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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/blog/cheri55422/month/11-1-2015
Rated: 13+ · Book · Nonsense · #2050715
Thoughts and takes on the way life presents....
Thoughts and takes on the way life presents....
November 21, 2015 at 9:12am
November 21, 2015 at 9:12am
Prompt: When you were a kid, did you want to have the same job or a different job than your parents when you grew up?

My mother was a secretary in a school until they found out she could get blood out of a turnip. That's when they made her the bookkeeper. She was smart. She managed the books so that no one could do her job. When it came close to retirement, she undid all her tricks and put it all back to GAAP.

My father worked the farm and had a second job working in a meat packing plant. When that job moved to a different state, he found a job working in a hardware store for my uncle.

I did not want to do any of those jobs, but you do what you have to do to feed the family and put a roof over the heads. I went to school to be a paralegal and soon found out that I was not capable. I don't know where the disconnect came in, I just was not making it in that field. I tried going back to school to be a court reporter and that was a mess as well. Eventually, I landed a job doing billing for a lawyer. I was quite good at it. I was eventually promoted to secretarial for him. So now I am my mom, instead of being the school bookkeeper/secretary, I am the Legal Admin/biller for a law firm. And I am happy. Truly happy. I am working in the law, I have a unique skill set, and my work is appreciated. Still don't like the billing part of the job, but it must be done. And I am good at it. (Should I mention that people do a double take when I walk in the room because they think they are seeing my mom walk in?)

p.s. I even learned the value of putting tricks in place to make you indispensable, too. Thanks, Mom.
November 20, 2015 at 7:38am
November 20, 2015 at 7:38am
There's been a lot of name calling on this sight for simple differences of opinion. I am going to make myself scarce for a while. I do not appreciate being called a racist just for being white and just for being a Christian. Maybe the owners of this site will take down the offensive comments, but I doubt it. Maybe things will improve with time and distance. I just hate paying for something and not getting full value. If I could go back to a basic membership, I would. Believe me I would
November 13, 2015 at 10:21pm
November 13, 2015 at 10:21pm
Prompt: Who do you trust most in this world?

Who do I trust? Who do I trust? Who DO I trust?
Should I say my sister Vicki because she is count-onable, my confidante, the best secret keeper in the world?
Should I say the hubby who picked me, who stands by me no matter what shenanigans I pull, who thinks I am quite adorable?

Flip a coin.

I should really make these longer, but I don't think long necessarily means best or good. I am like those little old ladies, in the head, out the mouth and walk or run away if it backfires.
November 10, 2015 at 10:24pm
November 10, 2015 at 10:24pm
Do you need to step away from an area of your life? Like a bad situation or spending too much time at doing something?

What do i need to step away from? Facebook.
That's right. I get worked up into a lather about trivial things.
I waste too much time on games that do not forward my goals.
I can't remember what I did and they don't let me save the things that I think are important.
I make innocent comments and some rube comes along and insults me. Now, they would not do that in real life, why do they do it on a website? It hurts about the same, so why would they intentionally insult somebody like that?

I could go on and on, but you get the point.

November 2, 2015 at 10:16pm
November 2, 2015 at 10:16pm
"How much would not having internet access for an extended period of time impact your life?"

Me personally? Not much impact. I would still find a way to communicate, it would just take longer. I did go without internet for a week in August. I liked it. Now going without computer would be an irritant, but I could live without it. Going without electricity would be a trip back to infancy where I would have to relearn everything.

Now in my business life, that is a different story. I start cussing up, down and sideways if the computer crashes, if the network goes down, if life is interrupted for even one second.
November 1, 2015 at 9:21am
November 1, 2015 at 9:21am

If you can't help, at least lend some sympathetic support.

Tom is trying to button his shirt and Ms. Sophie is on board his wheelchair giving him a hug because her paws do not work to assist with the buttoning project.

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