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Rated: 18+ · Book · Drama · #2061623
Mystery, and Secrets of a small town
Sacrifice of Sisters-The begining

It was hot even though the rain was pouring down outside, Sheila was pacing the floor while she sipped her Henri Jayer Richebourg Grand Cru, Cote de Nuits wine. Sheila was waiting for Jim yet again. Jim was her sister Laney’s husband of 8 years, and her lover for at least 6 of those years. As she stood there waiting she let her mind wonder what would happen if Laney ever found out ? Growing up Laney had been the popular, smart and successful girl who every parent wanted and though Sheila had been just as successful as Laney, she was always in Laney’s shadow. Laney was always the star.

She had been a cheerleader and a pageant queen when she had met Jim. He was a talent scout for a local promotion and had notice Laney at one of her pageants. The thought of how sweet and in love they were back then made Sheila’s skin crawl and her stomach turn. Jim was just another trophy for Laney, another admirer that would not doubt bow to Laney’s every whim.

Surprisingly, Laney had actually began seriously dating Jim and seemed to think he was her Prince Charming. What a joke, Sheila thought as she stood now looking out her front bay window.Jim , a Prince Charming, ha, ha, ha, yes… yes Prince Charming he was thought Sheila, as she drifted back to the first time Jim had approached her. Jim and Laney had invited sheila over to their house for dinner, and after they had eaten and had a couple of glasses of wine, Sheila had said her goodbyes and thank you s to Laney and Jim had offered to walk her to her car. Once they were outside, Jim had turned Sheila to face him and kissed her deeply. She had tried to pull away but Jim had a tight grip on her arm and waist so it was a wasted effort. When he finally backed away, she stood in shock and then slapped his face as hard as she could. He grabbed her handed and squeezed it tightly and said, stop, listen to me, I have been waiting 2 years to do that. Sheila had looked at him and said, you let me go or so help me I’ll scream , you bastard. But, He hadn’t let go and she hadn’t screamed, instead he had kissed her again this time deeper then the last. It had seemed to last for hours , after he backed away from her and let her go , she had run to her car , got in and quickly locked her doors. She sat for another 15 minutes trying to comprehend what had happened and what to do about it. She had driven home and avoided Laney and Jim for several months but then , Laney had called and begged her to come over for dinner because, she and Jim had something to tell her . She had reluctantly agreed to go, and decided she would do her best to avoid being alone with Jim. However, after dinner Laney had gone in to the kitchen to get coffee for them and Jim came over and put his hand on her leg and said, I have missed you. Sheila had just sat there eyes forward and she had not heard him. When Laney had come back with the coffee , she had asked Sheila if she was ok? Sheila smiled and said she was fine, but curious as to what news that Laney had said was so important . Laney said, well , Jim and I are pregnant. Oh honey, that is terrific , when are you due? Laney said, she was due June 23rd. Oh , I am so happy for you,congradulations.Sheila had hugged Laney and then reluctantly hugged Jim , who tried to kiss her on the neck. When she had left that night, Jim had followed her once again to her car to spite her objections. When they shut the door of the house, he grabbed her and kissed her several times and pushed her hand down the outside of the front of his pants. He whispered in her ear about how much he wanted her and how good it would be for them. She stood there as if she was glued to the spot, shocked and fighting tears. She let him continue to kiss her neck and lips as she closed her eyes and tried to pretend this wasn’t happening.

As time had gone on things had only gotten worse, she hated herself for the affair but, when she had made mention of the situation to her sister without using all the details and reveling it was her. Her sister had dismissed the whole statement , by saying, women who accuse good married men of such disgusting acts are nothing more than whores who are jealous of women who have a life they can only dream of. Sheila had just, smiled and agreed with her. Shelia had known then that she could never tell her about JIm. Thus, here she was waiting,waiting to endure the disgusting acts that Jim would tell her to do because, as he put it Laney was to much of a prude to do anything fun.

