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Rated: 13+ · Book · Nonsense · #2050715
Thoughts and takes on the way life presents....
Thoughts and takes on the way life presents....
February 28, 2016 at 11:46am
February 28, 2016 at 11:46am
I used to leave all the funeral and going through the stuff to someone else for a reason.
Being responsible for someone else's last wishes is so weird.
Forgiving and asking forgiveness from a memory is so weird.
I have known Brian for 30 years and he was so absolutely private that he died with no one knowing how serious his medical condition was.
He was so eager to please, he would do whatever was requested of him rather than say otherwise. If he said he retired, he might not have gotten sick and might not have died.
The lesson I learned from all this is: speak up for what is best for you (or your spouse).
Be a blessing, not a curse, to those around you.

February 26, 2016 at 11:20pm
February 26, 2016 at 11:20pm
When my oldest daughter moved out, the house was quieter, but not empty.
When my second daughter moved out, the house was peaceful, but not empty.
Our roomer died yesterday and we found him this morning. The permanency and finality that has descended on our house -- now it feels empty.
Do houses mourn the loss of their caregivers? It sure does feel like it.
There is not only a sense of emptiness, but that it is somehow wrong to go through his things.
I'm glad I was not home when the police and coroner showed up. Tom said the lady copy approached the house with hand on gun, telling him to stand back, etc. I told my husband she did not know what she was walking into, so cut her some slack.
It will take a while to find the new normal.
February 22, 2016 at 4:51pm
February 22, 2016 at 4:51pm
Prompt: What has surprised you the most about your life or life in general?

I'm sure this goes further than "You like me. You really like me!"

So when I look back, I am amazed at how absolutely, undeniably obtuse I have been. And maybe even a little mean.

I am reminded of a Star Trek episode where there were a million Voyagers at one particular point in time. And every other one was missing because that's where they didn't make it through whatever trial they faced.

I can think of at least half a dozen places where I could have got taken out of the picture, when I could have been nicer to somebody, where I could have said yes instead of no, it is one gigantic IF/THEN musical that could produce a million different scenarios based on each version of that what if.

My life could be so different if I hadn't found eBay, if I had been pickier in the jobs I chose to take, if I had not obligated myself financially to so much stupid stuff, if I had been more careful or more thoughtful in the choices I made.

It's a good thing we can't go back because I would. Putting aside the choices and people aside, and the impact I have made on people and they on me, I still want to go back and not say those hurtful things. That's the surprise. I don't want to change the people or actions, just not say the words that hurt.
February 17, 2016 at 7:07pm
February 17, 2016 at 7:07pm
A friend of mine lost her husband recently. I kept saying I would go to his funeral, but it wasn’t a funeral. It was a celebration of life. He was only 28 when he exited Planet Earth. They found him collapsed in a snowbank, maybe massive heart attack, maybe something else, we just know he blessed the hearts and lives of those he came in contact with for 10,353 days.

Ben had this way about him that he lived his life with no regret and refusing to say the word die/death. Everything was “eternal(ly)” or “where’s the party?” And no, he was not shallow. He was Christian and just enjoyed life to its fullest (every last bit of it) and wanted you to have that same joy.

I could learn something from that.
February 5, 2016 at 12:26pm
February 5, 2016 at 12:26pm
And the prompt is: I found this random fact "95% of people text things they could never say in person."
I don't buy into this, what about you? Do you text things you could never say in person? Or do you send them a letter or an email? Or call them on the phone? How do you handle? awkward conversations. Don't forget it is super Friday and the fee for the day is 5000gps.

Numbers don't lie. I believe it. Why, because my generation invented the dive bomb. I myself am guilty of putting it in writing and then regretting it ten seconds after it went out. (That was back in the snail mail days)

Now that text messages are admissible in court, people are saving texts to use against someone in some way, shape or form. Plus, with the advent of Facebook and twitter, the public text attacks are also on the rise. I use the word attack intentionally because I do not think you need a shield or distance to tell someone how much they mean to you or how much you love them.

So if you define texting as any kind of messaging, the number really is 95%. I mean, I tell my brother on Facebook to quit being stupid. Would I say that to his face? Hell, no!

Writing it down does make you feel better. Just don't send it.
February 1, 2016 at 10:44pm
February 1, 2016 at 10:44pm
It's Groundhog Day
It's a North American tradition; A celebration of winter; It's about the weather, and a yearning for spring; It's science; It's a bunch of hoo ha!

What's your take on Groundhog Day, and the weather in general?

They say that, "Everyone talks about the weather, but nobody ever does anything about it."

What little secrets or inventions do you have to help you cope with inclement weather?

Don't have anything? - Make it up!

I don't understand the question. Weather is weather. If the meterologists don't get it, they make up a bunch of gibberish about global warming and call it science. I call it stupid. Now if they said global climatic change, that is scientific and provable.

As for me, I live in Minnesota. If I want to predict the weather, I pay attention to what's going on in SD and that's what will hit my state in some form of the original a day or two later.

Coping with inclement weather is as easy as having a survival kit. One for each season. You have been on this earth long enough to know what you can and cannot live without for even one day. Your survival kit should last two days and have your go to things in it. Simple.

Because I know what to do, I don't have to listen to the talking heads on the news, you know the ones that have the pretty face, but the can't get it right to save their life. And don't get me started on that idiot Puxatawny Phil or whatever his name is. The idiot talking heads, shine lights on him and yank him out of his cave and expect accurate results. Watch one state west and you will probably get what they get one day later. Florida, the west coast and Hawaii, you have to figure it out.

I sound kind of cranky. I need to go take a nap.

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