.

I rented a small 2 room apartment in a bohemian neighborhood, went to the second hand shop to buy a few items and got reacquainted with the city and made some new friends. It went very well from the start. As soon as I could I purchased a new dog the love of my life Arie, a terrier. We have been together for ten years now. My move proved to be a good one. Now I live in another part of town, loving every minute of it. Life has been great recently. *Smile*

July 8, 2016 at 6:12am
July 8, 2016 at 6:12am
Merit Badge in Reviewing
[Click For More Info]

Ranked # 19   Public Reviewer  for the month of  June 2016 . For more details, please see  [Link To Item #614925] .

YAEH.. Another merit badge this morning for reviewing. Apparently I was # 19 on the public reviewers list of the month of June. (Top 100?) I love those thingies, they make me very proud of what I am doing here.

I have to improve my reviewing this month and the next. So I thought I give it a go on available info on reviewing. All in one entry, neatly together for use! Thanks you guys.

"Invalid Item"   [] by A Guest Visitor under guidelines.
"Guidelines To Great Reviewing
"Reviewing On Writing.Com
"Invalid Item"   [] by A Guest Visitor
"Reviewing"   [E] by Jeff

I love reviewing but I have to know more about the craft of writing itself. So another section on writing:
"WRITING SECTION"   [E] by Lyn's a Witchy Woman
"Invalid Item"   [] by A Guest Visitor
"Kiya's Big Book of Writing Guidelines"   [E] by iKïyå§ama
"Invalid Item"   [] by A Guest Visitor
"Showing Why Showing is Important"   [18+] by Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈
"Realistic Dialogue"   [E] by Jeff

Hopefully my reviews will get better and better without losing the joy of reading and reviewing. *Smile*
July 8, 2016 at 1:45am
July 8, 2016 at 1:45am
The eight day of "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS [13+]

Fun Fact Friday!
On this day in 1969, the United States Patent Office issued a patent for the game Twister. Do you and/or your family still play traditional board games? Is there a favorite in your group?

Day 852 July 8, 2016 (BC)
Let's try writing in a very confined space: A bathtub story. Your character/ or you are going to stay in this single, relatively confined space for your entry. Do you think you could write a good story with such restrictions placed on you? Have fun!

Playing chess in the bathtub

1. e4 d6 2. d4 Nf6 3. Nc3 g6 4. Be3 Bg7 5. Qd2 c6 6. f3 b5 7. Nge2 Nbd7 8. Bh6 Bh6 9. Qh6 Bb7 10. a3 e5 11. O-O-O Qe7 12. Kb1 a6 13. Nc1 O-O-O 14. Nb3 ed4 15. Rd4 c5 16. Rd1 Nb6 17. g3 Kb8 18. Na5 Ba8 19. Bh3 d5 20. Qf4 Ka7 21. Rhe1 d4 22. Nd5 Nbd5 23. ed5 Qd6 24. Rd4 cd4 25. Re7 Kb6 26. Qd4 Ka5 27. b4 Ka4 28. Qc3 Qd5 29. Ra7 Bb7 30. Rb7 Qc4 31. Qf6 Ka3 32. Qa6 Kb4 33. c3 Kc3 34. Qa1 Kd2 35. Qb2 Kd1 36. Bf1 Rd2 37. Rd7 Rd7 38. Bc4 bc4 39. Qh8 Rd3 40. Qa8 c3 41. Qa4 Ke1 42. f4 f5 43. Kc1 Rd2 44. Qa7

GrandMaster Gary Gasparov relived his imperishable chess game against Vesilin Topalov once more in his mind while stretching out his limbs in the tub.

Fourty four bubbles of Vichy Homme Hydra Mag C showergel formed flying up in the air as he took his relaxing Sunday morning bath

What a ride this has been, he thought smiling.

It was the day after 13th of April 2013, an immortal day. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.


When I was younger I played chess occasionally. I played with my father, my brother and my first boyfriend. Sometimes I won, sometimes I lost and sometimes it was a draw. It’s an interesting game, but I never quite got the hang of it.

Like all snobs I’ve had this game displayed in my living room on a side table for years wanting to play, wishing to play, but never did. Eventually I replaced it. It now has its place in the cupboard.
July 7, 2016 at 4:29pm
July 7, 2016 at 4:29pm
Time set at 0.00.They put on their masks.

As soon as the armed guard walked the corner to light up a cigarette they entered the bank.

Two minutes.

“This is a hold up, everybody down!” Pete waved his gun at the two men standing at the counter.

