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A Journal to impart knowledge and facts |
July 22, 2015 I'm going to start today to record on a daily basis whatever happens to strike my fancy. So, it is a very cool breezy day. I just posted 5 short book reviews to The Monthly Reading Challenge. I'm suppose to put away some winter wood today from the woodpile outside but I'm playing hookey from work to write so starting this blog will get done. I'm having a daily fight with a flock of English Sparrows that are trying to take over my barn. They are making a terrible mess so they have to go. I have destroyed several nests so far they don't leave but they get out of the barn when I am around. I'm just starting the fight so I guess I don't know how far I have to go to discourage them. I'm trying not to spread myself to thin on WDC because I find so many things that are interesting here and I am trying to work on a new story. I really enjoy sitting at my desk with a cup of tea and reading blogs on WDC. |
Andre the Blog Monkey's Banana Bar / Week 4 ![]() ![]() Category 3 prompts: Is there truly a way to keep separate church and state (i.e. religion and government) especially in law/rule making for society? Explain and how would you recommend that be done or not done? CHURCH AND STATE Separation of Church and State came about at the end of the eighteenth century. Implemented in France to guarantee the freedom of the church. As it exists in the USA it is a process of having no official religion,and no religious test for office, now people who hold office are of various belief systems. There is a slight reference to this type of rule in the first amendment. To strengthen the statements in the first amendment a law was passed in 1962 prohibiting group prayer in schools. There are some benefits to this understanding of Separation of Church and State. People can choose their own religion, people can choose religion or not because of their experience and given knowledge, it takes the church out of governing, and puts a distance between politics and religion. No child can be forced to pray in a school system or follow a religion their parents or the child appose. A recent example of the way a church may try to influence government occurred when President Biden took office. He upheld the right to abortion by rolling back some of the previous administrations stops, that were applied by law to abortion. Since President Biden was the second Catholic to be elected as a USA President; some members of the Catholic church opposed his open statements in the favor of legal abortion. This follows the USA policies governing the right to choose. The way churches will have to respond will be to put enough people into the governing body, so votes on laws actually go the way a specific group of people wish to make it happen. It makes voting in elections in order to uphold freedoms a very important part of USA life. If you dive deep into the political history of the USA, you will find that the fight for individual freedoms has always been a part of the country. You really can never be sure the rights of a country are not going to be abolished by a church. Many churches choose to enter politics to try and gain their own ideas of what a society should be like. Many people came to this country to flee church rule in different countries. Catholic and protestant spiritual wars reigned in different places. Muslims and Jewish people have come to the USA in order to run a business or just live a daily life without fear of violence because of their belief systems. Individual rights are important so that if you attend some church, and you don't follow all their rules, you have rights to back up the way you believe and prefer to live as long as you don't think criminal behavior should spread to others. Personal comments: I've read in the Bible that the soul does not enter the body until the birth process. I think Luke 4 helps us understand there should be a place for people to rest. The truth I can see is that many people are fighting for that rest. We call it freedom. Right freedom fights all the evil that rests in the human form at times. We have science that is trying to find ways to stop terrorists without harming the terrorist. We have people who fed the whole country if they needed food during pandemic. The USA gave the citizens money to pay their bills during pandemic. Don't knock on our door with handcuffs for the innocent. The USA society is a complicated one. It takes dedicated people who understand a society that needs some freedom of belief, without trading on each other's spirituality. People to make the rules needed to live free from violence and mayhem. To find the God that Jesus presented and through the apostles to the whole world. How do we do it? Vote, research candidates, and pray for the right people in society to answer the call. Reference: www.britannica.com www.wikipedia.com www.Thefederalist.com All word count on WDC:696 |
