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Rated: E · Book · Experience · #2050107
A Journal to impart knowledge and facts
July 22, 2015

I'm going to start today to record on a daily basis whatever happens to strike my fancy. So, it is a very cool breezy day. I just posted 5 short book reviews to The Monthly Reading Challenge. I'm suppose to put away some winter wood today from the woodpile outside but I'm playing hookey from work to write so starting this blog will get done.

I'm having a daily fight with a flock of English Sparrows that are trying to take over my barn. They are making a terrible mess so they have to go. I have destroyed several nests so far they don't leave but they get out of the barn when I am around. I'm just starting the fight so I guess I don't know how far I have to go to discourage them.

I'm trying not to spread myself to thin on WDC because I find so many things that are interesting here and I am trying to work on a new story. I really enjoy sitting at my desk with a cup of tea and reading blogs on WDC.

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March 31, 2023 at 12:02pm
March 31, 2023 at 12:02pm
Prompt: Use these random words: first, intervention, important, fare, action, swap, brilliance, and mountain.

BCOF Insignia Fairy playing a flute*Wave*

First: Make sure it is important before you get involved in an intervention

Fare can be a noun or a verb: If it is a noun, it is a range of form or money paid for passage by taxi, airplane, bus, donkey cart or other vehicle movement that is faster than walking.

If it is a verb it pertains to a specific action such as how someone or something fares when traveling or in decisions of life.

I'm about to watch a documentary about where is Mt. Sinai. Since I recently read in my Bible that Moses said God, who released the Hebrews from Egypt, came from the wilderness of the foothills of Mt Sinai my curiosity was aroused. I'm always curious about the who, what, why, where and all information I can find about any subject I'm reading about. So, the Sinai Mountain so prevalent in scripture makes me wonder how high it is, where is it, what relevance does it have today and other etc. type info. Also in the news recently a delegation was sent to Mt. Sinai, so I want to know more. about it, The mountain and the delegation.

I'm about to swap brilliance for action since my computer keeps dumping my present actions relating to this prompt. I'm going to post this if I am able to complete the action and leave the internet for the rest of the day to preserve sanity.

Merit Badge in Courage
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Congratulations on an honorable mention in WDC Scavenger Hunt 2011! Attached is your GP prize. Thank you for your participation. *^*Smile*^*

Wishing you all the best in future endeavors!
March 29, 2023 at 11:46am
March 29, 2023 at 11:46am

Prompt: “Knowledge is only one half. Faith is the other.” ― Novalis
Use this quote to inspire your blog entry.

BCOF Insignia signature dancing owl

The quote is interesting: If I compare the two, I will have to say in my life Knowledge depends on Faith. Without Faith, knowledge does not have a proper direction or use. Knowledge can lead people astray without faith.

Faith shows us all kinds of things about ourselves, and knowledge gives us the proper direction for emotion, and self-preservation. Faith links us to a creator, knowledge shows us the ways to utilize the creation.

Merit Badge in Point of View
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Happy Birthday! Belatedly. I like your point of view *^*Bigsmile*^* ~Adrienne
March 29, 2023 at 11:22am
March 29, 2023 at 11:22am
Blog City:

Prompt: March is March Madness Month. Besides Basketball, what else is mad about March?

BCOF Insignia signature dancing owl

Here where I live, March means every kind of weather. On any particular day you can have high winds, rain, snow, ice, thunder, lightning, sunshine, or any other type of weather you can imagine. All or just a few of these listed can occur on the same day. One day sunshine so warm it melts snow and ice, totally gone. The next day a blizzard so bad you lock up the garage and stay off the drifted roads. The next day rain and floods.

It is like the month is fighting a losing battle with spring. Different seasons are waving goodbye to us before Spring and Summer move in and take control.

Forget the woodchuck it does not have a clue what season is going to show up in March.
March 27, 2023 at 12:40pm
March 27, 2023 at 12:40pm

BCOF Insignia Owl with signature

Prompt: Write about a Happy Monday.

Today is a happy Monday. Some time Saturday, between 3 and 4 p.m. our electricity went away. There was a serious storm raging outside. It consisted of strong winds, rain, thunder and somewhere lightning. We did not get hit with lightning, just some thunder. The storm lasted into the night.

Our corn stoves run a fan which is necessary to the way they burn. Of course, that means no heat, no Wi-Fi, and mint was not on my phone. I still had my kindles, some of my games run without Wi-Fi. and time, lights and games on my phone were running because I have back up chargers that run on solar. Flashlights that run on solar and some battery driven lights in my bedroom were amply available.

The house never got too cold. Maybe into the 40's. It is pretty well insulated which creates dead airspace. As long as you can keep out the drafts you can stay warm enough.

The electricity came back on Sunday morning by 9 a.m. I think. It is interesting how quiet the house is when we lose power. It does not happen often.

This morning routines were back to normal. I can use the internet and do the laundry. Ho Hum.

March is almost gone.

Spring is sprung,

and life goes on.