Donald and Grotto disappeared to the rear holding the cashier at gun point. They loaded the bars of gold in a crate and filled two bags with one hundred dollar bills.

(One minute to go)

Masks off.

Ten minutes!

When the police arrived the three were on their way.

The guard got fired.

Word Count:100
Musical drabble 7/16 GOLD
July 7, 2016 at 11:09am
July 7, 2016 at 11:09am
Prompt: What is your favorite way to use veggies?{BCoF)

To start with I am NOT a gourmet chef in the kitchen. I merely condone the fact that I have to eat to stay alive therefore I have to cook. In fact I am a lousy cook.

But when I cook veggies, which is as often as I can because it’s healthy and there is a lot of iron and proteins in it; it’s nutritious, I use my steam pan. Fill the pan with water, on top a pan with holes in it in which you put the clean veggies and steam away. Everybody can do it. *Ha*

Save for three weeks ago when I was doing this review for WdC. I was so focused at my computer I totally forgot the cooking until I smelled something funny. And YES, my pan was cooking without water because it evaporated, therefore pan black and useless.*Headbang*

I have to buy another steam pan soon. If I got the time to do so, quiet busy at the moment. Luckily there are internet shops.

One of my better receipts: Spinach with puffed pastry in the oven. Delicious. Very easy to make.

1. Preheat oven to 375. Line a baking sheet with parchment (preferable) but you can use aluminum foil with a light spray of cooking oil.
2. Melt butter and cook onions for a few minutes, until soft. Add garlic and cook for another minute.
3. Beat eggs in medium bowl. Add cooked onion, spinach, feta, parmesan, bread crumbs. Add salt, pepper, & nutmeg. Mix well with fork.
4. Place one unfolded sheet of puff pastry on the parchment or sprayed aluminum foil. Spread the spinach mixture over the pastry, leaving a border of one inch all around the edges. Keep the spinach flat; do not pile high.
5. Brush the edges with the egg wash made with the last egg. Cover with the second sheet of pastry that has been slightly flattened with a rolling pin to one inch bigger than the first sheet. (This ensures all the spinach will be covered). Press edges together with fingertips or fork, making sure mixture is sealed well. Brush just the top with egg wash, careful not to drip any down the sides. Cut a few slits in the top with a sharp knife to allow steam to escape.
6. Bake 30-40 minutes, until golden brown. Can be served hot or at room temperature.

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July 7, 2016 at 1:13am
July 7, 2016 at 1:13am
Seventh day of "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS [13+]
What's the first big news story you remember being aware of as a kid?

On January 24 1972 I was almost eleven years old. The newspaper had this amazing story of a Japanese soldier coming out of the Guam forest where he had been hiding in a grotto for 27 years. He thought the war was still not over and refused to ‘surrender’ to the locals. His name was Shoichi Yokoi.

My late mother had been a prisoner of war in the Japanese war camps during World War 2. She was born in Indonesia, until 1949 a Dutch colony for 400 years. When she was eleven years old she and the rest of the family came to the Netherlands by ship. A total of 300,000 repatriates came back between 1946 and 1968.
July 6, 2016 at 2:53am
July 6, 2016 at 2:53am
The 6th day of "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS [13+].
War Chest Wednesday! A prompt from a previous challenger...
Write about your fears...fears that you have overcome, and fears which still exist within you.

Fears? Ah, the Boogie Man...well, a couple of years back I had the real Boogie Man into my life.

I was a counselor doing house visits when one of my pupils got wacky on me while under the influence of drugs. He got me all worked over and attacked me. As if this wasn’t enough his father, a known criminal, harassed me with death threats for almost a year. They threatened to kill me, stalk me etc. I was terrified, didn’t want to leave my house and quit my job eventually.

I remember the days after months of sick leave; I finally went outdoors, walking around in my city center and looking over my shoulder all the time to see if I could spot somebody. It was horrifying. It left a scar. Life was no fun for a long time after that.

Recent fears concern my physical health. I am a bit of a hypochondriac always fearing that I would get some decease and die on the spot. I suspect it has something to do with trust issues: trusting myself, my body and trusting others.

Title Prompt: The Dark Computer. (BCoF)
Prompt: Arts Earth Spirit Education Use these words any way you want in today's entry. (BC)

The dark computer

Fear! It has a nasty ring to it. It is nasty to fear, be it an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm.

Walking the earth fear has been instrumental in growing up as human beings; we have learned to examine what we fear the most, thus acquiring knowledge from past experiences. A real good education since we try to navigate between real and imaginable fears.