Andre the Blog Monkey's Banana Bar / Week 4 ![]() ![]() Category 2 Prompt: What do you think of using blog prompts to get entries for creating a psychological profile of the blogger? This is a definition I found on Microsoft Edge with Bing: "A psychological profile is a tool that can help crime investigators by telling them the kind of perpetrator they are seeking. The development of psychological profiling began in the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Behavioral Science Unit during the 1960s in an attempt to understand violent criminal behavior." Exactly what kind of violent criminal behavior have the bloggers committed? Research turned up this new word, psychographic. It is the study of personality, values, interests and lifestyles, focusing on interests, activities and opinions. In one descriptive word it equals people mapping. Are we writing a new mystery story? I don't watch Criminal Minds, too scary. I just found a new TV show I did not know about called Mindhunter. I bet that's an interesting show. We don't have cable, only antenna free TV. If this is a serious question, I guess it would be a good idea if it was about an investigative agency that was trying to find out about the habits and personality of a suspect. I also think they would have to have a very good reason for their suspicions about the blogger. Maybe they would have to have systematic evidence that the blogger was involved in criminal activities. Is this similar to the way countries like the USA, UK, France, Canada, Russia, etc. keep track of the ordinary habits of ordinary citizens for no apparent reason? As for using blog prompts to gain information how would that work? I've read some pretty wild blogs. If you are like me, you don't believe everything you read. I don't even believe everything, I think. Isn't it the Bible that says actions are stronger than words. I don't always believe the weather forecast until I get confirmation. So, prompts to gain information may or may not alert the perpetrator or cause a riot by not getting truthful answers. Even truth can take a beating for not being accurate. Guess the profiler better be really smart. I never met up with this particular subject before. It isn't just about psychological profiling. It consists of a lot of other words and their definitions. Other words like Behavior Analyst, Applied Behavior Analysis, Persuasion profiling, and geographic profiling. These are all part of profiling for different types of reasons. Dipping into other people's minds is something the USA will be making laws against sooner or later. Maybe they already have? As a journalist I should not attempt in one article to explain or get into Indepth reporting about such a large subject. And, as far as ABA I don't believe in Human or Animal experimentation, so the profiler better have a very good reason for attempting to get into someone else's mind without their permission. all word count on WDC: 493 |
Andre the Blog Monkey's Banana Bar / Week 4 ![]() ![]() Category 1 prompt: What is more important to teach children and teenagers and why: life skills such as healthy lifestyle and finance, or history/civics/politics and sciences/maths? Who should determine what they get taught (teachers, school system, government, parents. etc.)? All of these subjects matter. Parents should take steps to begin teaching children life skills at an early age. If parents don't do this or can't do this, than whatever child care is envolved should be doing it. Healthy lifestyles, life skills, and finance are a basic in life. I read that the first 30 years of any new century are critical involving new technological and lifestyle changes. Reading has made a lot of difference in my life. When I was not taught life skills, I learned them reading books. Even though my mom died I could already read at the age of 5. I knew things from observing people. What are children learning when they observe people and situations in lifestyles? History is one of the most important things to learn. It encompasses the way people over the years have acted in different situations. Historical happenings repeat over and over. Even church history should be taught in Sunday school and sermons. Math should be taught as part of finance. A college Algebra teacher told me in a class, that Math should be one of the easiest things to learn because numbers never change. I was interested to find that math needs a math dictionary to go along with all the rules as you study. It isn't really that difficult a subject so, why is it considered difficult? Politics and Science both need to be taught. If people really want to have free choices in their government political knowledge is part of history. What will people do to control masses of people? Do you want life choices or to be controlled by someone who values put a crown on his head? Why do so many people think that the earth is not going through some basic weather changes? Because a certain age of people did not get to study environment in science in High School. I'm told that isn't true now. Children in some High Schools are getting a good dose of environmental studies. I'm for introducing geobiology, geography and biology to all students. Who should determine curriculum? How would I know? The ones who are concerned that it would be done properly, I guess. I'm giving my opinions from the view of someone who fought to get an education. People without a higher education cannot fight back or they fight an undervalued response to inadequate political overrule. We need leaders who value the people not the political system. And I mean value every single person no matter the standing within the community. We need to understand the situations presented to people within their lifestyles. Read, read, read, the answers to many questions have already been written by authors, who want to inform. All words counted on WDC:501 |