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Rated: 13+ · Book · Nonsense · #2050715
Thoughts and takes on the way life presents....
Thoughts and takes on the way life presents....
November 23, 2016 at 7:05pm
November 23, 2016 at 7:05pm
Prompt: What was your best Thanksgiving? What was your worst Thanksgiving?

As I think about this, I quickly ran through the Thanksgivings over the years and trying to find the best and worst. It is not easy. I am too content or too boring, depending on your point of view. But as always, two rise to the top.

I can't tack down the best to just one. I remember the Thanksgivings of my childhood and the best ones were with my mom's folks. When we were little, we got to sit on grandpa's lap and get whisker rubs. My mom had four girls like he did, and he liked to sit us on his lap, give us a whisker rub and then laugh as we ran squealing. Those were so much fun.

The worst stands out solitary. It was the year my 16-month-old nephew died. We lost him in August and the pain of the loss was so near the surface for Thanksgiving that year. I don't want anyone to know that kind of pain.
November 22, 2016 at 11:40am
November 22, 2016 at 11:40am
Prompt: Can you find a positive meaning in a negative situation or even in a word, such as revenge, mayhem, pain, etc.? Come up with your own examples, if you wish.

I have taken a number of communication courses from Landmark Education and I know that the formula and technology works. I also know that chaos precedes transformation. In order to get to a goal, you have to rid your mind of the status quo and business as usual, and humans do not like to give up the familiar for anything that is bigger than we are. Anytime you want something massive, you have to be willing to walk through fire to get to the other side and achieve your transformation. But it is so worth the effort, the chaos, whatever it takes to shed off the shackles to get you lifted up to the next level.

I also know that language creates the world we live in. If our situation is negative, it is only because we have declared it to be so. Granted there are some people who really are in wicked evil situations, I am not talking about that. I am talking about the situations that are self inflicted.
November 16, 2016 at 11:07pm
November 16, 2016 at 11:07pm
Unicorns. They're special and unique and fun and whatnot. But what are they, really? What do they eat? Where do they live, and where do they sleep? What do they do when they're not out unicorning or whatever it is they do? And what's the proper name for a baby unicorn? Please write the Wikipedia entry on unicorns from your unique, special blogging unicorn perspective.

I know nothing about unicorns, but I would like to borrow one and ram it horn end first up a certain body oriface of a dimwit mortgage lender who has my life and financial future dangling by tether string off his pen finger.

Why should that mental picture make me feel better. I don't know, it just does.

Uh,oh, Dear God, forgive me and feed the starving children. I should be nicer to the stupid people of the world.
November 13, 2016 at 4:04pm
November 13, 2016 at 4:04pm
November 10 prompt
Pick a quote from one of your favorite movies and tell us how you relate to it.

“My good opinion once lost is lost forever.”
― Mr.D'Arcy in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice

We are not talking about first impressions. We are talking about established relationships where the trust and the love/affinity is present one moment and then lost the next.

Even if I clean up the conversation, there is always that little burr under the saddle that makes it a rough ride to normal. It's not anything I am proud of, it just is. I don't know of very many people who can rewind the clock. If there is no trust to be lost, the relationship can build and grow after the mess is cleaned up, but dang, once the trust / good opinion is lost, I really do believe that one should put a period on that chapter and write the next one. Whatever was missing in that relationship where the trust was not there in strong enough measure, well, it just should not the time or effort to try to get back. That's not to say you can't start from a clean slate to fix a broken relationship ... but can you do that? Most people don't know how to get to a state of no emotion, and then create the possibility of a fantastic relationship. I do, but even I at some point made the choice to end this because the fixing was not working.

So I guess the real choice is to build the relationship you want from the beginning so that the sorrowful choices never have to be addressed.
November 10, 2016 at 10:48pm
November 10, 2016 at 10:48pm
On this day in 1952, the first video recorder was demonstrated by John Mullin and Wayne Johnson in Beverly Hills, California. How would you explain YouTube to these gentlemen?

Back in the 1920's the powers that be in Hollywood made contracts with Laurel and Hardy that covered inventions that were not yet invented. Laurel and Hardy and their heirs received nothing from DVD, CD, blue ray, etc. They could not conceive of such things. For any innovative invention, I would put that type of language in the contract because the shysters are loose and running amuck.
I don't know that you can explain such a thing because you would first have to define computers and cellphones. You would be tripping in Star Trek country and that was considered whackydoodle back then, too.
November 8, 2016 at 1:43pm
November 8, 2016 at 1:43pm
Cancer shows no mercy and its timing sucks. My boss has pancreatic cancer and looks like the walking dead in those old holocaust pictures. Get your affairs in order when you think about it ... don't wait for a convenient time, because shit happens. Right now I am knee deep in muck and life is coming at me like a mack truck at 80 mph. It's so scary to feel so helpless and unsure. He did not prepare at all for this and would not listen to me when I wanted to go things straightened out. such a shame. Now everything is dependent on someone who can barely hold his head up. Such a crazy useless waste of effort to be so secretive that no one can help you when you need it.
November 8, 2016 at 10:48am
November 8, 2016 at 10:48am
Well, the presidential election is today in the United States...one of the most polarizing and controversial elections in recent history. As an American citizen, how concerned are you about the outcome of this election? And for our global friends, what does this mean for you and your nation?

The only concern I have is that the election machines are rigged. My precinct sticks with the paper ballots with pen and paper voting. So I think our precinct will report results correctly. The machines and punch out one can be rigged. Just a fact of life. A guy went before congress and told how it could be done. so pen and paper is the only one I will believe. The others can be rigged. Deal with the facts, Jack

The consequences of course will be huge. If Hillary gets in, we can count on an ISIS type nominee for Supreme Court. If Hillary gets in, hopefully law enforcement will develop a backbone and try her for treason.

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