I sometimes fear my computer and the Internet because of ways possible to hack into my blog and read my inner thoughts.

The computer aka the Internet is an unknown entity, only accessible by programmers and hackers. They are the happy few with knowledge of the spirit of the beast; we users are merely gullible consumers with increasing dependency.

I can’t picture a world without the computer and an internet connection. It’s my lifeline. I express myself in the arts of writing. I use Word as a template for my inner world and my stories. The computer even welcomes me when hooking up, corrects me if I make a spelling error and asks me questions like Do you want me to continue? It is almost as if it has a mind of its own.

Since I can’t fathom its artificial intelligence I sometimes wonder…do I suffer from a touch of cyber phobia? *Think*
July 5, 2016 at 3:09am
July 5, 2016 at 3:09am
The fifth day of "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS [13+]

Talk Tuesday!
How hard is it for you to get back into the swing of things after a long weekend?

What long weekend? I only work at writing and reviewing 24/7 for the past 5 weeks!

Kidding ofcorse, but I do make long hours writing, starting very, very early each day every day including weekends. Enjoying every minute of it. Sofar no problems of exhaustion, only adrenaline and inspiration. This is my holiday period and it will be filled with engaging this website of WdC throughout the summer. *Cool*
July 5, 2016 at 2:30am
July 5, 2016 at 2:30am
Prompt: Can you think of any characters that make your town, your state, or your country interesting? Can you talk about their personalities and what makes them stand out, in your opinion? Can you use them as characters in your stories? (BC)

An interesting character of The Netherlands, Johan Cruyff the internationally famous soccer player, died of lung cancer on March 24th at the age of 68 in Barcelona, Spain.

Apart from him being a gifted soccer player and eccentric coach he was famous for his Cruyffian quotes, his little-speak that is now incorporated into the Dutch language:

“Every disadvantage has its advantage.”
“Soccer is simple, but it is difficult to play simple.”
“You have got to shoot, otherwise you can't score.”
“Sometimes somethings got to happen before something is going to happen.”

If I need a character in my stories that changed the way we talk about sports and soccer then I would use Johan Cruyff as … Johan Cruyff..

There is Pele, there is Maradona, and there is Cruyff. The Lionel Messi of today. But you have to be a soccer fan to appreciate this.

When I traveled the world, the first thing people would say when they heard I was from The Netherlands? Ah…Johan Cruyff!
He was that famous throughout the world because of his genius and the way he changed Dutch and Spanish soccer forever.

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July 5, 2016 at 1:16am
July 5, 2016 at 1:16am
Prompt: How do you feel about firework displays? Professional or Amateur? How do you feel about the latest trends with music? Are they popular in other parts of the world or is it just an US tradition? If so tell us about them.(BCoFs)

Fireworks with or without music is really a feature of the States on your Independence Day, July 4th. We only celebrate the usual at the ending of each year.

When I think of fireworks my mind immediately takes me back 16 years ago to Enschede, an eastern town in my country. There the biggest disaster in modern history of our nation took place.

The Enschede fireworks disaster was a catastrophic fireworks explosion occurring at the SE Fireworks depot on 13 May 2000 at 13.00 GMT,

The fire led to an enormous explosion which killed 23 people including four firefighters and injured 947. 400 homes were destroyed and 1500 buildings damaged. The first explosion had a strength in the order of 800 kg THT equivalence, while the strength of the final explosion was within the range of 4000–5000 kg TNT. The biggest blast was felt up to 30 kilometers (19 miles) from the scene. Fire crews were called in from across the border in Germany to help battle the blaze; it was brought under control by the end of the day.

It appeared that the fire began in the work area of the central building where some 900 kg of fireworks were stored. This fire then extended to two full containers that had been stored illegally outside the building. The fireworks bunker ignition caused the explosion of 177 tons of fireworks, virtually destroying the area.

This was a huge disaster, with a lot of firework, but in the last couple of years there have been many little accidents with illegal fireworks stored in cellars and sheds. It is very dangerous and it is a little scary to think that one of my neighbors could easily store fireworks somewhere and we would never know this until it’s too late.

In my country in the last couple of years there have been more displays of bombs, ie. big loud fireworks, instead of the colorful decorative fireworks. A lot of accidents happen because of this (hands, eyes), why the government is trying to ban amateur fireworks in favor of organized professional fireworks displays. At the beginning of each year there is this discussion going on and there are talks about providing no-go areas in cities for fireworks during New Year’s Eve, some cities have implemented this already. Because of the accidents (637 injured in 2015) I am in favor. Better safe than sorry.

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