Sacrefice of Sisters- Chapter 2

As Sheila waited, she walked over to a mirror hanging in the living room by the door, checked her makeup and adjusted her satin pink robe. As she turned back to the window , she heard the familiar rattle of Jim’s BMW diesel sedan . she heard the door slam and felt a chill go up her spine. She then took a deep breath and walked to the door and opened it ,just as Jim reached for the knob. She put on a fake smile and kissed Jim , Hello. They walked into the living room, and Sheila poured them both a scotch . She needed the alcohol to try to relax . Dealing with these lies and secrets were getting harder and harder, but if she told her story most likely no one would believe her and her sister would hate her for the rest of her life for destroying her perfect marriage. After apparently zoning out for a few moments, Jim snapped his thick fingers and she jumped slightly as reality came back. Jim smiled and said, sarcastically “Don’t tell me your tired, that ‘s your sisters favorite excuse for being a lazy bitch”. Sheila stood up and looked Jim in the eyes and said, “Don’t you ever talk about Laney like that, you rotten son of bitch”. Laney is the best thing that will ever happen to you, she is a great woman and you are nothing but a low life piece of shit. Ha, Ha Jim just laughed in her face, and said, “What would you know about being a great woman, as far as everyone in this shitty town knows your nothing but a drunk whore and I am a loving husband and supportive brother in-law.” No one cares what you think, now shut your mouth and get over here and get on your knees. She did what Jim said, and as she got on her knees, he grabbed her hair and looked down at her and poured the rest of the scotch in to her face, then forced hisself into her mouth still pulling her hair. He relieved himself, 2 more times before he left. Sheila , laid crumpled in the floor , like discarded trash, crying to herself, wondering how many more times she could do this without losing her mind. She pulled her self off the floor , and stumbled to the shower. As the ice-cold water strung her skin, she promised herself that some how she was going to put and in to this one way or another.

The next morning, Sheila went to the bank and withdrew all of her savings which amounted to about enough for a bus ticket and a month’s rent in a new town. As she was walking out of the bank , Laney bumped into her and knocked the envelope that contained the money on to the ground. As Laney apologized, and bent to pick it up, she asked , “If Sheila was ok, and why she had so much money on her ?” Sheila smiled her best fake smile and said, “That she was fine and that she was just going to pay for some repairs on my car.” “Wow, Those are some expensive repairs, Laney replied.” Yeah, Sheila agreed.” Hey, Listen Sheila, “Why don’t you come over to the house this weekend, Jim is going out-of-town and it will just be me and the kids?” Sheila stood there for a moment thinking about her plan to leave that very day and never come back. But, She answered, Laney and said, “She would be over Friday night about 7.” Laney smiled, and said, “Great we will have a girls movie night after the kids go to bed.” “Sounds fun , can’t wait”, Sheila replied. “Oh and good luck with the car .” “I sorry , what?” “The car , Laney said, pointing to the envelope with the money.” “Oh ,yeah the car, right.” Sheila said. “Well, I better go, I’ll see you Friday night, love you sis”. “Yes, I am Looking forward to it, 7 Friday, and I love you too.”

Sheila walked away and decided she would write a letter explaining everything, go to Laney’s on Friday and then Monday morning she would leave before anyone was up and leave the note on the table.
Sacrafic of Sisters Chapter 3

Shelia walked down the street toward her house, the money stuff in her purse. She had decided to write her letter to Laney as soon as she got home that way she hopefully would not change her mind before Friday about leaving. As she walked up her drive way she noticed that the door from the garage into the kitchen was cracked open and there was what looked like mud on the step and right inside the door. She immediately turned to run back to the street, as she got to the end of her driveway, she heard a pop and felt a stinging in her shoulder. She continued to run up the street to her neighbor’s house on the corner. As she reached her neighbor’s yard, she felt a hot burning on her face and then she fell. When Shelia came to she was lying in a hospital bed and Laney was sitting by her bedside talking to someone at the end of the bed. Shelia was trying to focus her eyes and hearing so she could see who Laney was talking to and understand what they were saying. She struggled to move as well ,it was like she was heavy or weighted down. When she finally moved her arm enough to make Laney look her way. Laney stopped talking and called to the doctor to come in that she was awake. Shelia hadn’t been able to make out who Laney was talking to or all of what was said, but she had remembered hearing her name and knowing that the conversation had been heated.

Minutes later the doctor entered the room and began checking her eyes and movement and asking her questions. She tried to answer but her speech was slurred and her thoughts were foggy. As the doctor squeezed her hands and feet ,she struggled to wiggle her fingers and toes or to squeeze his hand. But, she could not tell if she was actually squeezing hard enough to be felt. The only thing she knew for sure was that she didn’t know what had happened.

The doctor left a few moments later and Laney returned, she walked over to Shelia's bed , looked down at her and said,”Don’t worry, sis, I’ll take care of you , no matter what Jim says. He is just an ass. Shirley just laid there and looked into her sisters eyes wondering what Jim had said and why Laney would have to take care of her. Before, Shelia could figure out how to ask Laney what she was talking about , the nurse entered the room and gave her some medication in her IV that sent a burning tingle all over her before making her overwhelming sleepy. She tried to fight it but, as she rolled her eyes she saw Laney talking to the nurse as they walked out the door.

Shelia woke again sometime later, she had no idea what time it was or what day it was, she just knew that the room was dark and she felt extremely alone.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/item_id/2061623-Sacrifice-of-Sisters