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Rated: E · Book · Experience · #2050107
A Journal to impart knowledge and facts
July 22, 2015

I'm going to start today to record on a daily basis whatever happens to strike my fancy. So, it is a very cool breezy day. I just posted 5 short book reviews to The Monthly Reading Challenge. I'm suppose to put away some winter wood today from the woodpile outside but I'm playing hookey from work to write so starting this blog will get done.

I'm having a daily fight with a flock of English Sparrows that are trying to take over my barn. They are making a terrible mess so they have to go. I have destroyed several nests so far they don't leave but they get out of the barn when I am around. I'm just starting the fight so I guess I don't know how far I have to go to discourage them.

I'm trying not to spread myself to thin on WDC because I find so many things that are interesting here and I am trying to work on a new story. I really enjoy sitting at my desk with a cup of tea and reading blogs on WDC.

January 4, 2023 at 2:21pm
January 4, 2023 at 2:21pm
For Andre the Blog Monkey's Banana Bar


Manx Cat from Japan

Category 3:
If you were a monkey would you be offended by being linked with more monkeys and a barrel as always causing chaos. If you lie and say you don't cause it? Prove it?

I'm not sure about the monkey part of this. I searched what I really know about monkeys then looked for some facts on the web.

Monkeys are known for their chaos forming ways in many cities on the earth. Monkeys who leave their natural habitat to forage for food in human environments are known to develop blood diseases and hypertension. They also attack houses in groups. If people do not remove them from a house they can attack the residents, break furniture and dishes and generally trash the place. There are statistics on the web about how many people are bitten or killed by monkey attacks each year.

Surely, monkeys are offended by the fact that humans have taken over the monkey's natural environment. They can no longer stay in the jungle which humans have trashed to build new houses and cleared to grow crops. So, they attack homes and gardens and crops. It's a united effort to express themselves. Monkey rage and creating chaos is their natural way to tell the truth.

Have I ever caused chaos? Yes. In the 1980's I spent some time in a library researching truth. I had been reading about truth in the Bible. My family has always been discussed with me for being so blatantly truthful. It is in my nature to tell what I know, when asked.

After my research I always decided to tell the truth if I know what it is. So, my nature is still intact. I'm not necessarily popular. It helps to know when and how much truth to let fly.

Some people lie to protect themselves; some people lie to hurt other people or cover up other lies.

In the New Testament truth is one of the weapons of the spirit. It is often if not always met with anger and resentment. However, it also clears the air in conversation. The after affects are generally the same as slaying a blood enemy. The death caused by telling the truth is the death of a well-established lie. When the lie dies the effect of giving pain to someone also dies. You can breathe easily knowing all the lies cannot hold anyone prisoner anymore. You are breathing clean air. Old lies are hard to pierce even with truth. Sometimes it takes just living to prove the difference between truth and lies.

The argument is always should you always tell the truth? Circumstances will have to be the give and take. Real truth will win freedom every time. Real truth never fails to make a change for the better. For a while you can't always see the results.

Telling the truth can cause chaos. Does chaos come just before a major change?

word count: 495
January 4, 2023 at 1:14pm
January 4, 2023 at 1:14pm
For Andre the Blog Monkey's banana bar:


Manx Cat from Japan

Category 2: What are You doing to save the environment from overuse, pollution, or affecting the climate?
Over the years this has become an idea that we focus on more in a serious way. I took pre-environmental biology in college and some bio-geography courses. All had different focus on things that need to be done to aid the health of the earth.

We changed to using corn as our main source of heat. Corn is a renewable resource. For many years we burned wood. Corn can be grown as a renewable quicker than a tree. It is also easier to grow in a controlled environment than trees. It is easier to harvest than trees and creates less air pollution.

In order to combat the plastic problem, I switched to Earth Breeze Detergent. It is detergent with the water element removed. It comes in a paper folder which can be recycled. The sheets of detergent can be cut up with scissors depending on how much detergent you use per load.

At Christmas, Earth Breeze also ran a campaign for dishwasher detergent which is a small cube. I have eliminated the plastic bottles in which I once bought these types of soaps. Earth Breeze is a dependable cleanser. Plus, it is now delivered through the mail.

For many years I have been using a manufactured Christmas Tree to decorate my home. It is reusable year after year. Mine is close to 40 or some years old. A teacher once told me it takes 70 mature trees to make enough oxygen for one person to breathe. Lack of oxygen can cause you to think irrationally. Planting trees is easier than cutting them down and adds to the planet's health.

