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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/blog/cheri55422/month/3-1-2016
Rated: 13+ · Book · Nonsense · #2050715
Thoughts and takes on the way life presents....
Thoughts and takes on the way life presents....
March 31, 2016 at 7:49am
March 31, 2016 at 7:49am
         I didn't know AJ personally. I only knew him through his mother and the love she had for him. I only knew him through his uncles who loved him and mentored him.
         AJ died yesterday. It looks like he took a drug and later had seizures that overtaxed his heart.
         If you use drugs, you are only as good as the people you run with. Can you really depend on them to get you to help when needed? The answer is no. The ones he ran with had the clarity of thought to get him to a hospital, but not to get him inside. They had the clarity of thought to drop him off at the hospital, but not to stay with him. Had AJ been taken inside the hospital he might have been saved, but by the time he was found, it was too late.
         If you use drugs, stop it. You will lose everything. AJ was homeless at the time of his death. The only friends he had were the ones who supplied his drugs. The only ones who loved him were his family. The only ones he could trust were his family, but he refused to see them because they would not do drugs with him. No family ties, no home, no food, no communication, no money. Drugs really do take everything from you. Every last thing. And in the end, drugs will take your life.
March 27, 2016 at 4:38pm
March 27, 2016 at 4:38pm
A lot of strange yet funny things in my neck of the woods.
It was one of those weeks. My boss’s landlord came back from his summer home in Florida. This is a work-where-you-live type of buildings. I knew that somehow I would be blamed for something because when Mark the landlord yells at Larry the tenant, that is Larry the boss’s permission to yell at Cheri the Admin.
Larry demanded that I do filing. I gave him a blank stare. Where? There is no room. Every time I make room, by pulling the old files and putting them in a box, he grabs the box and hides it. Can you believe that? Laws change every five years. He cannot reliably count on the stuff that’s in those ancient files. I think he has a love affair with paper. I really do. He has books stacked waist high because he ran out of bookshelf space. Imagine a hall lined with built in bookshelves (Victorian beautiful and I’m not kidding) and the other side with just one built in. So with all of those filled to capacity and he still has to stack books from floor to yea high -- oh, yeah, it is fun where I work.
My favorite so far is Larry flinging himself in a chair and saying he’s doomed. I mean, this is the second time that Mark made Larry do a hoarder’s clean out. The previous time, it looked like we were being evicted. It’s also the time that Larry demanded that I throw out all the old draft files that I kept. He does not remember that and now wants them back and the world will end if he does not have them. This time, it just looked like they were taking a trip to the dump instead of to the warehouse (aka Larry’s house). It should be fun to see the fall out from this clean out.
I tried to tell Mark to back off because Larry was yelling at me. But he yelled at me too. In a nice way. He was venting. He was not mad at me, although one could get that impression. But I am secretly doing my cheerleading dance. At least all the excess paper got moved offsite and it looks minimalist for a change. Larry is not so happy. He had to part with his 700 magazines and all of his broken trophies (i.e. lamps, radios, anything that once used electricity that he paid money for therefore cannot part with). I told Mark that Larry was going to start looking for a new Admin. Pretty soon. He looked at me and said: He can’t fire you, you’re the only one who knows where everything is. That was sweet. Not true, but sweet.
So the next thing on the pink slip gravy train is that I told him that I somehow managed to screw up the Quickbooks because I was not trained in it. He needs to either hires a decent bookkeeper or put up with the mess I make. Either that or it will be a good excuse to retire. This should be a whole new level of fun. On top of that, I got a backbone and demanded that he do standardized billing and showed him what set pricing for specific tasks looks like. Maybe he will see the wisdom in doing this. Maybe not.
Sorry this is so long, but there was a lot to tell in the Twilight Zone that I live in. It is quite convoluted, so ask the questions that will bring it into clarity for you. Sometimes I assume that people know what is going on in my head which is another level of scary for all participants.
So that’s all.
March 16, 2016 at 12:07am
March 16, 2016 at 12:07am
Prompt: Have you ever read a book and the setting was a town you lived by or a town or city you have been to? Was the author from the town near you?

Faith Sullivan wrote a story called THE CAPE ANN. This story was set in a town that I grew up in. Even though the names of the towns and people were changed, we all knew exactly what and who she was talking about. The little boy named LeRoy is based on my dad. Ms. Sullivan actually spent a few years in the town when she was little. And she kept the layout of everything just the way she remembered. Not to mention it is a dang good story. You will like it.
March 11, 2016 at 9:58pm
March 11, 2016 at 9:58pm
Creation Saturday!

Your blog is going to be adapted into a movie or musical. Who would play the main characters, what would the plot consist of (would you base it around a specific entry, or a general theme), and what would the theme song be?

I remember this old Brit sitcom called Keeping up Appearances. In that show, there is an underlying theme of nothing works out or throw a tablecloth on it to cover up the dings and dangs.

I'm the American version of that. My character would be Shelly Long. The hubby can be George Clooney. Let me sit with that a minute.

So a theme song? Dream on by the Oak Ridge Boys, maybe just the instrumental version of it. Come to think of it, that would be a good title for the show.

Excuse me a minute, I keep drifting back to my male lead. Never mind. This may take awhile. Go back to what you were doing. Later,
March 10, 2016 at 10:03pm
March 10, 2016 at 10:03pm
Are you good at any particular sport? Care to share a memory of your own with us? Or are you pretty not great at sports, and have a funny story about that?

I am not good at sports. I do try, it's just not in my skill set. This story hails from 1988. I was pregnant with my first baby. The family decided to get together for Labor Day weekend for whatever reason and the sport of choice was bowling. Everyone knew how to do that, or so we thought. I don't think any of us broke 140. I know I did not even break 100. My favorite exclamation was "I'm lopsided, I can't throw straight." Or "Every time I throw, I'm off balance." My sister, God rest her soul, had the wherewithal to buy trophies. Mine was a tea towel that said "Best excuse". Yea, me?
March 10, 2016 at 3:06pm
March 10, 2016 at 3:06pm
Do not read if you are easily offended. And no, I am not particularly interested in opposite viewpoints, mainly because they are usually bogus mainstream political hacks and media whores.

"Any democratic political candidate will be the end of society as we know it."

Why? Example: the Hillary does not mean to lie, she just does. People end up dead around her. Under her, you will see Sharia Law and punishment. It will not be pretty. i will not wear a burka so I think that means i will be publicly stoned or beheaded. Look it up. You cannot modify Sharia law. It is what it is.

Why? Example: the Bernie wants to take us back to 20th century Russia where everybody thought communism was such a good idea.

Why? Example: The Franken and the Klobuchar vote party lines whether their heart is in it or not.

Why? Example: the Obama is an abomination of anything truthful, just or good.


You don't have to agree, but when you take the blinders off and you see where we are now compared to where we were, you end up scratching your head and asking: Why didn't i see this coming? A: You did see it coming, but they promised you free ice cream and you wanted the freebie and not the accountability.

Every nation that was ever under communism lasts about 100 years. 50 years to be brought to their knees, 50 years to figure it out and one or two years to say enough and over throw the idiots who did it in the first place.

My only prayer is that Christ will come again soon or that I don't have to live through the horror.

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