Merit Badge in Fancy
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To a very deserving,fancy member of the WDC community.

March 27, 2023 at 12:14pm
March 27, 2023 at 12:14pm
Blog City:

BCOF Insignia owl for signature use

Prompt: Your childhood toys
Remember your childhood. Which toys impressed you the most and which ones you've destroyed willingly or by accident?

I'm elderly, all my childhood toys are gone. However, I started collecting a Tommy toy train set several years ago.

When my daughter was young, I sewed Cabbage Patch dolls for her and still have a couple of those around.

Plus, I like to fly kites, so I have some of those around.

My grandfather on my mother's side built me a cupboard which I still have and use it for storage. I used to have a doll bed but, someone took it and left my cousins here in its' place. At least I think the one that is here now belonged to Kathy. The doll bed was also built by a grandfather.

I crocheted an Amish Granny Bunny pattern. And other stuffed toys I collected on my own are still here. did you know cats and dogs like to sleep with stuffed animals?

If I get another toy, it will be more of the train set collection. Or a drone.

Toys are fun.
March 24, 2023 at 12:04pm
March 24, 2023 at 12:04pm

BCOF Insignia signature dancing owl

What does freedom look like? Taste like? Smell like? Sound like? Feel Like? Have fun!

Freedom Looks like the stimulus checks that helped us get through during covid--tastes like the ability to decide what I want to buy at the grocery store--smells like fresh cut lawn in the summer when everyone mows their grass--sounds like the grader fixing the dirt road that runs near our house and the bark of my rescue dog when he sees a squirrel in the tree out back--feels real to me when I read the problems other people in the world may be having. Let's face it, people are dying that should be waking up to plant gardens, clean houses, and enjoy the growth of their children. Recently, saw an ad for the elderly to join the army. Wondered what I would have as a job if I joined.

Spring is alive with birds and green grass and green showing in the woods out back. Stay safe.

As for missing Wi-Fi. I sometimes have problems with it when it rains. We have Hughes net with a dish. It is pretty steady but, sometimes it is slow, or the computer does a glitch. Sometimes my browser drops whatever website I'm working in. I have had the computer freeze before I'm finished with a blog or finished paying bills in the bank or finished with whatever. Recently, the bank refused to let me in until I changed something in the browser. It took me two days to figure out I needed to look in Bing and change the pop-up situation. Two days of getting other things done so I could think straight enough to find the problematic situation. Only a few minutes to fix it.

I don't spend all day online. So, when I can get time to sit and write or do business, I want it available now. I can be very impatient with tech glitches of any type. I'm the one in the household who has to find the fix.

Also having problems with my phone. Been on Mint since late 2021. Before it changed owners. Never had trouble with it until November 2022. Now it drops me all the time and I cannot make calls only texts. Spent several hours in a chat with Mint technical, which they are blaming T-Mobile towers for the problem. After several changes to a different tower and new apn in my phone I still have the same problem. Bothers me that I might not be able to call out when K is not here if I need help. Not only that situation it also bothers me that Mint is recommended with T-Mobile for the elderly on an elderly website, because it has a great price on their plans. K says T-Mobile is overextended on their towers because of the influx of customers. I'm not sure I believe it, maybe paranoia.

Nevertheless, I'll probably hang on for awhile, until the right solution shows its' face.

Bye for Now.

March 22, 2023 at 3:16pm
March 22, 2023 at 3:16pm

BCOF Insignia This book is a Hoot!

Words for today: Live, Laugh, Love, yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

Live from my desk to you. *Laugh* Yesterday a day to bring laughter and love. It was sunshiny all day and melted all the snow.

Today, it is overcast and threatening rain all day. Has not rained yet.

Tomorrow, I have not checked the forecast for tomorrow. News at one o'clock said lots of rain expected in the far west of USA and deep southern states. I wonder why they did not say what we are going to see weather wise?

In any event Spring birds have been here for several weeks. Odd to hear spring bird song in the mornings, when I put out feed in the bird feeder, in the middle of a blizzard, which we had two heavy snow days over the weekend.

Now, hoping Spring stays sprung. Have a great day no matter the weather.
March 21, 2023 at 10:30am
March 21, 2023 at 10:30am
BCOF Insignia signature dancing owl

March 20,2023:

Prompt: Try the “stream of consciousness” writing and tell us what you see when you're looking out of a window, any window closest to you at the moment.

At my desk sunshine is streaming through a window onto the desk. One of my cats is sleeping in the broad place where the sunshine is hitting. Behind the cat is the scenery.

Farm equipment is covered in tarpaulins,

The sunshine has melted a lot of the snow. Most of the ground is green where grass grows. Patchy places of snow still hang on where trees shade the wet turf. Even the trees without leaves have a shading presence.

The bird feeder is bare because in the night the deer have come and licked it clean. It is slightly wobbly because the deer stretch their necks up into the feeder to get all the last bits of seed. It stretches the wires that stabilize the feeder, so the feeder is always a little bit off balance. I tighten the wires occasionally, but the deer come back again, so it continues to be a little loose on the pole.