At one time we had recycling for our local township. We could take the recycles to the township building as we accumulated it. Now, that is no longer true. Recently, a new alternative to how we recycle has been made available so, we are soon going to be able to recycle again.

At one time in the 1970's there was a dairy farmer who had a setup on his farm to sell milk in plastic one-quart bags. It was shut down some time ago. I wish it was still up and running because the milk bottles we accumulate are more difficult to recycle than the bags were.

The Avatar movie we saw ended with a reference to Albert Einstein's quote: "Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be changed from one form into another."

I wrote some articles for Journalistic Intentions about recycling plastic from the Oceans of the Earth. It has become a dire situation affecting water, sea, and land creatures in Oceans, rivers and streams.
Recycled plastic can be turned into 2 by 4's, furniture, insulation, and many other useable products. It is a beginning to a new way of building and living in simpler energy efficient way.

Recycling is an energy renewable project. We should all be involved in it.

Word Count: 509

January 4, 2023 at 11:25am
January 4, 2023 at 11:25am
For Andre the Blog Monkeys' banana bar.:


Manx Cat from Japan

Category 1: If cars were banned would you ride a horse or a bike or something else?

Specifically, this says cars. I would have a multitude of ways to get around. I live in a rural place. The nearest shopping is five miles away. That takes about 10 to 20 minutes to get to riding a bicycle. Longer to get back, because there is a lot of downhill going to the town, which means a lot of up hills coming back.

There are two other places I can reach for small amounts of supplies. A Dollar General a couple miles south of us. A smaller village 5 miles in another direction with a Family Dollar store. Other places are 10 or 15 miles away which would have proper shopping with Walmart and other grocery stores.

If motor scooters or other small, motorized vehicles are available, I would be able to use a properly licensed ATV. Because I only go to a town to shop for groceries and other supplies at this time, an ATV would be able to carry multiple boxes or bags of supplies. We may have to keep a snow mobile for rare trips in winter. Although so far only one short lived blizzard has hit us this year.

Banning cars? Does this mean we can no longer order online. And will the delivery of supplies stop. I'm able to can and freeze in summer. I used to raise chickens for eggs, turkeys for the freezer. The family had fresh lamb, goat meat, and venison.

A local potato farmer sells potatoes by the 50 lb. bags in the fall. One bag lasts quite a long time for us now. Dairy goats are quite expensive now. If necessary, I could go back to raising our own goats for dairy and meat.

This would also mean continuing to put up hay in summer for our own use. We still do that with gas and fuel driven machinery.

We live near Amish, and they hire drivers, with automobiles, to take them to area grocery stores.

I could keep a horse and buggy. I have the room and know how to train and drive a horse in harness. A quiet buggy horse could also be used as a saddle horse, with saddle bags, to visit the Dollar General and bring home milk and snacks.

People in this area are used to stocking up for bad weather. Who wants to go shopping in a blizzard. At this time, I only leave home about once a month to shop for groceries.

Monday one of my sons took us to a movie in Erie. We saw Avatar: The Way of Water. Then, stopped at Fridays for dinner. I have not been that far from home since 2019. Probably if they ban automobiles I will rarely go very far from home, but it will not be impossible to deal with. Banning cars will probably mean setting up a delivery system to rural people. We have Wi-Fi, television, Kindles for games, movies, news, and other media.

Some people might move to a town or city in order to be nearer to other people.

There are health clinics 5 miles from us in two different directions. Now, with computers there is also the possibility of direct online contact with doctors.

We heat with corn which has to be delivered by the ton. We usually keep a couple ton at a time which keeps us ahead of the weather by several months. Many of the neighbors heat with wood they have to cut or propane, which is delivered in small tank trucks. It means some type of delivery is inevitable or neighbors will move to a town.

We also have back-up quartz heaters. The corn stoves have small fans that can run on solar power. Quartz heaters are also able to run on solar power.

No matter what happens we will find a way to stay where we are. Taking cars away will decrease the travel abilities but, not stop people from moving around as they have need.

Banning cars may mean bus lines or other types of transportation will be enacted. Noone makes quick changes to society around here. Banning cars sounds too much like banning alcohol. That didn't work either.

Word Count: 721

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