Out the window extending behind the yard is the hay field and the woods. Birds fly in and out of the apple tree all day that I can see from the window. It is the tree closest to the bird feeder. Birds will continue to check the feeder from the apple tree all day to see if I have put more seed into the feeder.

The driveway is close to the house. You can see the deeply rutted mud tracks made by the car. The weather this year did not really ever freeze the ground, so the tracks are pressed into the driveway by the weight of the automobile, when it goes into and out of the garage.

Prompt: Travel--
Share with us a real or imaginary travel story. Who is with you and who or what do you meet on the trip that is extraordinary? Was there a difficult moment and at the end, what advice would you give to other travelers?

It isn't often we travel anywhere. One day feeling adventurous we went looking for bike or hike trails.
I suggested we try Oil country. So, off we went in our Jeep to oil country. Traveling Route 8 toward Titusville we passed through some small towns. Most of the road travels through farmland with some villages along the way. Entering Titusville is different than it use to be. There is a new Walmart and a Tractor Supply. You pass the Veterinarian office close to the same area.

The biggest attraction is the Oil Creek Railway. Passage on the railway takes you around oil creek park with views of fishermen casting rods on the creek, good views of deer, birds and other wildlife, and stops at the museum where it picks up bikers and their bicycles who rode out of town and around the many trails offered by the park.

There are sites where old oil wells have been abandoned but the ancient oil producing machinery still stands. The trails to walk or ride bikes on are quite extensive and well kept. Besides taking a ride on the railway, we walked up a trail for a while, and visited. a picnic area.

One time K and I took the tour on the Oil creek railway which is really a very relaxing afternoon train ride.

Another time we took one of my granddaughters; on that particular trip we visited the museum and walked some trails and visited a park that had camping facilities and picnic tables. You really have to have some travel maps of the area in order to find all the sites that are interesting.

The historical visuals at Oil Creek are worth seeing. It makes you wonder about the people who discovered oil there, and then they went to the far east to discover oil in other parts of the world. The Oil Creek Railroad offers overnight stays in a train car motel. Someday I'll go back to ride the train again. At some part of November or December they offer a mystery train. A group of people put on a mystery performance. The passengers get to try and solve the mystery. A nice way to become an amateur sleuth.


March 9, 2023 at 8:44am
March 9, 2023 at 8:44am
For Blog City: Write about the Bluebird of Happiness.

BCOF Insignia

owl for signature use

Bluebirds have been a symbol of happiness for years uncountable. The Bluebird of Happiness Day in the USA is September 24, 2023.

One of the first mentions of Bluebirds as a symbol occurred in China. Some Chinese thought the blue bird was immortal and a symbol of the sun.

In reality, the small blue bird with the orange chest (the Eastern Blue Bird) has a lovely song, is devoted to its family, and exhibits beautiful colors. They are welcome in gardens, because they eat insects and plant destroying bugs of many kinds. Like many birds their numbers are diminishing in parts of the world.

A phrase, Bluebird Days depicts a sunny day following a storm.

A 1934 musical recording, The Bluebird of Happiness became an international hit in 1945.

In 1908 Maurice Maeterlinck published a play "The Bluebird" which became an opera, numerous different movies, as well as a novel written for children.

New York's bird symbol is the Eastern Bluebird. More than one state uses a blue bird as a symbol.

Robert Frost wrote a children's poem "The Last Word of a Bluebird" https://rainydaypoems.com/poems-for-kids/nature-poems/the-last-word-of-a-bluebir...

Birds of all kinds are symbols. Isaiah 40:31 and Job 12:7 are two examples.

Hope your days are Bluebird Days.

March 8, 2023 at 2:43pm
March 8, 2023 at 2:43pm
Weeds or Yummy vegetables?
BCOF Insignia

signature dancing owl

While other people are trying to find ways to get rid of weeds in their yards, I'm trying to find ways to save my weeds and still mow the grass.

Dandelions are very eatable. There are yummy recipes online that tell you what parts and when to harvest the parts for the best eating. I used to give them as treats to my horses and still give them as treats to my parrots.

Milkweeds are a special need to Monarch Butterflies. One of the reasons the Monarchs are down in numbers is the difficulty in finding enough Milkweed to sustain their numbers. It is also used in the production of water safety equipment and the plant itself is medicinal if used properly, but it can alsos be poisonous.

We have a natural pond on our property where I can find mint growing in wild bunches. Mint is used medicinally and is also just good flavoring in salads and summer drinks. I like a leaf in my tea.

Lambs' quarters is a good salad fix and considered a weed. Lavendar grows wild in some places. Lavendar has so many uses.

My point today is, until I started looking at these plants and looking up these plants, I was not aware of the many uses they have. During WWII many plants we consider weeds made it to the family table because food was scarce. Because they grow wild does not make them contemptable. They are in hiding until you find the reason to make them a part of life.

Merit Badge in Every Moment Matters
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Happy 21 Birthday Site Week. Thanks for all you do. Love: Megan

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